Gender and multiculturalism Flashcards
Difference between assimilation and integration
integration: different cultures are accommodated within
society, without losing their defining characteristics or sense of cultural identity.
Links to multiculturalism which is the idea of a variety of cultures existing in harmony in one single society
assimilation: assimilation is likely to be seen as an attempt
to break down cultural identity and encourage those living and settling in the UK to conform to a set of cultural norms. Thus suggesting that to be worthy of living in the UK you must conform to our ideals.
Context: concept of “Britishness” the wish to tackle areas are dominated by a single culture.Attempts to tackle gettoisation
-BNP UKIP sucesses
-assimiliation has not happened-hence why they’re annoyed
-integration with the many cultures living alongside-the Chinese community living alongside others however not fully as each can isolate themselves-why this is also a result of the economic
what is assimilation
assimilation is likely to be seen as an attempt
to break down cultural identity and encourage those living and settling in the UK to conform to a set of cultural norms. Thus suggesting that to be worthy of living in the UK you must conform to our ideals.
Context: concept of “Britishness” the wish to tackle areas are dominated by a single culture.Attempts to tackle gettoisation
explain the term political correctness
Literally, the term ‘political correctness’ refers to the use of language designed not to cause offence on the grounds of race or gender, or in a range of other contexts (eg disability, age, religious affiliation or sexual orientation)
“political correctness gone mad” however this idea only appears to have been supported by the oppressors who do not see that what happened in the past still have an impact
some argue a limit on freedom of speech
Affirmative action programmes represent the most effective way of addressing racial
affirmative action programmes:also known as positive discrimination- race qutoas- in the long term doesn’t tackle the problem because it doesn’t address why there are such level of inequality in society.
however to do so would shake government
doesn’t necessarily break down stereotypes rather can perpetuate them
doesn’t deal with institutionalism racism
‘Feminism has no relevance in 21st century politics.’
-fem isn’t a single homogeneous movement-rather most feminists are 1st their political belief then 2nd a feminist.
however due to the continued presence of the feminist movement for all sides of the spectrum it is clear feminism is still necessary
choice fem/lib fem: change within the constructs of society
rad fem: break society
racial fem: the belief that racism and sexism are both intergraine into society generally through
everyday bits that conform to none such as “everyday sexism”
becoming a younger movement
government is even pretended to recognise parts
peta: fur trim unattractive
sex sells
what is institutional racism?
racism: power combined with prejudice (in this case prejudice about race) thus in western society racism is a one way street because white/Caucasian have the power therefore when it is combined with prejudice it is racism. Rather than with a black person it is prejudice.
thus institutionalised racism is when that power and prejudice are backed up by the system- in practise police random spot checking black kids
Stephen Lawrence beleived he must have been a bad kid
once something becomes institutionalised it becomes so ingrained that it often is not even recognised as racism
rather considered “just a fact that black kids do more drugs”
furthermore it holds race accountable were factors such as soci economic climate are the actual cause.
fem doesn’t conform to simple left wing right wing
lib fem/choice fem working in the system
rad:sex before anything else
soc fem: class and sex
back fem: race and sex
gender binary
fem is part of a wider belief system
doesn’t cover areas beyond the direct concern because it is only a small part o their wider belief system
thus the lib fems fem can be explained and understood in terms of her wider lib belief system
problems: white westernised women being all like yay we’re so good we’re femen
origins of multiculturalism
-a WESTERN idea that grew in WESTERN society after the 1960s and grew rom increasing levels of immigration into western European countries (this can be challenged immigration has been happening forever look at Irish in the 19th how mean everyone was)
1960s growing civil rights movement
growth of liberal ideas of tolerance
part of a wider “liberal” movement links to feminism
ww2 helped
stresses the importance of culture and key elements in the identity of an individual come from their cultural background and heritage
difference between sex and gender
sex: biological make up however even this cannot be reduced simply to male female because there are a number of people who contain a biological combination of male and female features eg hormones
gender: gender binary what you identify as
the relationship between race and culture
pre ww2 time eugenics had ascribed attributes and characteristics according to race-western world over
hence move towards cultural differences understanding we’re the same biologically
culture: describes the customs and traditions of a specific community rejects the notion of any superiority (why there have been problems in the UK the idea of multiculturalism intertwined with assimilation and the idea that western stuff is best)
Fukuyama-liberalism is to blame for the rise in radical identity politics (cane be taken in the way he intended of tolerance for other cultures and granting minority groups equal status we have forgotten our own density or we haven’t and actually we aren’t too tolerant)
what does taylor think
at risk of generalising and thinking of cultural groups as homogeneous or monolithic
culture and pluralism
pluralism: the acceptance of a variety of differing groups and the acceptance that no one identifies as a single grouping-particulteral
identity is complex and all should be tolerated
cultural relativism
all individuals see the world in terms of their own culture (yes, true, however this wouldn’t be a problem if one culture didn’t dominate every aspect of life-because variety and different modes of though complement each other when they are held in equal esteem) suggests that all ok so long as they don’t challenge the state culture (ermmm institutionalised racism much)
what is racism
Racism can take several forms and cannot be reduced to ‘one concrete phenomenon’.
…a historical power relationship in which over time groups are racialised (that is, treated as if specific characteristics were natural and innate to each member of the group). A set of ideas [ideology] in which the human race is divisible into distinct ‘races’, each with specific natural characteristics. Forms of discrimination flowing from this [practices] ranging from denial of access to resources through to mass murder’.
Thus, racism is born from the arbitrary placing of divisions upon the human race, attempting to explain and create difference between groups of people by the attribution of supposed biological and unalterable differences between them.
white privilege
liberalism and multiculturalism
-liberal principles which underpin the debate
-individual liberty (clash), destinction between public and private, tolerance, equal rights, pluralist
the problem does appear to be when they do not conform to our westernised values
how feminism helps men because oh my god everything must relate back to them
- men are considered unfit fathers-because they’re such animalistic creatures they cannot possibly trusted with children gender roles
- if they want to do anything feminine it detracts from their being male-it makes them less than
- because gender binary impacts them too
- because men are so limited they cannot possibly hold back from raping a woman
1st wave feminism
all over the place but the enlightenment and growth of liberalism etc did help it start to grow
Mary Wollstonecraft believed men and women were equal and challenged con view of women (v rc) jane austen satire
john stuart mill and harriet taylor
married womans property act 1870
1918 votes over 30
1928 equal
the problem with viewing feminism as 3 waves
westernised its like we forgot that the suffragists and gettes were inspired by Mexican feminists
why is left wing fem so divided
won’t acknowledge race and slut shaming
CAITLIN MORAN and the author if chauvinistic pigs
Iranian women taking up martial arts
2011 forcing the Irani woman keep for forfit football because if hijab and keeping covered
2nd wave feminism
new left radical thinkers noticed mass culture or mass society
-consumption was how people defined themselves
-capitalism could manipulate our ideas of ourselves by what they sold us and how
-aimed at 25 white heterosexual males
betty friedman the feminine mystique lib fem
“the problem with no name”
lib fem: in the mainstream
rad fem: germine greer kate millet connecting of fem and soc
system of discrimination against women/feminine/feminine attributes/anything that doesn’t conform to “male” both gender and sex wise
why you can’t be sexism towards men
reverse sexism would be using their bodies to sell everything, make being a “boy” the biggest insult,
everything about society inherently suggests that being male both sexually and gender wise is best and is the norm and is what society needs
system of discrimination against women/feminine/feminine attributes/anything that doesn’t conform to “male” both gender and sex wise
why you can’t be sexism towards men
reverse sexism would be using their bodies to sell everything, make being a “boy” the biggest insult,
everything about society inherently suggests that being male both sexually and gender wise is best and is the norm and is what society needs
ways in which women are considered different from men
feminism today
Because the biggest insult for a guy is to be called a “pussy,” a “little bitch” or a “girl.”
Because it’s assumed that if you are nice to a girl, she owes you sex — therefore, if she turns you down, she’s a bitch who’s put you in the “friend zone.” Sorry, bro, women are not machines you put kindness coins into until sex falls out.
whole displacement-of-responsibility and nice-guy rage thing
anne hatherway
Angelina joule
save the boobs
You don’t realize the full extent of what is being done until the opposite is shown and breaks through your social programming.
lib fem
-not revolutionary choice fem equality via emancipation
-clear divide between public and private
porn kinks vacuum
-betty friedman
more acceptable to men
doesn’t really challenge them
can be dealt with
rad fem
- patriarchy is in both private and public porn
- gender isn’t how we are taught it hormones and genitalia don’t even always match-social construct
- revolutionary
- firestone substitutes gender for class in marx’s theory
- greer male dominance removed remove freudian theory (penis envy)
- millet androgyny
soc fem
-private property is part of the problem women can only be emancipated with the fall of capitalism
class struggle
howwve soc party too derisiveness so alothugh many identitfy as soc they tend to mix with rads
abused most by cheap labour-underemployement
race and class don’t concent them
gender class race all part fuck capitalism, fuck the patriarchy
argument against multiculturalism
multiculturalism has encouraged exclusion rather than inclusion, by siphoning minority communities away from the mainstream, and condemning them to live parallel lives. Two, that by living parallel lives minorities preserve their ethnic behaviours and values that run counter to broader society. And three, these separate communities provide fertile soil for radicalisation.
1st gen 2nd gen difference
The report reveals that while some first generation minorities do tend to marry and mix within their own ethnic communities, they also mix within neighbourhoods and workplaces, showing a definite willingness to integrate. The second generation – those educated and raised here in Britain – show a further 27% shift towards integration, with greater social and workplace mixing, and a significant increase in marriages across community divides. Results show black groups especially have “little or no problem” contemplating marriage with white people. The notion that even the most inward looking minority is entrenched in a parallel society is a gross overstatement.
multiculturalism has worked
The 2007 citizenship survey, meanwhile, reveals that the great majority of ethnic minorities and white British people feel “one can belong to Britain and maintain a separate/religious identity”.
Olympic team
aprox a year ago
cameron said multiculturalism had failed