GCSE definitions CSV Flashcards
‘With oxygen’. If exercise is not too fast and is steady, the heart can supply all the oxygen muscles need.
The ability to change the position of the body quickly and to control the movement of the whole body.
Anabolic steroids
Drugs that mimic the male sex hormone testosterone and promote bone and muscle growth.
‘Without oxygen’. If exercise is done in short, fast bursts, the heart cannot supply blood and oxygen to muscles as fast as the cells use them.
Pertaining to anorexia - a prolonged eating disorder due to loss of appetite.
The ability to retain the body’s centre of mass (gravity) above the base of support with reference to static (stationary), or dynamic (changing), conditions of movement, shape and orientation.
Balanced diet
A diet which contains an optimal ratio of nutrients.
Beta blockers
Drugs that are used to control heart rate and that have a calming and relaxing effect.
Blood pressure
The force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of the blood vessels.
Body composition
The percentage of body weight which is fat, muscle and bone.
Cardiac output
The amount of blood ejected from the heart in one minute.
Cardiovascular fitness
The ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time.
The relationship between: skill, the selection and application of skills,
The ability to use two or more body parts together.
Drugs that elevate the rate of bodily urine excretion.
A somatotype, individuals with narrow shoulders and narrow hips,
A somatotype, individuals with wide hips and narrow shoulders,
Erythropoietin (EPO)
A type of peptide hormone that increases the red blood cell count.
A form of physical activity done to maintain or improve health and/or
The ability to meet the demands of the environment.
Frequency, intensity, time, type (used to increase the amount of work
The range of movement possible at a joint.
A state of complete mental, physical and social wellbeing, and not merely
Healthy, active lifestyle
A lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental and social
Heart rate
The number of times the heart beats each minute.
Individual differences/needs
Matching training to the requirements of an individual.
Isometric contractions
Muscle contraction which results in increased tension but the length does
Isotonic contraction
Muscle contraction that results in limb movement.
A place where two or more bones meet.
A somatotype, individuals with wide shoulders and narrow hips,
Methods of training
Interval training, continuous training, circuit training, weight training,
Muscular endurance
The ability to use voluntary muscles many times without getting tired.
Muscular strength
The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance.
Narcotic analgesics
Drugs that can be used to reduce the feeling of pain.
A term used to describe people who are very overfat.
A way of saying you have more body fat than you should have.
Fitness can only be improved through training more than you
Having weight in excess of normal (not harmful unless accompanied by
Oxygen debt
The amount of oxygen consumed during recovery above that which
Physical activity readiness questionnaire.
Personal Exercise Programme.
Peptide hormones
Drugs that cause the production of other hormones.
How well a task is completed.
Physical activity
Any form of exercise or movement; physical activity may be planned and
The ability to do strength performances quickly (power = strength x
Progressive overload
To gradually increase the amount of overload so that fitness gains occur,
Reaction time
The time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of a
Any adaptation that takes place as a consequence of training will be
The time required for the repair of damage to the body caused by
The period of time allotted to recovery.
Rest, ice, compression, elevation (a method of treating injuries).
Respect for, or a favourable opinion of, oneself.
Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound.
Classification of body type.
Matching training to the requirements of an activity.
The differential rate at which an individual is able to perform a
Drugs that have an effect on the central nervous system, such as
Stroke volume
The volume of blood pumped out of the heart by each ventricle during
Target zone
The range within which an individual needs to work for aerobic training to
A well-planned programme which uses scientific principles to improve
Training thresholds
The boundaries of the target zone.
Weighing less than is normal, healthy or required.