gender equality Flashcards
causes of gender prejudice
roles over time change
-divorce reform act 1969
-people living longer
-sex discrimination act 1975-women had equal right to jobs
-social perception of mens jobs has disappeared due to legal action
-paid paternity leave
-equal pay act 1970
-availability of contraception-women given control
-WW1, WW2 women did male jobs
christian views for gender equality
-‘neither male nor female, all equal in God’s image’ - galatians
-god made both adam and eve in his image
-‘love thy neighbour’ -leviticus, shows discrimination is wrong
-jesus treated women with respect
christian views against gender equality
-god made adam first-eve was a helper
-male disciples
-st paul argues women should be silent in church: ‘women should be silent in church’ 1 corinthians
-he will rule over you - genesis
muslim views for
-belive god created everyone equal
-‘We created you all from a
single man and a single woman’-men and women were created from a single soul
-same religious and moral responsibilities
-anyone who does a good deed for god’s sake will be rewarded
-mothers are high value-bring up children, power and respect in household
muslim views against
-traditional gender roles shown in islam
-role of women is to create a halal home and bring up children