GCSE Jekyll And Hyde Quotes Memorising Flashcards
Description of Jekyll’s house
‘s o a, h h’
The doctor’s home is part of a ‘square of ancient, handsome houses.’
Hyde’s house description
‘s b o b t f… o t s’
‘sinister block of building thrust forward… on the street.’
Gothic imagery
‘a g c c p l o h’
‘A great chocolate coloured pall lowered over heaven.’
Enfield, repuation
‘c h f t e o t w a t o o a b w m’
‘coming home from the end of the world about three o’clock on a bleak winter morning.’
Jekyll’s statement of the case, duality
‘m d n’
‘man’s dual nature’
Jekyll’s statement of the case, duality
‘a h b a c o o g a e’
‘all human beings are commingled out of good and evil’
Jekyll’s comment about Lanyon
‘i b p’
‘ignorant blatant pedant’
A pedant is a person who is too interested in formal rules and small details that are not important.
Lanyon’s comments about Jekyll’s experiments
‘u b’
‘unscientific balderdash’
Balderdash means nonsense.
Description of Hyde
‘t’, ‘a-l f’, ‘s s’
‘troglodytic’, ‘ape-like fury’, ‘satan’s signature’ written upon his face
Description of Hyde
‘p e’
‘pure evil’
Lanyon rejecting Jekyll’s science
‘d i’
‘die incredulous’
Incredulous means unwilling or unable to believe something.
Lanyon’s appearance
‘d w w l u h f’
‘death warrant written legibly upon his face’
Jekyll’s statement of the case, duality
‘m i n t o b t t’
‘Man is not truly one but truly two.’
Gothic description
‘a e a a c’
‘as empty as a church’
Description of Hyde, Chapter 10
‘m d h b l c, h c o r’
‘My devil had long been caged, he came out roaring’