GCSE IT Deck Flashcards
State what is meant by web browser software
Web browser software is a program that allows access to webpages stored on the internet.
A web browser allows people to find information on websites and web pages quickly by four ways:
- Key word searches
- Links
- Menus
Explain what is meant by URL
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, which is another way of saying website address. You type it into a web browser.
Explain what is meant by key word searches
If you want information about a certain topic but do not have the URLs of any websites, then you can simply type key words into a search box on the web browser.
Explain what is meant by links
Links are called hyperlinks and by clicking on them the user moves to another place on the same webpage, a different webpage on the same website, or a different webpage on a different website.
You can also link to files such as a Presentation file.
Explain what is meant by menus
Menus offer the user a series of selections that they make by clicking on one of them. The menus can use text or images.
State the three common features that are found on webpages.
- Text
- Images
- Videos
Explain how you search for and search on webpages
Searching for information is performed using a search engine such as Google.
The search results are displayed on the basis of relevance or who has paid the most money to get in the top results.
Clicking on a search result will take you to a website.
You can perform search results within websites using a search box.
State 5 interactive features.
- Online Forms
- Games
- Questionnaires
- Emails
- Quizzes
Explain each interactive feature
Games - used for educational usage or advertising
Online forms - used for feedback on a website/order forms/comments/registrations
Questionnaire - used to ask users their opinion about websites/products
Quizzes - used to give feedback on what user has learnt
Quizzes - used to give feedback on learning/used for entertainment purposes
State the 4 factors you need to consider when designing a website or analyzing a website.
- House style
- Audience
- Size
- Techniques used
Explain the 4 factors you need to consider when designing a website or analyzing a website
- House style - websites need to convey an image that reflects the organization. It needs to fit in with other material produced by the organization such as brochures, business cards etc.
- Audience - you always need to know who your main audience will be and tailor the content, look and navigation to suit them.
- Size - you need to consider the number of pages. Remember that websites often start small but begin to grow rapidly as they become popular.
- Techniques Used - there is a huge difference between a website for a large company produced by professional website designers and a personal website produced by someone with few design and technical skills.
In order to create websites you need to understand the different tools and techniques. State the different tools and techniques.
- Master Page/Template
- Home Page
- Site Navigation
- Site Navigation
- Golden Triangle
- Hyperlinks
- Hotspots
- Rollover buttons/images
- Back/Forward buttons
- Bookmarks
- Anchor links
- Navigation bars
- Leader boards and banners
- Web icons
- Site Maps
In order to create websites you need to understand the different tools and techniques. Explain the different tools and techniques.
- Master Pages/Templates - provide a quick way of creating webpages. They supply a structure for the website and the navigation that is used to move around the site. They act as a framework for the website and all the developer has to do is just put in their own content. Ideal for people with little skill.
- Home page - is the main page of a website. It is the page most users will arrive at once logged in. It is important that the most important information is on this page along with the ways a person can navigate to other pages on the site.
- Site navigation - good navigation means how easy it is to move around a website. To find information with minimal clicks. You have 3 styles. Linear - where the user will take the same path through pages; Menu structure - where the user can choose what to look at; Tree structure where the user can take different paths through documents based on their interests.
- Golden triangle - when users search for information using a search engine they are presented with a list of results. If results are in the golden triangle part of the screen, more people will see their site. People pay for their sites to be in the golden triangle.
- Hyperlinks - allows you to jump from one page/site to another. Links are vital. You have two types of hyperlinks. Hypertext links are text links whilst Graphical links are images which you click on to navigate to other pages/sites.
- Hotspots - are an image or piece of text used as a link on a webpage. When clicked you will be taken to a different site/page.
- Rollover buttons/images - is an image that changes its appearance when a cursor is moved over it.
- Back and Forward - simple navigation which allows a user to move to a previous web page.
- Sitemaps - are a form of navigation that allows a user to see exactly what is included on the site, and can be used to navigate around the website.
- Bookmarks - when you surf the internet you can quickly save websites you have an interest in, to have a look at a later time. The bookmark is literally like a books bookmark. You can revisit the site really quickly.
- Anchor links - if a web page is long, you can use an anchor link that allows a user to jump to certain parts of that webpage within seconds, rather than having to scroll.
- Navigation bars - web browsers use a toolbar called a navigation bar which has the following buttons. The back/forward button, Refresh which refreshes the content on a page, Home which returns you to your ISPs home page, Stop which stops trying to load the page and Key word search to search a site for specific key information.
- Leaderboards and banners - a web banner is a rectangular area on a website that displays advertisements and also acts as a link to the advertiser’s site. Banners come in all sizes but the most popular one is the leader board which is 728 pixels long and 90 pixels wide.
- Web icons - small pictures on websites that enable users to do certain things when they are clicked. Icons are understood globally.
State what is meant by data
Data is raw facts and figures that can come from an input (like a survey/sensor). Data can be images, text, numbers, video, sound files.
Data is meaningless.
State what is meant by information
Information is data that has been processed.
State what is meant by knowledge
Knowledge is information that has rules applied to it.
Can be used for forecasting/predicting, or comparisons.
It makes the information useable.
State what is meant by the computer processing data
The computer has performed calculations or converting it or organizing the data in an order such as alphabetical.
State what is meant by GIGO
GIGO stands for Garbage In/Garbage Out.
The computer will always output the correct data HOWEVER it will not always be accurate. It depends upon the quality of data you enter. If it is not accurate, then data outputted will not be accurate.
State the four different ways in which you can collect data
- Transactions Online
- Experiment Results
- Surveys
- Sensors
Explain what is meant by Transactions Online
Data can be collected from people buying items online. You will enter in your own details. The computer will collect your details as data, including the items that you wish to buy and for the price you purchased it for.
Explain what is meant by Experiment Results
Data can be collected from results of an experiment i.e. timing how long it takes to to burn through a type of metal. You will record the data as a time and input it ino a computer.
Explain what is meant by Surveys
Data can be collected from survey results. For example if the school was to ask every student what their favourite movie was, the results from the students would be collected as data.
Explain what is meant by Sensors
Data can be collected from the use of sensors. Sensors can be used for a number of different reasons. An example would be a sensor that detects when somebody has entered a room which would then turn the lights on. The data collected could be ‘how many people entered the room during the day’.
State the 2 different factors that can make data have BIAS issues
- Representative Sample being asked
3. Prompting certain answers
Explain what is meant by mistakes being made on data entry
When a person has to enter data manually, such as typing out a customer name themselves, they could make a mistake. This makes the data not fit for purpose.
Explain what is meant by asking a small representative sample
This would be when you would ask people who would support your idea. Imagine you are thinking of opening up a new McDonalds near a school. You’d ask the kids if it were a good idea as they want a McDonalds.. You wouldn’t ask the parents as they would be against it
Explain what is meant by prompting certain answers
The way you can ask a question can force people to give you answers they do not necessarily agree with. It could make people feel uncomfortable and give you the answer you want, just by how you asked it.
Explain what is meant by asking a small sample size
This means that you only ask 4 people for their opinion. Irrelevant as that is hardly anyone to get a fair sample. This will make your data not fit for purpose.
State the two factors that make data not fit for purpose
- Too few items of data
2. Not collecting correct data
Explain what is meant by making up data
Imagine a situation where somebody has started to get bored in entering a lot of data into the computer, so has decided to simply make up the data results. This will make it inaccurate data. Also, if somebody has forgotten to put data into the computer, let’s say during an experiment, they may wish to ‘cover their tracks’ and put in false data instead.
Explain what is meant by Data missing
Let’s imagine that you work for McDonalds. You are required to enter in what food items have been purchased, everytime you sell items.
Let’s imagine that McDonalds are doing a new promotion advertising the LEVIN burger. When you buy a LEVIN burger you get free fries. Let’s imagine that you have to put into the computer that you gave out fries with a LEVIN burger, but you forget to do so at times. This will make the data inaccurate.
Explain what is meant by collecting the wrong data
Imagine you are doing a survey asking school students what they thought about school, but instead of actually asking all school children, by mistake you ask college students also. This will make your data not fit for purpose.
State 2 factors that you need to consider in order for your data to be fit for purpose.
- Collecting the correct data
2. Asking a wide sample size
State what HTML stands for
Hypertext Markup Language
Explain what HTML is used for
HTML is not a programming language.
It tells the computer how to display text, videos and pictures in webpages.
Explain how HTML displays text and images. Give an example of a TAG also.
HTML consists of tags.
HTML is a text file just like Word apart from it has TAGS.
<em> for example will make the text italic</em>
State what is meant by a web server
A web server is a computer that contains the information that users of the internet can access using their web browser.
State how a website is stored for other people to access
A web server is a computer that contains the information that users of the internet can access using their web browser.
A web server needs to be permanently connected to the internet so that people can access the information.
Websites stored on the internet can be with an Internet Service Provider or a Hosting Company (like Blue Host)
State what RGB stands for and why it is used
RGB stands for Red Blue Green.
It is agreed colour standards for people using computer systems.
RGB uses a mix of colour pixels to create a colour
How does a computer use RGB
It turns it into binary code
What is the purpose of Hexadecimal colours?
RGB uses Hexadecimal number code which the computer then turns into Binary Code. Hexadecimal is EASIER to remember than RGB for humans.
State what is meant by upload time
The upload time is the time it takes to take a website that has been produced on a computer, and then transfers over a network (internet) to a web server.
State the factors can influence upload time
Upload time will depend on:
- Image resolution used on the website.
- Whether the webpage contains animations or movies.
- The number of webpages on the website.
- The complexity of the design of the website.
- The amount of content on the webpages.
Explain the advantages of using web pages and web features
Makes the information available for a huge number of people.
Enables anyone who has access to the Internet to be able to access the information.
Uses multimedia features to make the site interesting to users.
Explain the disadvantages of using web pages and web features
Some features such as Flash movies can take time to load and this can put off users from using the site.
People who do not have access to the internet are at a huge disadvantage.
Some of the features such as links to movies may not be accessible to users who do not have fast broadband.
State what is meant by Multimedia
Multimedia means many media such as text, audio, still images.
Explain what is meant by multimedia in education
- People learn in different ways
- Teachers can vary how they teach.
- It gives many ways to get the message across.
- Reading a book to learn a language is not ideal as you cannot hear the words - schools use MP3’s which can be used for walking to school or in lessons.
- Learning packages that make use of animations and video as well as sound.
- You can have interactive links too interesting webpages.
Give different uses of multimedia in education
- Interactive whiteboards to help with teaching and learning
- Online tutorials
- Simulations to explain how things work
- Revision material
Explain what is meant by Multimedia in entertainment
- Internet has changed we entertain ourselves.
- People can entertain on the internet by posting text, images and video on social networking sites.
- They also use webcams to chat to each other.
- There has been a huge change to the way people listen to music turning to downloads over CDs.
- People also can watch music videos online.
- You can even view TV programmes online.
- There is a growing trend of streaming music, videos, films over the internet - this means you don’t have to waste time downloading them.
- You can also view films and TV programmes on portable devices.
Explain what is meant by Multimedia in business
There are many different ways businesses use multimedia:
- websites to promote products and services
- presentations given to an audience of either your own staff/customers
- promotional videos/cartoons
- banner adverts on other organizations’ websites
- adverts on the Internet
Explain what is meant by Multimedia in society
The main benefits of multimedia to society are:
1. Flexibility - many different ways to do the same thing using multimedia. Reading a book you could:
a. Read it yourself
b. Listen to someone reading it to you on an MP3 (audiobook)
c. Watch a video of someone reading it
d. Watch an animation of it
- Interactivity - the user has more control over what material they want to see, listen to
- Integration of material - this can be used to make material easier to understand. This makes it easy to get a message across as it can be done in so many different ways.
- Attention getting - the word gets around quickly using websites. Look at the number of hits people get on Youtube
The use of multimedia is set to increase due to
e-books - a WAFER thin device that can store hundreds of books.
Streaming content such as TV shows straight to peoples portable devices.
Internet access all the time from portable devices.
State the importance of memory size
- applications run faster on their own
- more applications are able to run at the same time
- you are able to move quickly between applications
Why is it important to know memory size?
It is important to know the size of certain files because it is essential if you want to know how many of them could be stored on a particular storage device.
State the different file sizes from smallest to largest with size conversions
BIT - smallest unit Byte - 8 bits Kilobyte - 1000 bytes Megabyte - 1000 kilobytes Gigabyte - 1000 megabytes Terabytes - 1000 gigabytes
Explain what is meant by the demands made by multimedia software on memory
Multimedia software demands a lot from the hardware of the computer.
It is constantly driving the specification of an average computer higher. This means that computers need more powerful processors and creating multimedia products such as websites means that many different applications and files need to be open at the same time.
State the different types of backing store needed for multimedia
Backing storage is stored that is NOT the main memory of a computer. It is stored on:
- magnetic hard drive
- optical disks (CD-ROM/DVD)
- flash drives (memory sticks)
- memory cards
Explain why encoding data is important
- Coded data is quicker to type in
- It takes up less storage space on disk
- It is easier to check a code using validation checks
- It is faster to access data that is coded
- It is quicker to send the data over a network
Give examples of encoding data
M = Male
F = Female
19/08/10 = 19th August 2010
Country of Origin:
GB = Great Britain
USA = United State of America
D = Germany
Sizes of Clothes: S = Small M = Medium L = Large XL = Extra Large
Airport Codes: LHR = London Heathrow MAN = Manchester RHO = Rhodes ORD = Chicago
Explain the advantages of using ICT to store data
- Less storage space is needed - possibility of lots of portable devices, smaller offices required, as no bulky filing cabinets.
- Data is easily copied - data can be copied very quickly.
- Easier to back up - backups can be performed quickly and transferred off-site using the Internet or copied onto removable media such as CDs.
Ensures the security of data. - Easily transferred - data can be transferred using networks
- Fast access to stored data - it is easy and fast to access stored data. You can perform detailed searches.
- Data can be put into a secret code when stored (ENCRYPTED)
Explain the disadvantages of using ICT for storing data
- Copying data - means copyright holders lose out on money when money, games and videos are copied
- Data can be copied quickly - means personal data can be stolen
- Reliance on networks - means if the network fails, you cannot access the data
- Training needed - people need to know how to access the stored data.
- Security problems - data needs to be protected from viruses, hackers.
Explain the problems caused by processing inaccurate data
- Incorrect decisions being made resulting in loss of money, goods, being sent to the wrong address, people being refused credit
- Having to spend time sorting out mistakes
- Loss of goodwill
- Loss of trust
- Being prosecuted under the Data Protection Act 1998 for not keeping accurate personal data