Gen Biology Flashcards
The basic structural function, and biological unit
Cella “small room”
Universally accepted, the living organism are made up of cells, that they are basic structural/organizational unit of all organisism
Cell theory
Are the best unit of structure in all organisms and also the basic unit of reproduction
This discovery ig largely attributed to Robert hooke, and began the scientific study of cells, known as
Cell biology
The___ is the smallest entity that exhibits the characteristics of life
Discovers cells in cork, the living plant tissue using an early compound microscope.
Robert hooke
Teaches himself to make lenses leading to the invention of his own basic optical microscopes.
Anron van leeuwenhoek
Are now referred to as unicellular organisms, although he observed multicellular organisms in pond watee
He was the first to document microscopic observation of muscle of bers, bacteria, spermatoza, red blood cells, crystal in gouty tophi, and blood f bw in capilaries.
Anton van leeuwehoek
Discovered the nucleus of the cell
Robert brown
Discovered the a semi-transparent living substance known as sarcode, in which later on was changed in protoplasm, the colorless materials comprising the living part of the cell
Felix Dujardin
He proposed on his studies about the entire parts of the plan and concluded that all plants are made out of cell.
Matthias jakod schleiden
Was a german physician and physilogist. His most significant contribution to biology is considered to be the extension of cell theory to animals.
Theodor schwann
(7 Dec 1810- 11 jan 1882)
Suggested that the cell is not only a structural unit of life but also a physiological one
Henri joachim dutrochet
Wrote that all animal and plant tissue were aggregates of globular cells.
Henri Joachim Dutrochet