what do official statistics show?
deviance and offending peaks for girls start earlier but decline earlier
what feminist focuses on social control?
what does Heidensohn say?
girls are more controlled by peers and family for where they go for and how long
women are also controlled by the idea that they belong in the ________ _____
domestic sphere
what can social control prevent?
girls from committing crime
what term is described for girls who risk more by committing crime?
double deviant
what does double deviance mean?
when a girl commits crime she is not only going against laws in society, but also femininity
who studied girls in female only and mixed gangs?
Klein sated…
female gang members commit equally as violent acts as their male counterparts
Pearce and Pitts found that…
there are 12,500 girls in gangs in the UK
who argues that girls use their social skills to carve their role in a gang?
Harding argues that…
girls use their social skills to carve their role in a gang
what do girls become in gangs?
they become fixers by hidings weapons and trading info between gangs
what do girls help in gangs?
help the gang survive on the street
girls in gangs have an important form of _____ _______
street capital
what keeps females in line in gangs?
violence and sexual violence
research shows that many girls in street gangs are…
victims of sexual exploitation