Gender And Crime - Chivalry Thesis Flashcards
Women commit as much crime as men
Their crime is just more hidden
The criminal justice system is ‘paternalistic’
Females do not fit ‘police stereotypes’
Women are less likely to be stopped, arrested or charged
Softer treatment
Which gender dominates the police force?
Women who had admitted to committing crimes were less likely to be charged
Graham and Bowling - strength
Self-report studies
Women do more crime
Hood - strength
Women in court were 1/3 less likely to be imprisoned compared to men
Steffensmeir and Allan - strength
Women treated more leniently by the courts
Judges more reluctant to separate women from their children
Farrington and Morris - weakness
408 convictions for theft
Women were NOT sentenced any more leniently
Heidensohn - weakness
Women are treated MORE HARSHLY than men
Especially if they DO NOT FIT the stereotype of a conventional woman and femininity