GCSE Computing - Revision questions, deck 1 Flashcards
A school has all its computers on a local area network (LAN). What are two benefits of a LAN.
Can share files/can work collaboratively on same filesCan share hardware resources/suitable example (Printer)Can access their files from any computer or classroomCan work together from different computers using instant messaging.Centralised deployment of software to all computers
When recording a sound file on a computer, the sound needs to be sampled. What is sampling and how is it used when storing sound?
Sampling is a method of converting an analogue sound signal into a digital file containing binary numbers. The height and amplitude of a sound wave is measured at regular intervals and converted to binary.
What effect does the sampling interval have on the size and quality of the sound file recorded?
If the interval is smaller (if you sample more often) you have more data to store, this results in a larger file. However, as the interval is smaller the sound reproduced is closer to the original audio, resulting in a better quality recording.
Why is data stored in computers in a binary format?
Circuit only needs to check for two states to determine if electricity flowing or not flowing, e.g. on or off (1 and 0). This results in more reliable circuits.
Why is the ASCII character set not suitable for representing text in all the languages of the world?
ASCII uses 8 bits and so can only represent 255/256 distinct characters. Many more characters are needed for coping with all languages (e.g. Unicode 16bits).
What do we mean by the term logic error?
The error does not prevent program running, but does result in the program not producing the expected output.
What are two functions of an operating system?
Provides interfaces between user and computerDetermines look and feel of the computerProvides a platform for software to run on • e.g. application software such as Microsoft word cannot run without an operating system already installed.Manages peripherals used by the system• e.g. Keyboard, MouseManages memory
What is open source software?
The source code is distributed with the softwareThe customer can modify the source codeThe customer can redistribute the source code (with the same licence/restrictions)
What is meant by a database?
A persistent (stored in secondary storage so that it can be accessed later) and structured/organised store of data, that allows data to be queried/interrogated.
Describe two tools in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that can help a user when creating a program?
Editor• Allows Jim to enter the program code• Colour coding keywords• Auto-completes code as you type.Compiler• Transforms the written source code into machine code.Debugging tools• Highlights errors in the code• Suggests possible solutions.
What is meant by a peer-to-peer network?
All computers have equal status, with no central server controlling the network. Data, Files and devices are shared between each other.
What is the system cleanup maintenance utility used for?
Searches for and deletes files/programs which are no longer used. For example the software utility could delete temporary files, installation files and registry values which are no longer needed.
What is the automatic update system maintenance utility used for?
Checks on the (software manufacturer’s site on the) Internet for newer versions of programs which are installed. If found it download / installs the software.
Convert the denary number 55 into an 8 bit binary number
0011 0111
Convert the denary number 55 to hexadecimal