Gen Med Pediatric Flashcards
Bilious Vomit (yellow Green) is:
Obstruction until otherwise proven
Refer for endoscopy ASAP
Projectile Vomit (consistent, not ill)
Pyloric Stenosis
Fine/Not Fussy always projectile vomits after eating & wants to eat again
Not sick but likely not gaining well
Image of Choice is Sonogram, looking for target sign if no hemetemesis
Pyloric Olive
Hypertrophied Pyloric Sphincter
Cause of Pyloric Stenosis
May be palpable in epigastric
Surgury required
Rx Pyloric Stenosis
Infantile/childhood Hematemesis
Refer for endoscopy asap
Common GERD causes in nursing baby
Dairy & Beef & Smoking in the house
Uncomplicated GERD fixes
- Sit baby up after eating for 1/2 hr
- Try soy, Try non-soy
- -thicken formula w/oat cereal, not rice
- If nothing works, try 2wk PPI trial use Nexium
- If that doesn’t work, refer for endoscopy
Target Sign on Sonogram
Pyloric Stenosis
Intussception “target, bulls eye or coiled sprain”
Complicated GERD
Refer for endoscopy ASAP
Sm bowel invagination, usually near ileocoecal valve
- Under 3
- Sudden Onset
- Current Jelly Stool
- Happy Between Episodes
Rx for Projectile Vomit/Pyloric Stenosis
Intussusception Rx
Pneumatic Air Enema Thru Rectum
Surgery if that doesn’t work
Knees Up & Screaming
Belly Distended
Fine between episodes
invagination of sm bowel into cecum
Intussusception Triad
- Sausage Shaped Mass in Belly palpable
- Pain
- Current Jelly Stool
Happy Pukers
Pyloric Stenosis
Check for Olive
Refer for sonogram / target sign