Gender Flashcards
MASCULINITY Frankenstein: Romantic solitary genius: Female exclusion in society and by the characters that resemble the romantic archetype: F don’t want women, creature who is untainted by contemporary society wants woman Women excluded from society: IN COURT x2: trip to Europe: Women excluded by V, Creation process x2: Elizabeth x2: Female Creature: Creature wants woman like him,
“judged indecent” “I wish to be allowed to speak”
“she had not the same opportunities of enlarging her experience, and cultivating her understanding.”
“I might infuse a spark” “In a solitary chamber, or rather cell, at the top of the house…I kept my workshop of filthy creation”
promise of union, “two years past… during which I payed no visit to Geneva” “new and dear objects of care will be born”
trembling with passion, tore to pieces the thing on which I was engaged.
-unassimilated to society so could exist together: one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to me.
Gender conventions are unusual:
Masculinity is flawed: bravery: brave defined by GK as:
Females play a more active role, the historical context plays a part. MlF and LB:
Gawain’s Judgement is at fault: but joint operation with LB and he gives her more blame than in her due:
- whose fault
-bible men
“love would not let the lady stay sleeping,/ or quell the impulse that stirred in her heart”
“in heavy troubled sleep, the night muttered in/ dreams,/ like a man who was suffering the deepest anxiety”
“hot in his blood” “wild in his head”, wants someone “warlike”
“He grew angry as the wind… quickly jumped across
“she sent me on that errand… to scare Guinevere and cause her to die”
my wife,/ who was your willing foe”
Unsurprising to “lose his senses/ and be brought to his downfall through the wiles of/ women” “David was blinded by Bathsheba”**
“Adam” “Solomon” “Samson”
maybe I should be excused”
MASC: PL and G Genesis makes this solid belief in Christian world: -eve apple + adam god says Paradise Lost encapsulates:
she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her
husband with her; and he did eat. Because thou hast done this,… I will greatly multiply thy sorrow
“thus it shall befall him who to worth in women overtrusting lets her will rule”
FEMINITITY: BIBLE and PL Pure bible: eating e punishment Eve logic: Adam more guilty- Eve deceived: Adam not: PL and Histories take on guilt:
she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her
husband with her; and he did eat.
Because thou hast done this,… I will greatly multiply thy sorrow
E: “thy overpraising leaves in doubt the virtue of that fruit”
“in her ears the sound yet rung of his persuasive words, impregned with reason”
“Against his better knowledge, not deceived /But fondly overcome with Female charm.
“thus it shall befall him who to worth in women overtrusting lets her will rule”
FEM SG: Joint choice selfish: took for survival not love - women blame: senses- bible men- excused-
they agreed that no one but the two of themselves/ would know of it ever”
re: girdle at first sight “he remained adamant that never at all/ would he take anything”
“it should be a fine thing indeed if he could live on”
Unsurprising to “lose his senses/ and be brought to his downfall through the wiles of/ women” “David was blinded by Bathsheba”**
“Adam” “Solomon” “Samson”
maybe I should be excused”
FEM FR influence of history and the untrustworthy nature of women --> homosocial world but presented negatively by shelley Women excluded from society: IN COURT: trip to Europe: Women excluded by V, Creation process: Elizabeth: Female Creature:
missed comfort:
“judged indecent” “I wish to be allowed to speak”
“she had not the same opportunities of enlarging her experience, and cultivating her understanding.”
“I might infuse a spark” “In a solitary chamber, or rather cell, at the top of the house…I kept my workshop of filthy creation”
promise of union, “two years past… during which I payed no visit to Geneva” “new and dear objects of care will be born”
trembling with passion, tore to pieces the thing on which I was engaged.
-you have a husband, and lovely children; you may be happy
-some softened feelings stole into my heart, and dared to whisper paradisaical dreams of love and joy; but the apple was already eaten
-I am alone, and miserable