Gen Knowledge Test Flashcards
What is the relationship between altitude and stall speed?
Stall TAS increases with altitude.
What is vapor lock?
vapor lock is when fuel in a gaseous state in the fuel lines blocks the flow of fuel.
Why is leaning fuel mixture beneficial?
A too rich mix can result in a lower power with more fuel burned.
What is movement called around the aircraft’s lateral axis?
What is movement called around the aircraft’s longitudinal axis?
What is movement called around the aircraft’s normal or vertical axis?
When does an aircraft produce the strongest wing tip vortecies?
High weight, slow speed, and clean configuration. (Eg. takeoff)
What is the benefit of a fuel injection system over a carburetor?
A fuel injection system has a quicker throttle response, no possibility of carb. ice, better fuel flow, precise mixture control, and overall better engine efficiency.
What is a constant speed propeller?
A propeller that angles its blades automatically in flight to maintain a constant RPM.
What is the advantage of a constant speed propeller?
The blades automatically adjust to maintain a constant RPM set by the pilot with a governor.
What is the disadvantage of a constant speed propeller?
More complex system thus heavier and requiring more maintenance.
What is a variable pitch propeller?
A propeller that has blades whose angle may be adjusted in flight by the pilot.
What is the advantage of a variable pitch propeller?
The pilot can optimize performance for different phases of flight,
What is the disadvantage of a variable pitch propeller?
The blades must be constantly re-adjusted during flight to optimize performance.
What is an adjustable pitch propeller?
A propeller the can have the angle of its blades adjusted on the ground.
What is the advantage of an adjustable pitch propeller?
The pitch of the propeller may be adjusted for better performance at a specific task.
What is the disadvantage of an adjustable pitch propeller?
The propeller angle cannot be adjusted in flight.
What does a turbocharger do?
Uses hot exhaust gases to power a compressor and boost intake air pressure. This can boost pressure to greater than sea level pressure resulting in more power.
What color is 80/87 fuel?
What color is 100LL fuel?
What color is 100 (100/130) fuel?
What color is Jet A1 fuel?
Clear or Straw.
What is aspect ratio?
The ratio of the wing span to the mean chord. (Span/Mean Chord)
What can water contamination in the fuel tank cause?
Engine failure to start and poor fuel combustion.
What are the three types of Fuselage?
Truss, Monocoque, and Semi-Monocoque.
What is a truss type fuselage?
A fuselage constructed with a frame of wooden beams or metal tubes and covered with a non load bearing outer surface.
What is a Monocoque type fuselage?
A fuselage constructed with a stressed steel skin and bulkheads to carry the load plus formers to maintain shape.
What is a Semi-Monocoque type fuselage?
A fuselage constructed with a combination of stressed steel skin and formers or a frame system to carry the load.
What are the two types of truss fuselage?
Warren and N-Girder.