Gender endings in the prepositional case Flashcards
Prepositional form of Я
prepositional form of Ты
prepositional form of Он(о)
prepositional form of Она
prepositional form of Мы
prepositional form of Вы
Prepositional form of Они
What ending do most masculine nouns take in the prepositional case
фотограф на работе
апельсин в коробке
What is the word for ‘bank’ (as in river) that takes the irregular ending -у
берег (берегу)
What Russian river takes the irregular ending -у
дон (Ростов на Дону)
What is the word for ‘ice’ that takes the irregular y ending
лёд (льду)
What is the word for ‘forest’ that has an irregular -y ending
лес (лесу)
what is the word for ‘bridge’ that has an irregular -y ending
(мы были на мосту - we were at the bridge)
what is the word for ‘floor’ that has an irregular -y ending
пол (на полу)
what is the word for ‘port’ that has an irregular -y ending
(он работает в порту - he works at the port)
What is the word for ‘row’ (like third row) that has an irregular -y ending
(в прятом ряду - in the fifth row)
what is the word for ‘garden’ that takes an irregular -y ending
(в саду)
what is the word for ‘cupboard’ that takes an irregular -y ending
(пальто в шкафу - the coat is in the cupboard)
What preposition makes masculine nouns taking -y regular in the prepositional case?
O - the irregular nouns only take -y with на and в
What is the prepositional ending for feminine nouns ending in -a and -я
What is the prepositional ending for feminine nouns ending with -ия and -ь
what is the prepositional ending for neuter nouns ending in -o and -e
what is the prepositional ending for neuter nouns ending in -ие
what is the prepositional form of кто
what is the prepositional form of что
What are the main uses of the prepositional case
1) to talk about location
2) to talk about the topic (it is about…)
3) to talk about processes or events (being at work, at a concert etc.)
What are the endings for Masculine hard-stem adjectives?
Новый > в Новом
Старый > в Старом
What are the endings for Masculine soft-stem adjectives?
синий > в синем
прежний (former) > в прежнем
what are the endings for Feminine hard-stem adjectives
новая > новой
старая > старой
what are the endings for Feminine soft-stem adjectives
синяя > синей
прежняя (former) > прежней
What are the endings for Neuter hard-stem adjectives
новое > новом
старое > старом
What are the endings for Neuter soft-stem adjectives
синее > синем
прежнее (former) > прежнем
What are the endings for Plural hard-stem adjectives
новые > новых
старые > старых
What are the endings for Plural soft-stem adjectives
синие > синих
прежние > прежних