GCSE Computer Science Fundamentals Unit Flashcards
Year 9 Summer 2/Year 10 Autumn 1
What are the numbers in the binary number line?
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
When converted to denary, what is the binary number 1001?
8 + 1 = 9
When converted to binary, what is the denary number 29?
29 - 16 = 13
13 - 8 = 5
5 - 4 = 1
What are the rules with binary addition?
0+0 = 0
1+0 = 1
0+1 = 1
1+1 = 0 carry 1
1+1+1 = 1 carry 1
Describe how an insertion sort is carried out.
An insertion sort is where the numbers are inserted into the correct position. It is the quickest kind of sorting.
Describe how a merge sort is carried out.
A merge sort is where we divide and conquer - octo (8) - quads (4) - pairs (2) then sort pairs (2) - quads (4) - octo (8)
Describe how bubble sort is carried out.
In the bubble sort, you sort the pairs:
1st pass - start at 1st item
2nd pass - start at 2nd item
3rd pass - start at 1st item
4th pass - start at 2nd item etc….
Describe how a linear search is carried out.
A linear search is where each item in the list is checked until the correct item is found. This can be a slow process if the list is long.
Describe how a binary search is carried out.
A binary search is where the list is divided in 2 - is the item you are looking for in the top half or bottom half - get rid of the half of the list it is not in, and repeat the process until you find the item you are looking for.
What are the main security threats from social engineering?
Blagging where we give confidential information to people we ‘trust’ and phishing, where through an email attachment, for example, we are taken to a fake website.
What are the main security threats from hacking?
A denial of service attack, where the web server is flooded with requests and thus the website crashes, and a brute force attack is when by trial and error the hacker gains unauthorized access through hacking passwords.
What are the main security threats from malware?
Virus (attaches), worms (replicates), Trojan (disguises), ransomware (locks), spyware (spies), keylogger (monitors).
What are the main security threats when using ad hoc temporary networks?
Shouldering (aka shoulder surfing) as a result of poor user awareness and data interception (man-in-the-middle) attack as a result of weak security.
What is computational thinking?
Breaking a big problem into smaller more manageable problems.
What are the main steps in computational thinking?
Abstraction - Decomposition - Pattern Recognition - Algorithmic Thinking.
What are the main stages in the programming cycle?
Plan - Design - Implement (develop) - Test - Evaluate.