GBS/CIDP Flashcards
GBS symptoms/clinical features?
CN (except I, II, VIII) + Motor + Sensory + Autonomic
- CN palsies, especially bulbar
- Ascending motor weakness
- Paraesthesia or sensory loss
- Autonomic: postural hypotension, bladder/bowel, labile BP
What are the precipitating factors for GBS? (4)
- Respiratory or GI infection
- Surgery
- Vaccination
- Intercurrent malignancies (e.g. Lymphoma)
P: ascending motor, sensory, CN symptoms. Autonomic features - bowel/bladder, postural, arrythmia. If this happened more than once suspect CIDP
R: GI/Resp infection, surgery, vaccination, concurrent malignancy
I: LP, NCS/EMG, lung-function, MRI
C: respiratory failure, Falls, ICU admission
M: NIV/intubation, IVIG, PEX (not steroids), PT
C: how are you coping, discharge plan?
Examination findings to report for GBS/CIDP? (4)
- CN - especially Bulbar + ophthalmoplegia (MFS - ataxia, areflexia, ophthalmoplegia)
- Distal motor weakness - 25% will have more proximal weakness
- Sensory - mainly posterior columns (vibration/proprioception)
- Autonomic - postural BP, look for cardiac arrhythmia (ask for it)
What investigations would you ask for & what do you look for in this patient with suspected GBS?
- CSF results (albumin-cytological dissociation: high protein, lack of WCC)
- evidence of recent infection (Monospot, cold-agglutinins, CMV, HIV, Campylobactor)
- NCS/EMG (slowed motor conduction, conduction blocks, increased distal motor latencies, reduced sensory AP)
E: exclude spinal cord pathology (MRI), other variants of GBS (MFS - Anti-GQ1B)
Severity/complications: Lung-function test (spirometry) look for reduced FEV1, FVC suggestive of respiratory muscle involvement.
What are DDx of GBS? (5)
Other causes for acute ascending motor paralysis include (3 P’s)
- Polio
2. Diphtheria
3. Botulism
- Porphyria
Prognosis of GBS? What is a feature of poor prognosis?
Good - most will make a complete recovery.
2% mortality (due to respiratory complications, PE, arrhythmias)
10% may have major residual deficit, especially if the symptoms do not resolve in 3 weeks.
What is your approach to managing GBS? (4)
- Physiotherapy to prevent contractures, walking aids, splints, foot orthoses, fall prevention measures, educate.
- Respiratory support in ICU if VC <1L
- Plasmapheresis or IVIG - shortens time to recovery
- Steroids (generally not helpful)/ImmSx
- DVT prophylaxis