General 1 Flashcards
3 fundamental structures
contacts these are boundaries separating rock bodies. These include normal depositional contacts, unconformities, intrusions, faulting, shaving…
Primary Structures These are outcrop scale features that develop as a function of the rock body formation and reflect the local formational conditions. This includes stuff like bedding, granularity, and textures.
Secondary Structures These are our principle focus and is are the rock features that occur after deposition or lithification
Accomodation zones in normal fault systems
Generally within continental graben/half-graben systems, the hanging wall’s subsidence is filled with growth strata and become a spot for lakes and other sedimentary accumulation processes.
Anderson’s theory of faulting dictates what fault angles
This means that normal faults (where sigma 1 = radial) that the fault plane should dip at 60 degrees (90-30)
Thrust faults should dip at 30 (sigma 1 is lateral and sigma 3 radial so 30 degrees from horizontal)
Strike slip faults should have an inter-fault angle of 60 degrees (sigma 1 and sigma three parallel to surface and the acute block is in the direction of sigma 1)
Andersons Theory of Faulting
This says that Earth’s surface has no shear stress along it (there is no shear parallel to the spherical surface). Using Mohr’s circle (there is zero shear in the orientation of sigma 1 and sigma 3) this means that the two perpindicular direction parallel to Earth’s surface MUST be a principal stress directions.
That means that the other principal stress must be radial to earths surface because it is 90 degrees off.
Andersons theory of faulting
This says that rocks in the crust are generally in compression and that earths surface has no significant shear stress tangent to it.
There is one orientation of rocks that does not have shear. The principal angles. This means that rocks are generally in a state where the pinciple stresses are radial to the surface and orthogonal to that.
Then given that faults generally form at 30 degrees from sigma one we can derive the orientation of most faults.
This is when the youngest beds are on the outermost hinge.
This is commonly where the youngest layer makes an upside down u shape. It is convex
This is when there is a convex up syncline (upside down U shape but youngest on innermost hinge) It also refers to igneous or meta where age is indeterminate but the shape is convex up
These are irregular sills/injections from a dyke into the surround country rock
Assign S1 and S3 and stress
The marker beds show that s3 is horizontal (the middle moved up based on fold dragging) s1 is 90o off from s3 hence these results. The drag folding also indicates that the s3 direction is the direction of maximum stress and that the minimum stress is where there is greatest stretch.
assign stretch and stress
There is normal faulting that is occurring indicating thinning. This means there will be negative dilation vertically (S3) and the greatest positive dilation laterally (S1). Sigma 1 will be perpindicular to the most negative dilation (compression)
Assign stretch and stress
This is left lateral shearing where you can break down the shear into compressional and extensional components. the long axis corresponds to the elongated part of the fold and the compressional component is relating to the thinning in the limbs.
This is the mechanically different plastic part of earth. At the upper levels it acts like a fluid so it deforms infinitely with shear. This is also where earthquakes end.
Asthenosphere-lithosphere boundary depths
~75 km under the ocean, ~225 km under the continent, and the deepest at 700 km
Asymmetry in rifted cont. margins.
This occurs most commonly near transition faults along the MOR where the change in slip rates causes a “pileup” of material. It also occurs in rift zones where one side becomes hyper-extended.
This is the orientation of the fold (N, S, E, W)
Attrition + crush breccias
These are breccias with clasts that have been ground and rolled due to friction
Crush breccias are intensely fractured but not displaced. They are crushed in high pressure environments.
Axial surface
This is the surface that passes through the hinge lines through layers of the fold.
It is used to document fold orientation.
Basal Conglomerate
This refers to the lowest part of the younger layer of an uncomformity often being a conglomerate with clasts from the older layers below.
Bedding symbols
regular bedding = perpindicular sign
vertical bedding = strike like with oblique cross line
Overturned bedding = an s with the dip
Horizontal bedding= circle with a +
Beta Diagram
This is a diagram used for determining the hinge line of a fold by plotting two great circles representing the two limbs of the fold. The intersection of these great circles is a point, (beta) where the hinge line is.
This is the flattening and stretching of strong layers that separate and are filled with weaker, ductile layers. They are indicators of shear based on how they “tail” If they are symmetric then it is pure shear, if they are assymetric use drags to indicate the sense of shear.
This is folding due to end loading.
Bulk Modulus
K = Δσ/ΔV where sigma is the hydrostatic stress and the bulk modulus is a measure of compressibility.
Byerlees law
This is for joints and it says that sigma = sigma n*tan(phi)
The only difference between this and Coulomb failure is that there is no cohesion, so it is only friction that causes any type of resistance to stress. The amount of friction along a fault is given by phi. The larger the angle of phi the rougher the surface (remember tilted table test).
If a sample is in a stress state beyond that of the line it will fail along the pre-existing fracture. If a sample has a fault plane that is not within the part of mohrs circle that extends past byerlees law then it will not fail.
cataclasite breccias
These are breccias that are cohesive and strongly indurated because they tend to form at higher pressures with reactive clasts that effectively produce a cement
Cataclasites .1mm < D < 10mm
Ultraclasite D
Cataclastic Breccia
These are breccias that form from the comminution of material due to frictional sliding and associated cataclasis. They generally have very unsorted, angular clasts within a fine ground matrix. It only occurs within brittle rocks and is usually incohesive.
Cause of NA orogenic collapse
In the late Creataceous and early Eocene there was active subduction of the Fallaron plate which created Andean style crustal thickening throughout the Western part of the US. It also is what emplaced many of our copper porphyries!
Chevron Folds
These are folds that are really angular and kinky. They are generally parallel folds with very discrete hinges
Chill zone
This is the fine grained material that forms near the wall of an intrusion. It is usually near contact metamorphosis, auriole, and skarns (reserved for LS)
This is a structure that forms in the lower part of the brittle regime (~10 km) common with passive folding and transposition. It is indicated by a staple symbol when mapping.
Geometry: They are closely spaced, planar, woody surfaces associated with folds, and may be oblique to bedding. Generally, it has a “domainal” nature where parts are deformed more than others, creating a very finite “banding” of platy minerals like mica.
Stress/Strain: max shortening perpendicular to sigma 1 and through pressure solution and recrystallization there is a decrease in wavelength and limb thickness
Most common is axial planar cleavage which is perpendicular to sigma 1 and parallel to axial planes.
These are closely spaced, regular fractures of distinctly weaker planes.
Coloumb failure criterion
This is a line given by sigma = Co + tan(30) sigma n
If any stress state is beyond the failure criterion then it fails.
Concentric/Parallel folds
These are folds that show an even thickness across the beds within the fold.
Conical/Plunging Folds
This describes folds that plunge into a flat plane. These are described by the centerline axis (defined as the vector at the tip of the cone) and the opical angle which is the angle between the inflection point and horizontal
Conical folds on a stereograph
These will have a great circle created from planes to poles of the bedding transverse to the hinge and the hinge will plot 90o off in the “center” of the poles.
Conjugate fault systems
These are parallel for thrust and normal faults (like wedges that squeeze the material) and are 60/30 for strike slip.
Core complex cross-sectional geometry
Metamorphic core complexes tend to be flanked on one side my a low angle detachement fault overlayed by high angle normal faults and interfaced with a mylonitic gneiss (think about this side of the Catalinas). At their center is a granite core related to decrompression melting. The other side is characterized by a listric breakaway fault and a basin with domino style faulting.
Across the whole complex there is the same sense of shear creating the mylonitic fabric
Crystal Fiber Veins
These are oriented growths of calcite and quartz which originate from saturated fluids causing joints to form. When the pressure of the fluid is relieved the crystals precipitate. The change in direction of the crystals indicates how the principle stresses changed over time aka the dilation history
The footwall and hanging wall cut-off are the points where the marker beds intersect the fault surface and terminate
Decollment zone
This is when there is detachment from lower layers and the formation of a cupsate. It is common in concentric folds.
This is the complete kinematic evolution of the rock body of interest.
It includes: traslation (rigid), rotation (rigid), strain: dilation/change in volume, and distortion
dip of a plane
This increases from out to in. Dip is greatest at the north south line
Dip of plane to pole
The dip of a plane as a pole on a stereonet is measured from 0 being the inside and 90 being the outside. Alternatively it is 90- angle from outside
Domino style faulting
This is similar to listric normal faulting but both the footwall and hanging wall rotate so that way the hanging wall dips towards the fault and the footwall rotates so bedding is near perpindicular to the fault surface.
Drag folds
These are folds that occur along the interface of a fault and appear to resemble frictional resistance to sliding along the fault. They are actually caused by the propagation of the fault surface from depth. For example, in a normal fault (which represents extension) before the shear plane physically divides strata in a normal fault, the hanging wall will be extended and the materials near the fault “collapse” deforming those on the surface upwards. You are basically removing the support below the layers causing slumpling.
Dynamic Analysis
This is the attempt to understand deformation as a function of stress, shear, strain, and rheology…
Effective stress
This is the confining pressure-fluid pressure. Fluid pressure has a very significant impact on the stress state of a rock at depth.
En Echelon Segment
This is where a fringe meets the exposed surface. It is usually at an angle to the main face.
En echelon tension gashes
These are opening that form in simple shear zones. They have s shapes and open in the direction of minimum stress.
Extension (e)
This is the ratio of the change in length to the original length.
e = (Lf - Lo)/Lo and can be expressed as a percent
Fault rocks as a function of depth
0-4 km of depth: Breccia/gouge which has angular clasts, can be incohesive, and comminuted material. Gouge is very fine breccia.
4-10 km: cohesive cataclasite (cement) which is angular clasts surrounding by hard muddy material. It is cohesive and usually fluid related. (can become breccia during exhumation)
10+: mylonites This is when quartz begins to ductily deform and you have extremely strained fabrics.
Fault Scarp
This is a stair-step like surface which coincides with fault zones where the total displacement is given by the summation of the step heights
Fault Surfaces
These are discrete (usually elliptical) surfaces where slip occurs due to faulting. The maximum displacement occurs at the center (r=0) and decreases outward reaching 0 at the tip line loop
Fault symbology
These are always with thick lines
Normal faults = line with a dot and dip
Thrust fault = line with teeth and dip
Strike slip = arrows
approximate location = dashes
concealed = vertical dashes
uncertain = dashes with question marks
Discrete fracture surfaces/zones where slip has occurred and is recorded. These are the result of compressional stress compensation and are formed from the preferred alignment of microcracks forming a shear fracture. These occur at phi of ~30o from the principal stress (sigma 1)
Faults on maps
If it is strike slip then it is double arrows
If it is not vertical then there is an arrow pointing in the dip direction with the dip.
If it is normal then sticks with dots are normal an on the hanging wall. If it is thrust then there are teeth on the HW.
Generally we map the fault trace which is the planar feature interfacing the topographic surface.
Finding a axial trace steoreograph
- plot poles to the bedding planes on both sides of fold
- Align the dots so they lie along a great circle. Draw the great circle.
- ) Count 90 along the horizontal and plot a point. This is beta
- The plunge of beta is found by rotating beta to north and counting from the inside out
- ) Align beta so that it aligns to the great circle representing the plunge. Draw
- Connect the outer edges of the plane.
This represents the plane of the axial surface and beta is the trend and plunge of the fold axis.
Finding strike and dip from two apparent dip/dipdirection
- plot the dip/dip direction as points
- rotate the stereonet so that the dots align to a great circle.
- This is the true plane
Finding true strike and dip from plunge, strike, and dip
To find the true strike and dip of a plane that intersects two surfaces first find the strike and dip of each of the faces. Then find the rake from the plane to the intersection of the bed of interest. Make sure to note the rake and direction.
Plot the surfaces as planes with lines at the rake. Align to be on a great circle and plot. This plane is your true plane.
Flexural folding and slip
This is the idea of folds where less competent layers assume the bulk of strain/deformation. This means that during folding there is shear along the boundaries of layers and that the more competent layers are more likely to maintain their original mid-point length.
Flexural slip is when weaker beds (shales, mudstones…) accommodate the slip of harder, less elastic rocks nearby This creates shear through folding. The individual displacements are small but rapidly accumulate.
Fluid Pressure ratio
Pf/Pr = ρf g hf/ρr g hr This represents the fluid pressure from a column divided by the lithostatic pressure
Fold description terms
Wavelength, width, height, interlimb angle, symmetry, and vergence is common
Fold orientation labels
Find the strike and dip of the axial surface and the trend/plunge of the hinge line.
Fold symmetry terms
If folds are assymetric terms like “top-to-east” or “top-to-right” to give a sense of shear. This would correlate to an east-vergent fold.
Fold Tightness
This is given by the interlimb angle which can be found via direct measurement or by taking strike/dip of the inflection points of the limbs. Plotting these as poles and align them to a great circle to find the angle between them.
Fold Trains
These describe regional periodicity in waveforms of folding.
These are when the rock behaves like a ductile material when compensating for stress/strain which results in curved, bent, or crumpled strata.
Folds: mapping and arrows
- map marker beds and define hinge zones
- connect the hinge zones and draw an axial trace
- define anticline vs syncline and use an arrow to show plunge direction.
Synclines will have arrows pointing inwards and dips pointing inwards (oldest beds at center)
anticlines will have dips and lines pointing outwards (oldest beds out)
Overturned beds will be in the same direction but use the original dip direction to ID.
This is penetrative planar fabric that forms because of mineral recrystallization and plastic deformation at temperatures exceeding 300 celsius
Any penetrative planar elements
Within metamorphic rocks foliation is a f(plasticity) and a secondary structure
Within igneous rocks foliation is a f(primary structure)
It includes layering produced by ductile deformation
This is the bottom rock. It has the resting surface for the rock above.
This is something that changes the motion of a body via acceleration
F = ma in Newtons
Forced folds
These are folds that are related to faulting and the fault geometry
Fracture Spacing Ratio (FSR)
This is defined as the median spacing/bed thickness. Usually it increases with bed thickness
General shear
Any mix of pure and simple shearing. It is also in plane. This will result in a mixture of smooshing and translation.
Gneissic Structure
Penetrative plane layering with compositional banding, mineral laminae, and quartz eigens
Griffith Crack Theory
This is a form of kinematic analysis that says that cracks that are perpendicular to σ3 form joints to relieve tension. It also speculates that the largest microcrack perpendicular to tension will be the origin for a joint and other joints that are not orthogonal close when the joint forms.
Hanging Wall
This is the wall of a fault that lies on the top. The fault undercuts the rocks.
ALL map symbols go onto the hanging wall
Heave and throw
Heave is the horizontal component of the displacement along a fault. Throw is the vertical component.
Heterogeneous deformation
This is irregular and non-uniform deformation which is best broken into vectors of homogenous deformation.
Hinge line
This is the 1d vector that describes the trend and plunge of the hinge line.
It is also called the fold axis.
Homogeneous deformation
This is the systematic and uniform deformation of a body. In this form of deformation straight lines stay straight (although rotated and changed) and circles become ellipses.
Horst and Graben structures
These are characterized by high areas flanked by normal faulting on both sides. They are consistent with andersons theory of faulting (highs have normal lows have thrust) often underlined by a detachment fault defined as a low-angle normal fault most commonly found at depth. This fault determines if individual structures are synthetic (dip in the same direction) or antithetic (dip in the opposite direction)
How are stress trajectories oriented on a buckled layer/topography?
It is similar to a bending moment in a beam where at the uppermost crest sigma 1 is vertical (normal faulting) and at lower areas it is horizontal (thrust faulting)
How do columnar joint sets form?
Because the middle of the basalt is usually the hottest part, the joints start at both the top and the bottom to propagate and meet in the center
How do real rocks behave in response to stress?
Real rocks have an initial elastic deformation which is followed by strain hardening (an increase in E) or strain softening (a decrease in E)
How does cleavage form?
- The rotation of minerals (small contribution): grains orient perpendicular to sigma 1 so that their smallest width orientation creates maximum compaction
- Directional recrystallization. This is when things like mica recrystalize due to high pressures and form “sheets” or laths of crystals perpindicular to sigma 1.
- pressure solution (primary factor): Quartz dissolves, micas do not. In addition, pressure solution is going to be greatest in the direction perpinduicular to the greatest principle stress which means that grains will “elongate” perpindicular to that direction.
How does depth impact faulting/folding
Below 12 km mylonites form
from 12-10 km is the crystal plastic regime where breccias become quasi mylonites because T=250-350 C
Above 10 km is the frictional regime where rocks are rather brittle. This is the region that produces breccias
How does elasticity impact folding?
IF there is a large difference in elasticity between a stronger layer in a weaker host the folds will become ptygmatic whereas is there contrast is small then buckling occurs and it creates cupsate lobate folds/
How does fluid pressure influence failure
Fluid pressure lowers both principal stresses moving Mohr’s circle to the left without changing the differential stress. This occurs until it intersects tensile failure or coloumb failure.
How does rock strength change in each rheologic regime
In the brittle regime strength is depth dependent. In the ductile regime strength decreases exponentially with temperature and then in the viscous regime it is strain rate dependent.
How does strength change with increasing strain rate, temperature, and depth?
With strain rate strength increases
With temperature strength decreases
With depth strength increases
How does strength vary with depth and lithology?
Rocks that are weak on the surface (mafic rocks) are strong at depth and rocks that are strong in the brittle regime (quartzite) are weak at depth.
The rheology of quartzite controls rock deformation.
How does strength vary with temperature?
As temperature increases strain rate increases exponentially and strength decreases exponentially.
How to find strike on a topo map
Connect the topo lines of equal elevation where the upper/lower bound of the structure intersects said topo line.
This is because strike is defined as the direction where elevation does not change.
How to plot a plane
1 mark the strike on the circumference of the plot and rotate it to north
2 count from the center out to the dip circle and draw
How to plot planes to poles
- plot the great circle representing the plane
- rotate the great circle to N-S and count 90 degrees along the horizontal line
- plot the pole
How to plot rake on a plane
- ) using strike and dip of the plane find the great circle (rotate CC to strike and count out from center to dip
- ) With the great circle oriented N-S count along the circle to the rake angle. Plot a dot.
- ) Find apparent dip by rotating the plot until the dot is on the N-S line and count in.
- ) find trend by returning the great circle to N-S and drawing a line from the center of the plot to the radius. Where this intersects the circumference of the circle is the trend.
Identify: The rock, fabric, SC surfaces, and sense of shear
The C-surfaces are the linear planes where the mica exists, S surfaces are elongation surfaces that are 45 degrees off. The sense of shear is top to the right as noted by how the S surfaces merge into the C surfaces by curving right.
Implosion Breccias
These are effectively rock bursts that form from holes in the fault. They are usually cemented by hydrothermal cements and clays.
Incohesive Breccia series
This only refers to brittle fault rocks with angular clasts in a fine matrix and represents positive dilation.
megabreccias D> .5m
breccias 1mm
gouge D
Inflection Points
These are where the second derivative of the line that describes the strike of the fold switches sign. It is where convexity switches sign.
Into and out of the page symbols
A circle with an x is into the page and a circle with a dot is coming out of the page. It is like an arrow from a bow.
Intrusive contacts
This is the contact of igneous rock and country rock
Joint Intersection Types
Joint intersections help to indicate the pathway of formation.
Y-interceptions are characteristic of thermal shrinking and the development of hexagonal columns
T-intersections are common in unloading and result in orthogonal joint sets where the terminating joint is young than the throughgoing
X-intersections occur when joints meet at acute angles but both are continuous
Joint Ribs
These are concentric bands around the origin that represent where the joint was arrested during propogation (slowed or ceased) They form slight lumps or decreased relief of the plumes intersecting them.
Joint Saturation
This is the concept that there is some maximum joints/volume of joints that will not be exceeded by the rock. Stress transition model states that when the joint saturation is exceeded the positive dilation switches the tensile stress to compressive. Stress-transfer model says that if undersaturated the next joint will form at the midpoint of the prior two
Joint significance (4 econ and geomorph)
The economic value of joints is that they are conduits for hot fluids to precipitate metals and other valuable things. This also makes them good for geothermal and hydrocarbon storage. Joints also enable quarrying.
Joints are also potent weathering agents and can become enlarged or contracted via deformation. They also act as conduits for groundwater and potential contamination
joint surfaces
These are rounded fans that form from a localized stress perturbation. They record the propagation of the joint fracture.
Joint System
This describes the presence of 2+joint sets in a rock body
These are smooth, planar features that cut through rock bodies and layers with ~0 displacement across the joint. These occur perpendicular to tension and are brittle failure. They tend to be continuous and through-going and occur at intervals of cm-km. In 3d they are elliptical and follow the path of maximum tension but are in a plane perpendicular to the primary tensile stress.
They primarily occur in the uppermost few kilometers of the crust where tension can occur and occur in sets which are families of parallel, evenly spaced joints
During the fracturing of the rock the propagation path minimizes shear at the joint tip and maximizes tensile stress.
Joints vs. Shear fractures
Formationally joints are only from tension whereas shear fractures are from shearing.
Shear fractures intersect at 60o joints do not
Shear fractures will have slickenlines
Joints: Dynamic analysis
This is the idea that joints form due to tensile stresses which are most commonly from cooling or unloading.
Kinematic Analysis
This is understanding the motion of materials during displacement not only their positions at t=0 and t>0 but s(t). Thus, interpreting structures as a function of x,y,z,t with the goal to identify the displacement rate and path
Kinematics of joint formation
The origin of the joint is always the nucleas for the plumose structure and the main face is perpendicular to the tensile stress. They are formed in some form of mode I jointing.
Kink folding
This is similar to buckling where there is one spot that shows a kink. There are z-folds (dextral) and s-folds (sinistral). They are defined by high anisotropic stress states post buckling in layers that have large amounts of cohesion.
They can result of bending moments, dilation, in-kink rotation (torque), or shear.