Gender & Achievement Flashcards
A social movement campaigning for equal rights between men and women.
Where the power has shifted from men to women, with women believing today that they can be whatever they want to be.
Divorce Reform Act
An act which made divorce easier as there was no need to prove “matrimonial offence”
Feminisation of the
Where women have far greater access to employment opportunities.
Equal Pay Act
Women have the right to be paid the same wage as men.
Sex discrimination Act
Safeguards women from harassment and differential treatment to male employees.
Where women value self-sufficiency above servitude to a husband and a family.
Bedroom culture
Where girls socialise indoors and subsequently are more likely to pursue activities such as reading.
The interconnections which exist between countries globally.
Crisis of masculinity
In the past, working class men’s role was to be the provider & the breadwinner for their family. However, the lack of employment opportunities for males combined with the surge in opportunities for females has undermined this role.
Girls Into Science and Technology.
Women into Science & Engineering.
Hyper-heterosexual feminine Identity
Where working class girls place a lot of value on appearance and being sexually attractive to the opposite sex.
Symbolic capital
Where a person has been made to feel that they have a sense of worth.
The taken-for-granted ways of thinking and behaving
Symbolic violence
Where a person is made to feel that they are worthless and of less value.
Gender Domains
Certain areas of social life which are dominated by either men or women.
Male gaze
Where female pupils are repeatedly objectified by both male pupils and teachers, who look them up and down and judge them based on their levels of physical attraction.
Idealised feminine Identity
Where girls show loyalty to other girls.
Sexualised identity
Where girls must compete for the attention of boys.
Boffin identity
Where girls are judged for being too academic & not focused enough on friends or boys.