Gender + Soc Flashcards
biblical teaching on gender roles, point 1
- There appears to be a clear suggestion in the Bible that a family is that of man, woman and children, with the man as head of the family.
- Paul’s letters put forward as Christian doctrine that there are specific gender roles and even hierarchies: Ephesians 5 “wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord” implies men occupy a position of greater importance than women, 1 Corinthians “woman is the reflection of man” - man is made in direct image of God, with woman being a lesser or secondary image, thus justifying female subordination Traditional biblical view is that there is a natural order to creation/ gender roles, secular views undermine this
reuther hermeneutical reading of bible criticism, point 1
• Many feminist theologians, such a Rosemary Radford Ruether, have argued the true message of the Bible has been concealed by “layers of varnish” through male authorship – we must re analyse the Bible in light of new discoveries about family i.e. women going to work, gay marriage, to uncover its fundamental message: that of equality Galatians 3 “there is no longer male and female; for all of you are on in Jesus Christ”
mulierius dignitatum defence against reuther, 1
• Yet still, even if one is able to discover egalitarian/ liberal perspectives on gender, the Church choses to ignore them today, pushing a “natural” God given idea of the family – Mulleris Dignitatem, an apostolic letter written by Pope John Paul II that sets out the Catholic doctrine on women’s relation to men as “equal but different”, focusing on the roles of women as mothers, teachers and daughters
ann oakley conclusive criticism, 1
- Ann Oakley – concept of biological motherhood is a myth and a way of patriarchal control naturalistic fallacy: simply because women can biologically reproduce does not mean it is necessarily good
- Many have criticised Church documents such as MD for enforcing backward ideas regarding gender/ family – women are no longer seen as “helpers” and often men choose to stay at home with the children whilst mothers go out to work traditional Biblical ideas have lost their significance in today’s liberal society, and perhaps rightly so
simone de beauvoir, point 2
- Simone De Beauvoir ‘The Second Sex’ Women have tacitly accepted “the eternal feminine”: false view that there are essential female characteristics and define a purpose and roles of women in society women are trapped in a “false consciousness”, an illusory and captive view of motherhood and family which has left a woman “riveted to her body” and allowed her to be dominated
- Women do not have an innate instinct towards being mothers, and only has value if it is a choice made by the woman herself – Christian ideas on gender roles are damaging, secular ideas free women of false consciousness
mary o’brien criticism of beauvoir, naturalist, 2
- Essential human differences between men and women, biological and innate different paths of fulfilment; identify motherhood and reproduction as processes unique to women, which is undermined by secularism
- Mary O’Brien criticises De Beauvoir’s theories on motherhood, arguing they fail to account for the value of children towards women themselves and how they can be empowering, essential and fulfilling
firestone defence against o’brien, 2
• Shulamith Firestone – the idea of the nuclear family is not a natural phenomenon but a cultural construct developed through patriarchal needs raising children communally would liberate women and remove expectations attached to being male or female enforced by the Church
mclanahan conclusive criticism against firestone, 2
• Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur – indicate children do less well and couples are less happy in blended families (divorce/remarried etc.), single parent and single sex families secular ideas have negative impacts
reuther, point 3
• Ruether identifies the Jewish wisdom tradition the title of “Sophia”, which she argues was used as a metaphor for the Logos before the maleness of Jesus brought forward the preference for male terms to describe the Trinity highlights how the trinity if fundamentally a relational and gender-inclusive spiritual experience which has been misinterpreted by the patriarchy.
hampson criticism of reuther, 3
• (Hampson) “Women will always be disadvantaged in this situation, for that history to which Christians refer is the history of a patriarchal age” – arguably asking too much of Xnity to move away from its traditional, dogmatic ideas of family/ gender
cultural evolution defence of reuther against hampson, 3
• Xn message is one of love – Ruether argues we must look to develop Xn ideas of gender (and also family) in light of new realisations
catholic feminists argument
- However, in holding this mindset there is an underlying patriarchal bias which can guilt all women into thinking that if she takes on work outside of the family, she will be a bad mother/wife
- Catholic feminists – we cannot define women entirely in terms of motherhood, and it should be an option not a burden – a more liberating angle would be to give them the option instead of forcing this passive way of life
motherhood argument
• Yet radical feminists can become so immersed in wanting gender equality that they overlook the essence of parenthood – motherhood, as well as fatherhood, can be a highly rewarding role which can empower a woman by filling her with pride and love…
individual argument
- Motherhood has no ontological significance – there is no imperative that parenthood is something adults should aspire to do
- This is the view of liberal protestants – they acknowledge that not all adults make good parents, however some may find the idea of being a mother liberating
- But if not, you shouldn’t feel restricted into having to be one
- More inclined to share Beauvoir’s view that the Church’s motherhood ideal is sometimes a source of false-consciousness
pope pius argument
- But Mary is arguably the perfect version of what a woman should be – symbol of motherhood stereotyped, many secularists are too quick to dismiss the moral and spiritual benefits from being a mother
- Pope Pius argues a woman’s vocation comes from being a mother – it cannot be something that is a choice
daly free choice argument
- Many would argue that Mary as a symbol of motherhood is utterly toxic – Daly would say she was a ‘total rape victim’, as she was forcible impregnated by God paints the image that motherhood is therefore something that is involuntarily placed upon women, and that they have no option otherwise
- This shouldn’t be the case – it should be a fact of whether women wish to be mothers, in which motherhood is then something liberating and if not, it is clearly restrictive, much like any forced occupation