Gender , Crime And Justice Flashcards
What is meant by the chivalry thesis and how does it lead to lower crime rates for women ?
The chivalry thesis argues that most criminal justice agents such as police officers , magistrates and judges have been socialised in a chivalrous way towards women
The criminal justice system is thus more lenient with women and so their crimes are less likely to end up in the official statistics . This in turn gives an invalid picture that exaggerates the extent of gender differences in rates of offending
Do self report studies support the chivalry thesis ?
Self report studies - where individuals are asked about what crimes they have committed does suggest that female offenders are treated more leniently
Self report study conducted by Graham and Bowling which suggests that the chivalry thesis is real - women are treated more leniently ?
Graham and Bowling research on 1,721 14-25 year olds found that although males were more likely to offend , the difference was smaller than that recorded in the official statistics
Evidence from page et al self report study which showed the chivalry thesis in practice ?
Page Et al found that while only 1in 11 female self reported offenders had been cautioned or prosecuted , the figure for males was over 1 in 7 self reported offenders
How do official statistics support the chivalry thesis ?
-females are more likely than males to be released on bail rather than remanded in custody
-females are more likely than males to receive a fine or a community sentence and less likely to be sent to prison , women on average serve shorter prison sentences
-only 1 in 9 female offenders receive a prison sentence for shoplifting , but 1 in 5 male
Hood’s evidence for the chivalry thesis at work ?
Hood’s study of over 3,000 defendants found that women were about one third less likely to be jailed in similar cases
Farrington and Morris’ evidence against the chivalry thesis ?
Farrignton and Morris’ study of sentencing of 408 offences of thefts in a magistrates court found that women were not sentenced more leniently for comparable offences
Box evidence against the chivalry thesis ?
Box’s review of British and American self report studies concludes that women who commit serious offences are not treated more favourably than men
Buckle and Farrington evidence against the chivalry thesis ?
Buckle and Farrington’s observational study of shoplifting in a department store witnessed twice as many males shoplifting as females - despite the fact that the number of male and female offenders in the official statistics are more or less equal. This small scale study suggests that women offenders are more likely to be prosecuted compared to their male counterparts
How can self report studies be used as evidence against the chivalry thesis ?
Self report studies provide evidence that males commit more offences . For example , young men are more likely than females to report binge drinking , taking illegal drugs or engaging in deviant behaviour
How can under-reporting of male crimes against women be used as evidence against the chivalry thesis include Yearnshire ?
The chivalry thesis ignores the fact that many male crimes do not get reported . For example , in 2012 only 8% of females who had been victims of sexual assault reported it to the police
Yearnshire found that a women typically suffers 35 assaults before reporting domestic violence
Reasons supporting the chivalry thesis ?
-if women appear to be treated more leniently , it may simply be because their offences are less serious
-women offenders are also more likely to show remorse so helps explain why they are more likely to receive a caution instead of going to court
How does feminist Heidensohn argue the criminal justice system is biased against women ?
Heidensohn argues that courts treat females more harshly than males when they deviate from gender norms
Bias against women - example double standards include Sharpe’s findings ?
Double standards - courts punish girls but not boys for premature or promiscuous sexual activity
Sharpe found from her analysis of youth worker records that 7 out of 11 girls were referred to support because they were sexually active compared to none out of the 44 boys
What did Carlen discover about who receive custodial sentences and why women are jailed ?
Carlen argues that when women are jailed it is less for the seriousness of the crime and more to the courts assessment of them as wives , mothers and daughters .
Girls whose parents believed them to be beyond control are more likely to receive custodial sentences compared to girls who lived more conventional lives.
Carlen found that Scottish judges were more likely to jail women whose children were in care than women who they saw as good mothers
What are the 3 main explanations of gender differences in crime rate ?
-functionalist sex role theory
-control theory
-liberation thesis
Functionalist sex role theory - what does Parsons believe is the cause of differences in gender crime rates ?
Parsons traces differences in crime and deviance to gender roles in the conventional nuclear family. While men take on the instrumental breadwinner role , women perform the expressive role in the home where they take the main responsibility for socialising the children
While this gives girls access to an adult role model , it tends to mean that boys reject feminine models of behaviour that express tenderness , gentleness and emotion . Instead of, boys distance themselves from such models by engaging in compensatory compulsory masculinity through aggression and anti social behaviour and acts of delinquency
Functionalist sex role theory - what does Cohen believe is the impact on boys due to the lack of male role model ?
Cohen argues that the lack of male role model means boys are more likely to turn to all male street gangs as a source of masculine identity , in these subcultures status is earned by acts of toughness , risk taking and delinquency
Functionalist sex role theory - what do new right believe the absence of male role models in lone parent families leads to and why ?
New right theorists argue that the absence of a male role model in matrifocal lone parent families leads to boys Turing to criminal street gangs as a source of status and identity
Functionalist sex role theory - how does Walklate criticise the sex role theory ?
Walklate criticises the sex role theory for its biological assumptions , parsons assumes that because women have the biological capacity to bear children they are best suited to the expressive role
What are the 2 feminist approaches that help to explain female crime rates ?
-control theory
-the liberation thesis