GBF Ordination Exam Questions - Old Testament And Leadership Flashcards
Old Testament
Give the approximate date for the creation and the flood respectively
Creation - c 4000 BC
Flood - c 2400-2300 BC
Old Testament
Give the approximate dates for Abraham, Moses, and the Exodus
Abraham - c 2166-1991 BC (175 years)
Moses - c 1525-1405 BC (120 years)
Exodus - c 1405 BC
Old Testament
Give approximate dates for David, Solomon, and the division of the kingdom
David- c 1010-970 BC (40 years)
Solomon- c 970-930 BC (40 years)
Division of kingdom- c 930 BC
Old Testament
Give approximate dates for the Fall of Israel, Fall of Judah
Fall of Israel- c 722 BC (to Assyria)
Fall of Judah- c 586/7 BC (to Babylon)
Old Testament
Give an approximate date when the last OT book was written
Nehemiah, c 425-400 BC
Old Testament
Describe the continuities and discontinuities when comparing the Old and New Testaments.
a) Continuities
- Regarding commandments: God’s moral, ethical, and civil expectations of holiness from His people (i.e. all but 1 of the 10 commandments, not muzzling oxen when threshing, confirm accusation on basis of 2-3 witnesses), God’s call to for His people to love Him and love others
- Regarding covenants: Abrahamic and Noahic covenants are binding today
b) Discontinuities
- Regarding commandments: ceremonial laws (i.e. circumcision, feasts and festivals, Sabbath, food laws), sacrificial laws, priesthood laws
- Regarding covenants: Mosaic covenant is no longer binding (Christ is the end of the Law, also see 2 Corinthians 3 and being a minister of the new, not old, covenant). Acts 15 makes clear that Gentiles are to abstain from idolatry, immorality, and eating blood. The rest of the OT laws that are ceremonial/sacrificial/priesthood don’t apply
Old Testament
Is there a conflict or contradiction between the Law (Moses) and what Jesus taught in the Beatitudes (Matt. 5-7). Explain how these are related. How do they contradict and/or complement each other?
- No, Jesus does not contradict the Law of Moses. He clarifies and completes (fulfills) it.
- The Pharisees had both 1) misunderstood the full meaning and application of the Law, and 2) twisted it to justify themselves. But Christ clarified what true righteousness that results in justification truly looks like.
Old Testament
List out the key covenants from the Word of God and their importance. Which ones are conditional versus unconditional with respect to man. Which ones have been fulfilled and which ones remain to be fulfilled?
#1- Noahic Covenant (Genesis 9) - unconditional and fulfilled #2- Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12, 15, 17, 22) - unconditional, remains to be fulfilled #3- Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 19) - conditions, fulfilled #4- Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7, 2 Chronicles 17) - unconditional, fulfilled, remains to be fulfilled in full #5- New Covenant (Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 26) - unconditional, fulfilled, remains to be fulfilled in full
Describe at least one character in the Old Testament and New Testament that exemplify Biblical leadership?
Leadership of Nehemiah was marked by:
1) submission and humility toward God (1)
2) influence
3) example of his own service (5)
4) vision (not management) via heart burden (2:12/7:5)
5) integrity (not corrupt) (5)
6) initiative
7) delegation (4-6, all the people who took part in the work)
8) people’s welfare in mind while not taking advantage of his full privileges
9) dependently and prayerfully (“Remember, God…”)
10) courage against opposition (4-6)
11) courage to admonish
12) discretion/discernment
In the synoptic gospels (Matt 20:26, Mark 10:43; Luke 22:26), Jesus said that leaders in his kingdom should follow his example and be the servant of all. How have you tried to follow this example in your own life? Who are some mentors that have helped to instill this into your life?
A) This commitment to servanthood started in college, when I was trying to make a decision regarding career path. I knew that seminary would mean giving up all rights and pursuits of recognition and esteem for the sake of serving the people. It would be a life of sacrificial servanthood - no longer doing what I want to do for my own career development.
B) Servanthood is less about the kind of work or amount of work you do, and having the character of servanthood - placing the needs of others before yourself.
C) Commitment to servanthood in ministry means never doing anything in ministry for the sake of CAREER DEVELOPMENT, but committing myself completely for the progress/joy of the faith of others.
D) The picture of servanthood has become very clear to me after spending a lot of time in the Philippines and seeing actual servanthood and stewardship amongst the drivers/maids/guards in my dad’s house.
1) Family servanthood
2) Tutoring
3) Setup and teardown
4) Counseling and ministry equipping (including preparing lunch for them, meeting at places that’s easy for them)
5) Basketball camp
6) Children’s ministry (teaching not to show off, but for their understanding)
7) Feeding the flock with the Word (Proverbs 10:21, lips of righteous feed)
8) Helping Austin with all of his needs, including sermon prep
9) Boxing up Cliff’s books
10) driving back and forth LA and SD to pastor the youth in San Diego
11) doing the DMin for them
One of the challenges of being an elder is confronting sin. Give some biblical example of why this is important and how it should be implemented within the body of Christ and your particular role as an Elder of GBF.
#1- Ananias and Saphira in Acts 5 #2- The incest in 1 Corinthians 5 #3- The legalism/racism of Peter in Galatians 2 #4- David’s adultery in 2 Samuel 12
Important, because a little leaven leavens the whole lump (1 Cor 5)
An elder has to confront sin. It is not only the elders’ duty to confront sin (Matthew 18), but is the elders’ duty to make sure that sin is dealt with rightly in the church (i.e. Titus 3 and factious man). That’s part of Matthew 18 and “telling it to the church”
Old Testament
Who wrote Genesis?
Moses Old Testament (Deut 31:9, Joshua 8:32, 23:6, Ezra 7:6, Nehemiah 8:14) and the New Testament (Luke 2:22, 24:44, John 1:45) attest to his authorship