Gender Flashcards
cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity
achieved status
this status is achieved by a person’s skills or effort (job, sport)
ascribed status
a status given at birth (sex at birth, nationality, race)
gender constructionism
the belief of differences of gender based off of culture, nature, history, and biology (a mixture)
cultural essentialism
the belief of differences of gender solely based off culture
biological essentialism
The belief of differences of gender solely based off biological differences
what sociologist came up with cultural hegemony?
cultural hegemony
cultural messages that sustain base and superstructure, they influence each other (social media influencers)
hegemonic masculinity
- socially constructed masculine norms and dominant ways of being a man in a given society at a given time
- justifies the subordination of women
a social system in which positions of dominance and privilege are primarily held by men
patriarchal masculinity
the problematic idea of superiority and domination over any group
feminist masculinity
- Integrity, self-love, emotional awareness, assertiveness, and relational skill, including the capacity to be empathetic
- help to stop the assumption that men are aggressive and non-emotional
who created the feminist vs patriarchal masculinity concept?
Bell hooks
gender socialization
the learning of socially approved behaviors, gender norms, values, and attitudes that have been associated with a biological sex
what does gender socialization do?
- self fulfilling prophecies
- institutional discrimination
- glass ceilings