GCP Cloud Storage Flashcards
What is google cloud storage suitable for?
Unstructured data, pictures, videos, objects, documents, text files, multimedia, file backup
In AWS and Azure what are the services Google Cloud Storage is like?
AWS S3 and Azure BLOB storeage.
Google cloud storage integrates very well with other GCP services, what are these services?
-BigQuery - Import/Export
-AppEngine - Object storage, logs, datastore backup
-CloudSQL - Import/Export of tables
-ComputeEngine - Startup scripts, Images and general object storage
Do I have to enable encryption on Google Cloud Storage?
No, GCP Cloud Storage is by default encryption.
Google Cloud Storage has a number of storage classes, what are they?
-Single region
How large can an object be?
What are the organizational units of Google Cloud Storage?
In Google Cloud Storage an I better to have lost of objects per bucket or lots of buckets?
Fewer buckets and more objects per bucket gives better performance.
I am writing 1000 of objects to Google Cloud Storage, I want the best performance, I intend to use sequential names for the objects, will this use of sequential naming give me the best performance?
No, as all the objects will be written to the same servers, we want objects to be written to all servers in Google Cloud Storage, by using random naming we get to have the objects distributed.
Do I need to have a uniques name for a bucket?
Do all classes have the same throughput, low latency and high durability?
Yes, unline AWS Glacier where the glacier is different.
For Multi-Regional Google Cloud Storage, what is the SLA?
For Single-Regional Google Cloud Storage, what is the SLA?
For Nearline Google Cloud Storage, what is the SLA?
For Coldline Google Cloud Storage, what is the SLA?
What uses cases is Multi-Regional Google Cloud Storage good for?
Data frequently accessed world wide, website content, streaming, video games
What uses cases is Single-Regional Google Cloud Storage good for?
Frequently accessed in same region (e.g data analytics in DataProc)
What uses cases is Nearline Google Cloud Storage good for?
Infrequent accessed data (regular backups)
What uses cases is Coldlinel Google Cloud Storage good for?
Cold data (archive data, desaster recovery)
Is there a retevial cost for Nearline Google Cloud Storage?
Is there a retevial cost for ColdlineGoogle Cloud Storage?
Is there minium duration period for Nearline Google Cloud Storage? and what is it?
Yes it is 30days
Is there minium duration period for Coldline Google Cloud Storage? and what is it?
Yes and it is 90days
Do I have to have unique names for buckets?
If we chose to use regional storage for GCP Cloud storage, where is the data stored?
Data is replicated to 3 or more Zones in a region.
If we chose to use multi-regional storage for GCP Cloud storage, where is the data stored?
Data is replicated to multiple regions.
Is my GCP Cloud Storage data encrypted by default?
What is a disadvantage of the Coldine storage class compared to the Standard storage class?
-Slower data access
-Minimum lifespan
-Charged for download
-More expensive
-Minimum lifespan
-Charged for download
Is a service account tied to a person’s account?
Yes is is tied to a personal account
With coldline, what is the retention period?
It is the min time you have to leave the data in nearline storage, it is 90 days for coldline storage.
With nearliie storage what is the retention period?
It is the min time you have to leave the data in nearline storage, it is 30 days for coldline storage.
What is coldline storage good for?
Backup, DR, Archive
Good for accessing once a year
Of the storage tiers, witch the lowest cost per month?
Is the retrevial cost for coldline lower then nealine?
Yes, keep
Can i change a regional bucket to a multi regional bucket?
Can i change a multi regional bucket to a regional bucket?
Can i change a regional bucket to a nearline regional bucket?
Can i change a multi-regional bucket to a coldline bucket?
What is the CLI for cloud storage?
I need to enforce IAM permissions at the cloud storage object level, will this work with IAM?
No, IAM only works to the bucket level, you have to use ACL
I need to give an external user access to an object for a limited time, what is my best option?
Signed URL will give us time limited access.
I need to give an external user access to an bucket for a limited time, what is my best option?
Signed URL will give us time limited access.
What are legacy role?
Its a role that works with ACL’s, changing the ACL will change the IAM permission
What is a retention policy?
It locks the bucket for a period, after the period the bucket is able to be changed.
What is a standard role?
It is a IAM role that is no affected by ACL
With object life cycle management what actions can i take?
-Delete and object
-Downgrade the storage class
Is object life cycle management applied to the bucket o object?
With object life cycle can we change the storage class of the bucket or the objects in the bucket?
You are changing the objects in the bucket.
What are the object life cycles conditions conditions?
-Created before
-Is live (not archive versions)
-Matches storage class
-Number of newer versions
What are the object lifecycle actons?
If i delete an live version of an object, is the object deleted?
No, it is archived.
if i delete and archive version of the object, is the object deleted?
When you have a life cycle rule with 2 actions,do 1 or 2 conditions have to be correct to invoke the action?
all conditions, in this case 1 and 2.
When you have 2 life cycle rules with each having seperate conditions and actions, do all conditions need to be correct for actions to be invoked?
no, each condition will trigure its own action.
How do you set versioning on for a bucket?
gsutil versioning set on
How do i list all archived objects in a bucket?
gsutil ls -a gs://mybucket
What is a generation number?
It is used when objects are versioned, each object gets a generation number.
What is the Cloud Storage Transfer Service?
It is a service for copying data from AWS S3, another cloud storage bucket in any region, URL
I have a bucket of data in east-us1 and want to have it coped to asia region once each day, what service can i use?
Transfer service allowes you to schedule the cpy of data.
I have over 20 TB of data to ship to google, what is the recomended method?
Transfer applience
what is the recomended size a transfer applience should be used.
Why do we say Cloud Storage objects are immutable?
It is because you can not edit them in place, they are replaced if versioning is turned off.
I require the lowest cost storage where data access every 14 days, what is my best option?
Regional storage, nearline.
I require the lowest cost storage where data access every 50 days, what is my best option?
Regional coldline. Regional because you were not asked for multi-regional
I work for an international Library, we require storage to store copies of our digital books, these books may only be accessed every 1 - 2 years. Do I need to ensure the highest level of durability? What is my best storage option?
Multi-region coldline.
What is the max object size I can store?
I need to transfer 100GB of files form GCP us-east1 to europe-west1, what is by best option?
Use GCP transfer-service to transfer storage form one region to another.
I need to set up a daily transfer of 100GB of files form us-wert1 to wurope-west1, what is my best option?
GCP transfer-services has the ability to schedule transfer file, you can use this option to set a daily event to transfer files.
I have a bokets with mixed file extension like .txt .exe .png. I want to transfer just the .txt file from us-east1 to europe-west1, what is my bets option?
GCP transfer-services has the ability to filter just the extensions when transferring files.
I have files available in an HTTP source on the internet, I want to store these files in europe-west1 on cloud storage, what is my bets method?
GCP transfer-services has the ability to use HTTP and HTTPS as a source.
I have files stored in a regional bucket, I want to transfer the files to a multi-regional bucket, what is my best option?
You can use life-cycle policies to move from regional to multi-regional. But you can use the google transfer service to move the files for you.
I have data stored on-prem, shoul;d I use transfer-service?
No, on-prem is not supported by the storage-service. It is best practice to use gsutil.
I have data stored in AWS S3, what is my bets option for moving it to GCP Clouds Storage?
Use transfer-servicxe, transfer-service has AWS S3 support.
I have 20TB of files I need to move from my datacenter, what are by best options?
Use the GCP Transfer Applience
With each object I need to store extra information like who in my org owns the object, how best can I do this?
Use the meta data storage feature in cloud storage to store a key value pair.
I have an application thet generates data in memory, its not saved to file. I need to store this data long term (10Years). What is my bets option?
Use the cloud storage streaming option to stream thet data to one or more objects in GCP cloud storage.
What is object metadata
-it is a key value pair atatched to the object.
-Storage class is present as metadata (storageClass)
-Access control
-Cache control
Content disposal
Content encoding
Content languate
Content type
What is the prefered method of access for Cloud Storage, Iam or ACL?
When would I use ACL?
When you need to define object level access
I need to give a user access to an object in a bucket, how do I do thisd with IAM?
You can not, IAM is only supported down to the bucket level. You will have to use ACL to asign access.
I have 50 obbjects and need to asign access to all onbjects in the bucket, what is my bets option?
It is NOT ACL as this is two granular. Use Iam and give bucket level access.
How can I make bucket public?
Use ACL, make read-only and make storage-object-viewer
What is the max number of ACL per bucket?
What are predefined ACL’s
A predefined or “canned” ACL is an alias for a set of specific ACL entries that you can use to quickly apply many ACL entries at once to a bucket or object. Like,
I need to get notified when an object changes, should I use Pub/Sub or Object Change Notifications?
Pub/Sub is the recomeded method.
I require my application to receive an event when an object in Cloud Storage changes, I do not wnat to use pub/sub. What other optrions do I have?
Object Change Notifications, yolu can have the application request a HTTP callback when a change happens.
Can I enable and disable object versioning?
I have a Cloud Storage bucket and I wnat to make it available to user and also have the user pay for any charges, what is my bets option?
Usew the Cloud Storage user pays.
I am in the health sector and duse to regulations I need to store files where for a period the files can not be deletedor changed. What is my bets option?
Use bucket retention policy to ensure objects can only be deleetd or over written once the age is grater then the retention period.
What is a retention period lock used for?
It is used to lock the retention period for ever, it can never be changed. Once a retention policy is locked, you cannot delete the bucket until every object in the bucket has met the retention period.
Is cloud storage regional?
No it multi-regional, like, United states, europe, asia
I want to use the Transfer Service to move data from Google bucket to AWS S3, is this possible?
No, you can not transfer from a GCP bucket to AWS.
Can I use Transfer service to keep two GCP buckets in sync?
Yes, you can set up two transfer policies. The destination always has to be a GCP Bucket.