GCSE History: Flashcards
Under which monarch did Britain become hugely influential and form family connections with most European royal families?
Queen Victoria.
By the reign of George V who held the real power in Britain?
The elected Parliment and the government.
How many people and territories did the British Empire rule over by 1914?
400 million people in 56 territories.
Despite Britain’s wealth what social issue persisted in the early 20th century?
Most of the population lived in poverty while wealth was concentrated in a small group.
What were the signs of Britain’s declining global status before World War 1?
Other nations like the USA and Germany developed industires and grew more powerful.
What type of government did France have before World War 1?
A republic governed by an elected president.
How large was the French Empire and where was it mainly located?
The French Empire ruled around 60 million people mainly in West and North Africa.
What major event in 1870 negatively impacted France national pride?
Germany defeated France and took some of its land.
What were two key issues France faced befoer World War 1?
France falling behind Britain and Germany in trade.
Population was lower than it neighbours.
When and how was Germany created as a unified country?
In 1871 when several former states joined together.
Who ruled Germany with absolute power before World War 1?
Kaiser William II.
How did the size of the German Empire compare to other European powers’ empires?
Much smaller with territories in Africa and the Far East.
What was Kaiser William II’s main ambition for Germany?
Build and expand Germany’s empire.
What social issue persisted in Germany despite industrial growth?
Many workers remained very poor and some formed opposition groups.
Who ruled Russia in the early 1900s and what did most Russians believe about his rule?
Tsar Nicholas II ruled Russia.
Most Russians believed he had been chosen to rule by God.
What challenges was Tsar Nicholas II facing in the early 1900s?
Tsar was facing increased opposition as his autocratic system was becoming less popular.
How large was Russia’s population in the early 1900s?
Nearly over 160 million.
What was notable of Russia’s ethnic diversity?
Over 200 ethnic groups.
Did Russia have overseas colonies?
How had Russia expanded it’s territory?
Taken control of the neighboring territory during the 19th century.
What percentage of the Russian population lived in the countryside?
Around 85%
What were the conditions like when the Russian population lived in the countryside?
Harsh. Poor harvests could lead to thousands of death. Due to starvation.
What was the role of the elected parliament formed after the 1905 riots in Russia?
Tsar Nicholas II often rejected many of the laws it passed.
What were the main types of trenches in WW1?
. Frontline.
. Support.
. Reserve Trenches.
- Connected by communication trenches.
Who held ultimate power in Austria-Hungary despite the existence of parliaments in both countries?
Emperor Franz-Josef.
Austria Hungary had their own parliments.
When was the union between Austria and Hungary formed?
What made the Austria-Hungary Empire ethnically diverse?
Many nationallities, cultures and languages.
For Austria-Hungary what are some lands calling for?
What tensions existed within the Austria Hungary Empire?
Tensions between many of the ethnic groups within the empire.
Why was the Austria-Hungary Empire seen as being in decline?
Unpopular government and an aging emperor.
What was the purpose of the Alliance System in Europe before WWI?
Increase influence and seccurity by forming alliances.
What are the two main alliances before WWI?
Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.
What was the main risk of the Alliance System?
One small conflict between two nations could drag all alies into a large war.
What was the Dual Alliance of 1879?
Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Who was part of the Triple Alliance in 1882?
What did the members of the Triple Alliance agree on?
Provide military support if one was attacked by two powers.
What was the Franco-Russian Alliance?
Military alliance.
France and Russia.
What was the Entente Cordiale?
An agreement between Britain and France.
Who formed the Triple Entente?
Britain, France and Russia.
Why was the Triple Entente formed?
Protect against Germany.
What was Great Britain’s military strength before WWI?
Army: 710,000
Battleships: 122
Submarines: 64
What was Germany’s military strength before WWI?
Army: 2,200,000
Battleships: 85
Submarines: 23
What was Russia’s military strength before WWI?
Army: 1,200,000
Battleships: 26
Submarines: 29
What was Austria-Hungary’s military strength before WWI?
Army: 810,000
Battleships: 24
Submarines: 6
What was Italy’s military strength before WWI?
Army: 750,000
Battleships: 36
Submarines: 12
What was France’s military strength before WWI?
Army: 1,250,000
Battleships: 46
Submarines: 73
Why did France want to take control of Morocco?
Who supported them?
For influence.
Britain supported them.
How did Germany respond to France’s intrerest in Morocco in 1905?
Kaiser visited Tangier and pledged support for Morocco’s independence.
What were Germany’s motives in supporting Morocco’s interdependence?
Test France’s limits
Challenge the Entente Cordiale
Assert Germany’s role in the world affairs
What was the Algeciras Conference and why was it held?
Prevent a war between France and Germany over Morocco.
A 1906 conference.
What was the outcome of the Angleciras Conference for Germany?
Germany was humilated as most powers backed France’s rights in Morocco.
What triggered the Second Moroccean Crisis in 1911?
A rebeillion in Fez led the Sultan to ask France for military aid.
Germany accused France of invading.
How did Germany react during the Second Moroccan Crisis?
Germany sent a warship.
Britain prepared for war.
But diplomatic meetings prevented conflict.
What were the main consequences of the Moroccan Crises for Germany?
Germany was humiliated.
Received territory in Africa.
Was unlikely to back down in future conflicts.
How did the Moroccan Crises affect Britain’s stance toward Germany?
Britain saw Germany as a threat so they began to build up a navy.
How did the Moroccan Crises impact the alliances in Europe?
Alliance between Britain and France strengthed.
Italy’s lack of support weakened the Triple Alliance.
What is a Navy?
A group of ships.
What does oppression mean?
Systematically harmed by others.
What significant event involving Kaiser Wilhem II occured in Tangier in 1905?
Kaiser visited Tangier in 1905 to support Morocco’s independance.
What was the outcome of the Algecrias Conference in 1906 regarding Morocco?
France increased it’s influence.
Why did French forces occupy Fez in 1911?
French forces occupied Fez after a rebellion in Morocco.
What action did the Kaiser take in 1911 as a show of strength during the Second Moroccan Crisis?
Kaiser sent a warship to a warship to Agadir in 1911.
What was happening to the Ottoman Empire by the early 20th century?
The Ottoman Empire was on th verge of collapse with several countries rebelling and gaining independance.
How did Austria-Hungary respond to the Ottoman Empire’s weakening?
Austria-Hungary took control of Bosnia in 1908 exploiting Turkey’s weakened state.
What was Serbia’s reaction to Austria-Hungary’s actions in Bosina?
Serbia was angered and requested help from Russia.
What international response followed Austria-Hungary’s annexation of Bosnia?
Russia called for an international conference to address the situation.
How did Germany react to Austria-Hungary’s actions in the Balkans?
Despite the Kaiser’s unhappiness Germany agreed to support Austria-Hungary.
What was the outcome of Russia’s stance during the Balkan Crisis?
Russia backed down to avoid war reinforcing Austria-Hungary’s confidence in German support.
What was the reaction of Bosnians to the annexation by Austria-Hungary?
Many Bosnians were angry leading to the formation of secret opposition groups.
What led to the formation of the Balkan League?
Turkey’s weakness and defeat by Italy in 1911 prompted Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro to unite.
How did Russia view the Balkan League?
Russia supported it as an ally against Austria-Hungary.
How long did the First Balkan War last and who thought in it?
Lasted 50 days.
Balkan League and Turkey.
What was the outcome of the First Balkan War?
Turkey was defeated and withdrew from Europe.
What triggered the Second Balkan War?
Territorial disputes led Bulgaria to attack Serbia and Greece.
Which countries joined the Second Balkan War against Bulgaria?
Turkey and Romania joined against Bulgaria.
What was the result for Bulgaria in the Second Balkan War?
Bulgaria lost most of its territory from the First Balkan War.
How did the Balkan Wars affect Serbia?
Serbia nearly doughted in size and became the strongest Balkan nation.
What did Serbia aim to achieve after the Balkan Wars?
Serbia wanted to increase its influence.
Mostly Salvic people in Austria-Hungary’s territories.
How did some Serbs in Bosnia feel after the Balkan Wars?
Many Serbs in Bosnia wanted Bosnia to join Serbia.
How was Bulgaria affected by the Balkan Wars?
Bulgaria was weakened and sought revenge on Serbia.
Why did Austria-Hungary see Serbia as a threat?
. Growth.
. Alliance with Russia.
Which countries were the major powers at the start of the 20th century?
Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary.
What were the two main alliances in Europe?
The Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.
What did the Moroccan Crisis reveal?
It tested the alliance system and showed Germany’s ambitions.
What caused unrest in the Balkans in the early 20th century?
Collapse of Ottoman Empire and countries trying to increase their influence.
What was Britain’s Splendid Isolation?
Britain being independent and not relying on other ecomonic allies.
What was the Two-Power Standard?
British law stating the British navy had to be equal in size to the next two largest navies combined.
Why did Britain end Splendid Isolation?
. Germany’s rising anger.
. Alliances in Europe.
. German support for the Boers and naval expansion.
What factors led to the end of Splendid Isolation?
. Growing cooperation with France.
. German naval expansion.
. Formation of the Dual and Triple Alliance.
What marked the end of Britain’s Splendid Isolation?
1902 alliance with Japan and 1904 Entente Cordiale with France.
What were Kaiser Wilhelm II’s aims?
. Build Germany’s military strength.
. Establish a global empire.
. Rival Britain and France through Weltpolitik.
Why did Kaiser Wilhelm II want a large navy?
Help build an empire and rival Britain’s naval power.
What were the consequences of the Kaiser’s policies?
. Increased tensions in Europe.
. Other nations concerned about German’s ambitions.
. Responding by building up their own navies.
What was the arms race in Europe before WW1?
By 1914 major European powers spent nearly £400 million on their armies and navies with most introducing conscrription (except Britain).
How did European powers prepare for war?
. £400 million on armies and navies.
. Introduced/increased conscription.
. Developed military plans for quick mobilization.
What was Germany’s military plan (Schilieffen Plan)?
Defeat France quickly before Russia could organise its troops.
What is an Arms Race?
Two or more countries.
Why did the Naval Race begin?
Kaiser wanted to rival Britain’s powerful navy.
What were the German Navy Laws?
Laws to increase the German Navy’s size.
How did Britain respond to Germany’s naval expansion?
By building Dreadnoughtd the most powerful battleships of the time.
What were “Super Dreadnoughts”?
More advanced battleships built by Britain after Germany created its own Dreadnoughts/
What was Britain’s initial approach to foreign policy before the 20th century?
“Splendid Isolation” of avoiding alliances.
Why did Britain end its policy of Splendid Isoloation?
. Changes in Europe.
. Germany’s naval expansion.
-Then Britain formed alliances.
What was the Kaiser goals for Germany?
Incerase power and influence of Germany.
What was the aim of Serbian nationalists in the late 1800’s?
Unite all Serb areas in the Balkans.
How did A-H (Austria-Hungary) anger Serbian nationalists in 1908?
Taking over Bosnia which had a large Serb population.
Who were the Black Hand?
A secret Serbian group opposing Austarian control.
Why did A-H send Franz Ferdinand to Sarajevo in 1914?
Show power on Serbia’s national day.
How did the Black Hand prepare for the assassination?
Trained 7 students to attack him.
What happened during the first assassination attempt?
A bomb was thrown but missed Franz Ferdinand’s car.
How did Gavrilo Princip assassinate Franz Ferdinand?
Shot him after the car stopped near him by mistake.
What was the impact of Franz Ferdinad’s assassination?
Shocked Europe, escalated tensions this led to WW1.
What did A-H demand from Serbia after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?
A-H demanded from Serbia-
. Take responsibility.
. Remove Anti-Austarian groups under A-H police supervision.
How did Serbia respond to A-H demands?
Serbia agreed to all demands except allowing A-H police in Serbia.
What action did A-H take on July 28 1914?
A-H declared war on Serbia and began bombing Belgrade.
What happened on July 29 1914 in response to A-H declaration of war?
Russia prepared its troops to support Serbia.
How did Germany respond to Russia’s troop mobilization on July 30 1914?
Germany called on Russia to stop mobilizing triggering their alliance with A-H.
What happened on August 1 1914 when Russia refused to halt mobilization?
Germany declared was on Russia. France prepared to support Russia.
Why did Germany invade Belgium on August 3 1914?
Germany invaded Belguim as part of the Schlieffen Plan to reach France.
How did Britain respond to Germany’s invasion of Belguim?
Britain bound by a treaty to protect Belguim declared war on Germany.
Which countries declared war by August 6 1914?
Germany and A-H .VS. Russia, France, Britain and Serbia
What was the goal of Germany’s Schlieffen Plan?
Avoid a two-front by quickly defeating France then focusing on Russia.