general Flashcards
Procedures at a practice level to ensure abnormal test results are followed up
- Phonecall to patient by nursing / medical staff to ensure follow up appt is made for abnormal result
- Registered mail send to patient requesting them to make follow up appt to discuss results
- Flag abnormal results on computer system to be discussed at next appt
- Ensure appropriate documentation that abnormal result has been discussed with the patient
Medication to maintain alcohol abstinence
- Acamprosate
- Naltrexone
- Disulfiram
Symptoms of lithium toxicity
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tremor
- Ataxia
- Dysarthria
- Confusion
- Seizures
- Urethral sticture
- Prostate cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Constipation
- Interstitial cystitis
Mx options BPH
- Alpha adrenoreceptor antagonist - Tamsulosin
- 5alpha reductase inhibitor - Dutasteride
- Reduce caffeine consumption
- Reduce evening fluid intake
- Ensure bowels regular, increase fibre intake
- Pelvic floor exercises / bladder training
- Surgical mx
Examination of scrotal swelling
- Ability to transilluminate
- Position of scrotal swelling
- Consistency of scrotal mass
- Tethered or mobile swelling
- Prehn’s sign (relief with lifting scrotum)
- Fever
- Testicular / scrotal tenderness
- Cough impulse
- Cremasteric reflex
- Rashes or ulceration to scrotum / penis
Pharmacology options for smoking cessation
- Varenicline (avoid in end stage CKD)
- Bupropion (contraindicated in seizures)
- Nortryptiline
Major risk factors for osteoporosis
- hx minimal trauma fracture
- height loss > 3cm
- back pain suggestive of vertebral fracture
- female
- age > 70
- hx falls
- parental hx hip fracture
- premature menopause or hypogonadism
- prolonged use glucocorticoids ( 3months > 7.5mg/day)
- low body weight
- low muscle mass & strength
- low physical activity or prolonged immobility
Advantages of NOAC medication
- Fixed dosing regimen
- Lack of required monitoring
- Fast onset and offset of action
- Fewer drug and food interactions
Falls prevention in the elderly
- Exercise program incorporating balance - tai chi
- Home modifications
- Multidisciplinary assessment
- Prompt cataract operation, when needed
- Medication reviews
- Avoiding bifocal glasses, especially outdoors
- Correction of any existing postural hypotension
Osteoporosis prevention
- Exercise strength training and high-impact weight bearing exercise 3-5 / times per week 30 mins
- Calcium intake of 3-5 serves calcium rich foods / day 1300mg/day post menopausal or 1000mg/day pre
- Smoking cessation
Important things to consider in caring for elderly people with chronic disease
- Assess capacity, for example, with a mini mental state examination
- Enquire about enduring power of attorney
- Discuss advanced healthcare directive
- Try to arrange appointments with a trusted family member to explain important aspects of care
- Arrange for a health assessment (falls risk)
- Consider referral to ACAT (home services)
Potential causes for delirium in pt with CKD
- Anaemia secondary either to renal failure or from gastrointestinal (GI) blood loss
- Change in calcium levels
- Worsening renal function leading to uraemic encephalopathy
Presumptive therapy for bite injuries
- amoxicillin + clavulanate 875/125mg BD 3/7
Risk factors for erectile dysfunction
- smoking
- diabetes
- obesity
- hyperlipidaemia
- new beta blocker
- anxiety / depression
- hypogonadism
Clinical presentation of OSA
- excessive daytime sleepiness and tiredness
- nocturnal problems (loud snoring)
- morning headache
- subtle neuropsychiatric disturbance (loss of concentration)
- sexual dysfunction
- occupational and driving problems
Causes of excessive somnolence
- inadequate sleep duration
- sleep apnoea syndromes
- narcolepsy
- endocrine (hypothyroidism)
- drug induced
- purposeful sleep deprivation
- nocturnal myoclonus
- bereavement
- idiopathic
Medical causes of restless leg syndrome
- anaemia
- iron deficiency
- uraemia
- hypothyroidism
- pregnancy
- drugs (antihistamines, anti-emetics)
Pharmacological mx restless leg syndrome
- Clonazepam 0.5-1mg one hour before bed
- Levodopa / Carbidopa 100-200mg
More severe symptoms
- Pramipexole 0.125mg daily, increasing to 0.75mg
Typical features of chronic fatigue syndrome
- extreme exhaustion with minimal exertion
- headache or ‘fuzzy’ feeling in the head
- aching in muscles and legs
- poor concentration and memory
- hypersomnia
- waking feeling tired
- emotional lability / anxiety
- depressive type illness
- sore throat
- subjective feeling of fever (normal temp)
- swollen, tender lymph nodes
DDx burning feet
- diabetic neuropathy
- vitamin B12 deficiency
- arterial claudication
- erythromyalgia
- psychogenic
- chillblains / Raynaud’s phenomenon
- tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Morton’s neuroma
Mx chillblains (perniosis)
- potent topical steroid Diprosone 0.5% BD
- Nifedipine 20mg SR daily
- thick socks, enclosed footwear
- warm with warm water
- exercise indoors
- smoking cessation
Non-pharmacological mx of known osteoporotic crush fracture
- ensure adequate calcium intake 1300mg daily
- sunlight exposure for vitamin D 15 mins / day
- balance / resistance training
- falls prevention strategies
- smoking cessation
- reduce alcohol intake
Discussion points prior to prescribing Denosumab
- importance of adhering to 6 monthly regime
- needs to be continued indefinitely (risk of spontaneous fracture if withdrawn)
- serious adverse effects: osteonecrosis jaw
- can cause hypocalcaemia (needs to be replete Ca)
- adequate vitamin D prior to commencement
- renal function checked prior
- may still have a # whilst on tx, necessitate change in tx
DDx for genital ulcers
- syphilis (primary, painless)
- apthous ulcers
- chemical burns
- dermatitis
- autoimmune (Bechets)
- fixed drug reaction
- gram + skin infection
Tx options for genital warts
- imiquimod 5% cream 3 x / week until resolution
- podophylloton 0.5% paint twice daily for 3 days / week
- cryotherapy
- no tx required unless desired by pt