Gd5 Flashcards
He is taking him
If the rebel forces succeed in cutting off the road, they will have achieved
Put on a macho
The boy in me is super
excited now
Adrian could not draw to
save his life
Save sb
Find the
woodwork again
The keeper tried to rush forward to boost
the number
A null
I have no beefs
with him
A blatant
disregard of
To blank out
the noise
Level crossing
People have been giving lip service
to these issues
We are taking stock of what he has achieved
The issue has moved to the forefront of the political agenda
Just one point clear of the relegation zone
He steered a volley past Courtois
Produced a sublime effort
Leicester City moved ahead of Arsenal into pole position
Kept faith with the same line-up
Called the goalkeeper into action
Courtois looked nervy, but his team showed more composure to control a greater share of possession
The player limped off and was replaced by Pedro
The looping header clipped the crossbar on its way behind for a goal kick
Remy headed home from a Pedro cross to halve the deficit
Does it bother you that there is a cult of personality built up around him
He is being marketed as a cult of personality
New Left radicals roundly condemned liberals for their reluctance to take sides
What happened in Darwen proves that is not the case, not in the slightest
His effort was barren of result
Like a bat out of hell
Not to bat an eyelid
They waited with bated breath
The fox sped by before I can draw a bead on it
The sides of the boxes bear against each other
I will go to beard the lion in his denÿtomorrowÿand ask my boss why he has not increased my salary
Off the beaten track
Follow the beaten track
Not to make a song about
Not to commit oneself
Opportunity makes the thief
He that shows his purse longs to be rid of it
Mow down like grass/ kill like flies
Have a finger in the pie/ poke one s nose into
Take the mickey out of it
Cupboard love
The hand that gives gathers
Whistle a different tune
Out of the common run
It is littered with hackneyed phrases and lazy commonplace
I hope once the lust wears off, they are still totally in love with each other
The lovebirds are engaged
Political pundits were tipping him for promotion
After the game the vast majority of experts and pundits were gushing in their praise of the official
A white, studious-looking man with flowing, straight hair
He carried the club at times last season, but others must take a leaf out of his book
You sort yourself out at the other end of the pitch and take a leaf out of Jamie Vardy’s book
There were going to be seismic changes in London sooner rather than later
He is in no position to be throwing stones
You certainly are missing the likes of Lampard
I will try to give an impartial take on Chelsea’s current predicament
You don’t go from being a good manager to a really bad one in a season
You are dealing with over-inflated egos who are overpaid and spoiled beyond belief
Make wholesale changes
He is sick of chasing games because of concentration lapses
Truth be told, there are very few who could have stopped the goal
He ghosted in at the last second to latch on what seemed to be a somewhat speculative cross. That is where positional play comes to the fore
The in-form player
They dug in to defend their lead
Mother and daughter spar regularly over drink, drugs, and career
You have made your bed, now you must lie in it
Don’t expect marriage to be a bed of roses
It is not all beer and skittles
We are always beforehand with the rent
To beg off helping with the washing-up
I beg to differ
Is this piece of toast going begging
To begged description
Belt and braces
He has been bending my ear about his new car all morning
Why do you bend your brows
I think we can bend the rules and let the children in, just this time
Give it the benefit of the doubt
They went berserk and threw stones at him
Bet his boots/ bet my bottom dollar
He promised to take her for better or for worse
Between ourselves/you and me, I know the bride has already married thrice
Tickle sb’s ears
Opinion rules the world
We are all slaves of opinion
Any chance they have to portray a male opponent as a milksop, they do it
To chew the cud
Relive the good old days
It is time for the players and the coach to bury their hatchets and make peace
Give one a dressing down/ to roast sb
Blow hot and cold/ play fast and loose
Tower above the rest/ out of the common run
Born with a wooden spoon in one s mouth
Born in low water
Rise from the gutter
Many go out for wool and come back shorn
A raw recruit, as green as grass, a green horn, wet behind the ears
She was no babes in the woods and knew exactly what she was doing
If you ever wonder why you are getting the stink eye for absolutely nothing, you may be guilty of these subtle actions that come off as rude
Now I am inclined to chalk that up to sheer dumb luck, or more accurately, to contingency
Stop chalking it up to having a bad memory
As a stay-at-home mom, my grief was pushed to the side by the overwhelming realization that I had absolutely no way to provide for my kids
Assistance for mortgage borrowers facing foreclosure
I was crushed to learn that
The government has given me no wiggle room, no opportunity to grow, no sliding scales that I can work with while I dig myself out of this hole
I am forever surrounded by the stigma of being a welfare mom
Politicians would never countenance starving all their favourite programmes for such an outlay
The vaunted recovery on which expectations of a return to normalcy rest also looks decidedly anaemic
Menial services
The zero interest rate policy of the past eight years has created froth in financial markets but done little to strengthen real industry
The Fed will administer that 25 basis points and then dither, dally, dawdle and delay about administering another
Banks will face no heat except in the applause of their shareholders
It is too parochial and conservative
The Asian financial centre is well-positioned to weather these challenges
Go jagging
Beam with joy
The sluggard’s convenient season never comes
Die a martyr’s death
She muttered curses and swore like a trooper throughout
Not budge an inch
There are wheels within wheels
Clip the wings of/ take down a notch/ peg
A little bird told me
He is a regular bird of passage
You have only got yourself to blame for the mistake
I have consulted all the professors here but drew a blank every time
The blind leading the blind
A boat has been captured in running the blockade
There is nothing secret about what we are doing; it is all perfectly above board
His description of listening to the opposition drew ire
Her remarks disparaged mentally ill patients and those tending to them
Cut prices to offload assets amid the unfavourable environment
Hong Kong interest rates move in lockstep with US rates in the next two years
An outright collapse remains unlikely since rate hike calendar is expected to be gradual
Due to the removal of one of the key overhangs, the prevailing bid-ask spread will narrow
Burning questions
Their souls were forever doomed to wander aimlessly in the netherworld
To kill the dead air
If Allah wills it
A good night s sleep can work wonders for mind and body
Palpable discord-Chelsea sacks manager Jose Mourinho
In a masterful understatement, the association pointed out the obvious
That is certainly an unfortunate and ill-advised comparison
Have coping strategies
Not a few of its members are nuttier than most fruitcakes
The self-styled “mad dog”
Has rightly expressed regret for her ill-considered remarks
Issuing their strongly-worded criticism
The reigning European champions
Jibe / putdown
It is countered through some form of legal entity often using a local frontman
That was clearly no contest
A huge property market glut
This short history is not to apportion blame or praise
Mini-units in the private market; rooms, cubicles, bedspaces, cocklofts, cage homes
The trouble of caring too much is becoming a soft touch
The bit that still gets to me is the look on her face as she approached me, as though she thought I was a soft touch and I was going to bow down at her feet and beg forgiveness
The manager was basking in the glow of his impressive side
Watford have defied the pundits who tipped them for relegation
The manager is determined to ensure his players don’t rest on their laurels
The victim sustained injuries to his face and sought medical attention at a private hospital
He chronicles the poignant last hours at Hap Wah
The roof was of corrugated tin, and big metal fans hung from it to cool diners eating alfresco beneath a tarpaulin in summer
It turned into an ordinary tea house with French windows and glazed tiles
Many people who once operated mom-and-pop stores are gone
Productivity improved in leaps and bounds
When all the butterflies have fluttered away and your wedding day becomes a distant memory, you will discover that you have married someone who is just as imperfect as you
It was said in jest
A Christmas hamper
A picnic hamper
He is the next in line
I cannot ride a bike without stabilizers
Many of the drivers complain that they had no reason to suspect their vehicles contained stowaways
Sling one s hook
She is not wearing enough layers
Out with the old, in with the new
Youngsters who were losing out on regular schooling
It really was Ross and not a figment of her overheated imagination
Get funding into infrastructure projects that are shovel-ready
Use strong-arm sales tactics to force him into signing up for classes
Bureaucratic inertia
I became a materialistic and pragmatic girl
Shoot oneself in the foot
He added a couple of chilies for good measure
A milk run
Geopolitical black swan events, such as the Arab Spring and the Japanese earthquake, have further complicated the market dynamics
That is a make or break factor
He liked to boast and she would egg him on shamelessly
At the Class X hotel, the percentages hit the stratosphere
Everybody - from old hands to novice players - were in the game until moment came when the music stopped
Investors stampeded for the exits and the central government scrambled to stem the losses that threatened to undermine social stability
The government mouthpieces touted the rally as an opportunity to bolster the slowing economy
The indicators surged, more investors piled in and then in almost an instant it all unraveled
The boom-to-bust cycle was a crude reminder to many of us to re-evaluating the risks of using margin financing to trade shares
Mary bumped a thread from last year
Are you sure your friend on Facebook isn’t a catfish
The full firehose of data
What is your Twitter handle
Internet memes are spread like wild rumours
I will ping it to you later
Steer clear of political hot potatoes
His speech stood in stark contrast from last year
Handle non-refoulement claims
To spearhead all initiatives
Abandoned farmland has been turned to haphazard uses such as scrap car storage or recycling yards
Another of her pet projects was the arts centre
Tackle the problem with resolve and perseverance
Marked divergence in standards poses big challenges to teaching
His repeated mantra of “One Belt, One Road” stood in sharp contrast to the omission of hot-potato topics such as political reform, growing anti-mainland sentiment and the rise of localism
It is uncharacteristic of Leung, known for his uncompromising and combative style, to avoid controversial topics
To win Beijing’s blessing
To boost his flagging popularity
Pepper his speech with piecemeal measures to tackle livelihood issues
He meant business
He got barracked by pan-democrat lawmakers
To tout for business
Four of his associates likewise vanished in Oct
A put-upon drudge who slaved for her employer
Flashes of infantile humour to conceal the often terrible storytelling at the core of this film, which is as diverting as it is forgettable
There are a few good jokes and plenty of cheap laughs
It is a case of two rural boors who refuse to mature into middle age
The actress looks out of her depths in this slapstick farce
Romantic triangle
We do inch forward, except little baby step by baby step
Two-entree combo
To unplug ourselves during dinner
It is a treasure trove for would-be blackmailers
Writing became the main outlet for his energies
He portrays people who disagree with him as stupid or evil, using withering scorn in his rhetoric
Why hasn’t the approach entirely swept the board, bringing all linguists into the fold of orthodoxy
I marveled at its beauty
Prayer is a concept that baffles and beguiles. It eludes definition, comprehending wildly disparate and even contradictory practices
Rattling the bars of the prison cage of language
The figure undershot the government’s estimate
For two years, she applied herself to studies with dedication
Movements in oil prices have knock-on effects on other fuels
The teaching plan says we are due to issue the instructions
I will knock up a draft for the oral presentation
That is a possible title, deliberately vague but with huge scope for diligence and attention to detail
Error-ridden text, but such a task risks collusion
This is addressed to the twenty of you who missed the final tests
I can understand the temptation not to come to class
That should concern you particularly
Be ruthless with the test
I should be most grateful if you would please review it together
I was only just thought of that
Contempt is the kiss of death
You find yourself knee-deep in how he or she bought the wrong type of pepper
His life was a succession of felicitous opportunities that came his way without much effort
The view was the room’s only felicitous feature
This one is likely to make your conscientious co-workers cringe
She had already scaled the heights of the acting profession
Scale new heights
My words count very little, very little indeed
A spell of greenhouse work
They don’t want to put anyone up
He is well out of his depth
He played everything for
laughs, especially when there were girls around
We have been inundated with complaints from listeners
That is demoralizing our staff
A laundry list of people and organizations that would have to be won over
The road runs parallel to the river
The increase in the quality of wine has paralleled the rise of interest of food
The goal had more than a shade of good fortune about it
Spike him with their cleats
Inducted him into the hall of fame
Do you think it is a pull factor for people to come to Britain
Ours, for better or for worse, is the century of youth
Single-handedly quash the verdict of a court
The buck stops with me
You stole credit for their work
Illegally converted pigsties
Left-tard and right-tard
Siamese twins conjoined twins
He used a little poetic licence to embroider a good tale
I was eating your dust
I am only just ready in time this week
Busy times!
I worked hard to build up a nice little nest egg
ISAs are probably the best way for us to save money for a rainy day, build up a nest egg and save for the long term
You have to go really badly; you run into a public restroom, barely have time to lock the stall and unbutton your pants before plopping down on the toilet seat
Ew, I’d hate to think what has been trampled intoÿÿthat carpet
Don’t bother putting down a layer of toilet paper - except to mop up a splash
His heart condition will see him pushing up the daisies at a young age
Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen and most are either ridiculous or just plain impossible
She leapfrogged into a sales position
In the past you could spread the blame, but now the bucks stop here
This length of sleep usually makes it easier to hit the ground running after waking up
Sleeping this long may cause sleep inertia, a hangover-like groggy feeling that lasts for up to 30 minutes
Running street battles between police and protesters
Signs of fracas were still fresh after overnight violence in which police opened fire with two warning shots after protesters launched projectiles like flower pots, bricks and ignited objects
An acrid stench fills the air following the burning of metal dust bins
Police hosed down protestors with pepper spray
Protestors were engaged in skirmishes with the police
Paving stones were being ripped up and some objects were being hurled at the officers
Protestors had become more radical due to a ramp-up in government heavy-handedness using the example that a fracas occurred over hawkers selling fish ball on the street
Police fend off the unhappy crowd that flung objects at them. A standoff ensued
The tone of coverage is clearly biased and unbefitted of supposedly professional journalists
There are few people more dangerous than the hateful boss
Detailed accounts of public humiliation, ostracism, and even physical abuse
It was so demoralizing
More people are coming forward
Soporific commentary style
Your voice literally drains the life out of me
I don’t think he is cut out for commentary
Act on a tip-off
Man will never understand women’s fetish for shoes and handbags
You are spacing out
The wipers go swish, swish, swish
Runaway growth of Internet finance
A crooning busker
But under the gaze of uniformed and plainclothes police officers, on streets that bore charred marks, it felt like a scene of subdue defiance
Their stalls were distinguished from buskers, broadband touts and knick-knack vendors by their bright splashes of yellow
Amid their wares was an array of street sign-like banners with disparaging remarks aimed at CY Leung
Doing a brisk trade
Fishballs were races out in hot armfuls, as diners strained to finish their treats before the paper bags disintegrated into a s soggy mess
Despite intense interest from police on street corners in squads of 20, it hosted a jubilant scene of dancing
To have the hots for your coworkers
Free trade in international aviation will remain a pipe dream
It would be a pipe dream to expect the council to grass it over
The evaluation results testify to the enthusiastic reception of the modules
My relationship with my publicist was doing my head in
Double-barreled questions
A misanthropic drunken loner
Clip the prominence of traditional themes
The major decision in life have already been taken - phew
Where people rollerblade on runways
The husband was a tall and genial fellow, friendly, youthful and easy-going
A crew-neck sweater
Have her stomach pumped
It sets my teeth on edge
All the major hits are here with a couple of new tracks thrown in for good measure
Tariffs in the region were not that high to begin with, though
You know better than to listen to neighbourhood gossip
Lower coddled sectors such as agriculture
Hilary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner
In the case of TPP, the glaring outcast is China, the linchpin of most global supply chains
A shopkeeper held up at gunpoint decided to fight back by firing at the armed robber
If anything, he feels more dangerous
Instant gratification
China’s newly rich should take their cues from European old money
It can only be attained with a “wealth beyond avarice” kind of net worth
The kind of historical significance is beyond priceless
The only similarity is that their lives orbit around their own social order, which is vital for maintaining a semblance of security in a lifestyle of never ending conspicuous consumption
But the rich have multiplied; the nouveau riche have become more ostentatious and their spending habits seem to be contagious
Conceives a child out of wedlock
Hush money
Mr Pringles John Tsang
Fear of capital flight
Money is no object
Lets accede to any requests for groups of 5
We don’t end up with pairs or lone students as a consequence
The interviews have blown my time for improving the lesson
Put on a proper suit, do up his tie