Evidence of patriarchy in India
- Literacy rate (54% F, 76% M), higher education
- Indian woman works more on average, not paid, not valued
- Equal Remuneration Act 1976, paid less for same labour
- Decline in sex ratio, abortion
- Harassment, exploitation, violence
Women and representation in govt
Low proportion
1/3 in panchayats and municipalities
>10 lakh elected women in local govts
bill for lok sabha and state assemblies
How are religious differences expressed in politics
- Gandhi: never separated, moral values, pol guided by ethics from religion
- HR groups, victims of communal riots, religious minorities, demand special steps to protect
- family laws of religions discriminate against women, govt should change
- values can play a role
- people from rel comm express needs interests demands
- regulate religion to prevent opp and discr
communal politics
- One religion > another
- demands of one group formed in opposition to another
- state power is used to establish domination of one
based, principle basis of social community is religion hence cannot live as equal citizens
how is communalism expressed
- Beliefs: stereotypes, prejudice, superiority
- Pol mobilisation on religious lines, use of religion (sacred symbols, leaders, emotion, fear) to bring followers into a pol arena
- Communal violence, riots, massacre. Partition
Secularism in India
- No official religion
- Freedom to profess practice and propagate any religion or none
- Prohibits discr based on religion
- Bans untouchability
Factors that reduced caste inequalities
Literacy and education
Occupational mobility
Eco dev
Weakening position of landlords
Caste not vanished from contemporary India
Marry within caste or tribe
Caste and economic status, access to education
Caste in politics
- Parties keep in mind caste composition of electorate and choose candidates
- Favour castes, appeal to caste
- Compelled pol leaders to gear up mobilising and securing pol support
Caste in politics, opp
- No constituency has a majority of a caste, hence candidate needs to win confidence of more than one
- No party gets votes from a whole caste, large proportion only
- more than one option from caste, or none
- MP and MLA lose, meaning castes not frozen in pol prefs
POL influences caste
- caste group tries to become bigger, incorporating sub castes or neighbouring
- eneter into coaltion, dialogue and negotiation
- new caste groups have come up , forward backward
POL influences caste
- caste group tries to become bigger, incorporating sub castes or neighbouring
- eneter into coaltion, dialogue and negotiation
- new caste groups have come up , forward backward