General Flashcards
Windshield Bleed
HIGH if RAT is -18c or below
LOW if RAT is above -18c
Speed brakes
Must be retracted prior to 50 ft for landing
Take off with thrush attenuators In stow
NOT permitted if balanced field is 4,500 ft or greater, OR if 0 degrees flap takeoff is required
No flight above FL240 is allowed until the cabin is heated to a temperature of?
0 degrees Celsius
Satisfactory stall warning systems, flaps, and flight controls checks must be accomplished prior to what?
What is prohibited during touch and go landings
Ground Flaps
Are ground flaps prohibited in flight?
When must Autopilot and yaw damper be off?
Takeoff and Landings
When must engine synchronizer be off?
Takeoffs and Landings
VOR Approach’s must be made in what mode?
APPR mode