Gene knockouts, TMDH, Reporter gene fusions. Flashcards
What can HR be used for?
To create specific gene replacements/ knockouts in bacteria. You can also add tags or change codons.
What is taken advantage of in HR?
Bacteriophage recombination systems.
What bacteriophage recombination system is the most commonly used for HR?
What resolves the holiday structure in HR?
What completes a single cross over?
Ligation of broken ends.
What forms if the donor and recipient are both circular in HR?
What forms a a filament with single-stranded DNA generated by the action of RecBCD in HR?
Once RecA forms a filament with single stranded DNA in Hr what happens?
A DNA duplex binds the RecA-DNA complex.
When does strand exchange occur in HR?
Once homology is found and a triplex has formed.
In HR RecBCD allows RecA to form a filament with ss DNA. RecBCD first enters the end of the DNA and unwinds it. It the nicks the DNA once it has reached a certain site. What is this site?
Chi site of 8bp.
Once RecA has entered the DNA and reached the Chi site it nicks the DNA. What happens then?
It continuous to unwind the DNA.
Once RecBCD nicks the DNA the RecA filament assembles on the ssDNA and scans for homology. What does it then catalyse?
Strand invasion and D-loop formation (single strand crossover.)
What assembles at the crossover point formed by RecA in HR?
What does RuvAB do in HR?
Branch migration.
What is the last step in HR?
Endonuclease cleaves one end of the D-loop. Displaced ends are ligated to opposite ends.
What resolves the the holiday structure in HR?
Once RuvC cleaves the holiday junction in HR what happens to complete the single strand cross over?
Ligation of the broken ends.
What happens in HR when the recipient and the donor is circular?
A cointegrate forms.
If the donor is linear and the recipient is circular what is needed in HR to maintain viability (circularity) of the recipient?
A second crossover.
What does bacteriophage Lred promote?
What three genes are encoded for by Lred?
Exo, beta, gam.
L red encodes the gene Exo. What is its purpose?
5’-3’ exonuclease that degrades 5’ end of linear DNA.
L red encodes the gene Beta. What is its purpose?
Binds to the single stranded 3’ ends generated by Exo and promotes annealing to complementary DNA.
L red encodes the gene Gam. What is its purpose?
Gam binds to the host RecBCD complex and inhibits exonuclease activity.