GCSE Recap Test Flashcards
What is water used for in plants?
- Transpiration
- Photosynthesis
- Transportation of materials
- Cell turgidity
What is water used for in humans?
- Hydration and turgidity of cells
- Replenish water content in the body
What are carbohydrates, protein and fat made up of?
Carbon. hydrogen and oxygen (protein is also made up of nitrogen)
What are carbohydrates?
A biological molecule formed of sugar sub-units. Different carbohydrates differ by having different numbers or types of sugar sub-units.
What are examples of simple carbohydrates?
- glucose (made up of one basic sugar unit)
- lactose (made up of two basic sugar units)
What type of molecule is sugar?
‘fast-release’ energy stores
What are the uses of simple carbohydrates?
- sources of energy
- respiration
What are examples of products rich in carbohydrates?
- (some) fizzy drinks
- cakes
What are examples of complex carbohydrates?
- starch
- glycogen
- cellulose
What type of molecules are starch and glycogen?
storage molecules
What is the main storage molecule in plants?
What is the main storage molecule in animals
glycogen (in the liver and muscles)
What is the test for carbohydrates?
Adding iodine solution
What is the positive result for the presence of carbohydrates?
Iodine solution turns from yellow-brown to blue-black
What is the test for sugar?
Adding Benedict’s solution and heating in a water bath.
What is the positive result for the presence of sugar?
Benedict’s solution turns from blue to (green to orange to) a brick-red precipitate.
What is protein?
A biological molecule formed of sub-units of amino acids and differ by contain different types or number of amino acids or by a different combination/sequence of amino acids.
What is the use of protein?
- structural (e.g. in muscle) for growth and repair of cells
- functional (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies)
What are sources of protein?
- lean meat
- lentils
- fish