Gender Inequalities Flashcards
Millett (1970)
Radical feminist
Millett argues that men originally acquired power over woman because of biological factors ( e.g pregnancy )
Millett argues that the use of contraception and modern technology has meant that men can no longer legitimate their power
Radical feminist explanations of gender inequalities
- Society is run and dominated by men and the interests of men
- see the family as central to the oppression of women
- patriarchy and capitalism is the main source of oppression for women
- argue that there is also a biological element to women’s oppression since its women who have to carry and give birth and feed a child ( this has contributed to their role in society
Johnson’s (1995)
Radical feminist
Rad fem believe that all men are prepared to defend their power at all costs and will use violence against all women to control them and maintain their domination
• concept of patriarchal terrorism , can be used to explain the violence that is the result of patriarchal traditions of men’s rights to control their women
Delphy and Leonard (1992)
Both sociologist propose the view that the family is an instituon that plays a major part in the oppression of women
- see the family as a economic system which only benefits men and exploits the work of women
- head of the household and their dependents
- male head of the household makes decisions
- unpair work wives also carry out sexual and reproductive work
- dependents are paid in clothing etc from head of the house (men)
Marxist feminism explanations of gender inequalities
- Argue that the family is a patriarchal institution
- women’s positions in the family as wives and mothers results in them being exploited
- Marxist feminists argue that women play central role in the family through their domestic labour and reproduction
- believe that gender inequalities in society are maintained because women are encouraged to accept male dominance and inequalities within the nuclear family
- women socialise their children into Norms and values that benefit capitalism e.g boys brainwashed into becoming bread winners and girls into mothers
When did freely do their research?
When did johnson do their research?
When did Delphy and Leonard do their research?
What feminist is johnson (1995) ?
Why feminist is Freely (1972)
What did Freely argue / put forward?
- argues that the family teaches children to submit to a form of parental authority that is patriarchal
- she believes that the family is designed to teach positivity not rebellion
Why do women rely on their husbands wage?
Their domestic work is unpaid , which arguably benefits capitalism
What do Marxist feminists Della cost and James (1972) argue?
They argue that is women were paid for the work they do in the family there would be a massive redistribution of wealth that would greatly reduce the wealth of the capitalist class
Liberal feminist explanations of gender inequalities
- believe that gender inequalities are mainly a result of gender role socialisation and unfair laws
- they focus on obtaining equal opportunities for females and males ( education , politics , workplaces and family )
- believe that equality can be achieved by legal and wider cultural reforms ( most lib fems would agree that progress has already been made )?
What does liberal feminist Oakley(1974) argue?
•She argues that gender socialisation in the family is an important area where gender inequalities take root from a young age
(Manipulation, canalisation , domestic activity and verbal appellations )