GBA 1 Flashcards
What method of risk management involves retaining or bearing risk internally?
The fundamentals of group insurance include…
Insured ee cannot determine the amount or type of coverage; ee must be actively at work; there must be a spread of risk; and any ee contributions are made thru payroll deductions
Some types of insurable groups can be:
Creditor groups, multi employer groups and association groups.
Factors that are generally considered in a plan sponsor’s benefit plan funding decision include:
Tax considerations, type of benefits, size of plan, regulatory requirements and volume of claims.
Common law rules that apply to benefits plan trustees include:
Standard of care rule, conflict of interest rule, no delegation and evenhanded rule.
In a MEP (multi employer plan), what is the structure commonly used to hold plan assets?
An employer’s benefits objectives typically address:
Premium contribution basis for insured benefits; specific competitive objectives; extent of coverage; level of expenditure, coverage, eligibility for different ee groups.
A systematic method for classifying and analyzing the risks and needs of ees into logical categories of exposures to loss and ee needs is:
The functional approach to benefits plan design
Under the functional approach, categories of individuals that an employer might want to protect include:
Disabled ees and their dependants; surviving dependents of deceased ees; part time ees; dependents of active full time ees
An approach to benefits plan design that provides an er paid level of basic benefits, and gives ees the option of purchasing optional benefits using flex credits is:
Core plus options approach
Circumstances that require an ee to provide satisfactorily evidence of insurability include:
Applies for coverage that was previously refused; applies for life insurance that exceeds a predefined max; elects optional life insurance coverage; and is considered a late applicant.
Risk avoidance techniques can include:
Substitution, elimination and separation.
A group contract defines the benefits provided and includes:
Types and level coverage provides; claims provision; premium provisions; insuring provisions such as eligibility requirements.
The classification of risk where the insured’s likelihood of loss is not significantly greater than average is:
Standard risk
Factors which influence the viability of an er association plan include:
A close relationship between members and association; close proximity of members; association administration capability; and a committed association exec.
The independent national complaint resolution and information service for consumers of Canadian life and health insurance products is?
Ombudservice for life and health insurance.
Plan administration activities may include:
Evaluating the overall program and specific benefits against performance standards; negotiating/monitoring service provider agreements; performing plan member enrolments; and determining the appropriate administrative structure.
Benefits which are best suited to short probationary periods include:
Life insurance and STD
Deciding to self fund certain benefits is an element of?
Cost containment
Which of the following statements correctly describes a fully pooled insurance arrangement?
Even if a particular group has favourable experience during the previous contract experience, its premium rates might increase if the experience of the pool is unfavourable.
What is the statistical concept of the law of large numbers?
Future probabilities of loss aren’t valid unless a large number of incidents exist to ensure the outcomes are less likely to deviate.
If the probability that an individual will live one year is .95 and the probability of dying in the next year is .10, what’s the probability that an individual will survive both years?
An insurance comp. had established a waiver of premium reserve of $100,000 and will have to pay out an optional life insurance benefit of $200,000. With an interest of 6% compounded annually, how many years will it take for the $100,000 reserve to accumulate $200,000?
12 years
A comp. is expecting to pay total death benefits of $150,000 at the end of 4 years. Assuming the interest rate is6% per year compounded semi-annually, what reserve level must be held today to meet this future obligation?
With respect to marketing group insurance, which of the following best describes account execs?
They’re involved in enrolling group members and installing new plans.
What effecting annual rate is equivalent to a nominal rate of 18% per annum compounded every month?
If an ee works full time and becomes sick, and unable to work; and cannot purchase disability insurance. This is an example of?
Accepting risk.
Under the COB provision, which plan is the first payer for a claim of a covered dependent child under a single custody arrangement?
Plan of the parent with custody of the child.
What correctly describes processing health care claims under a group benefits plan?
Plan member must submit a completed claim form and written proof of the expense within a specified time period to recover eligible expenses.
What correctly describes eligibility requirements under most group insurance plans?
Unmarried children under a specified age and dependent on the plan member for support- are eligible for coverage.
A type of service offered under a TPA’s claims settlement only arrangement is?
Adjudicating and paying claims.
What best describes an insured plan that is insured administered?
For insured plans with ASO, the insured bills the plan sponsor for monthly admin. fees.
What describes mortality tables?
A select mortality table is NOT used for group life products, since evidence of insurability is not usually required.
What best describes income replacement benefit provided under a group benefits plan?
Sick leave plans typically provide full pay for absences from work due to sickness or injury for a short period.
What best describes a characteristic of an insurance risk?
A loss must have financial
significance to the insured.
If a plan pays a $5000 if a plan member is hospitalized, but actual expenses are $4000. What is this an example of?
A contract of indemnity.
Which group satisfies all 5 fundamental principles of group insurance?
Single employer groups.
Type of organization and working climate impact a company’s total compensation philosophy. Which toe of company would emphasize long term, security oriented benefits in their total compensation package?
Conservative financial companies.
With designing a benefit plan, what best describes a benefit/needs oriented philosophy?
Health care = needs oriented benefit
What best describes the enrolment process for new ees?
An ee can enrol in the plan anytime between their date of hire and end of a waiting period.
What best describes the predictability of an event and the cost of insurance under a plan?
OOC emergencies are an unforeseen event with a potentially high cost.
What best describes prospectively rated u/w?
It bases premium rates in whole or in part on the group’s own claims experience.
What best describes direct offsets?
They include primary benefits payable under Canada/Quebec pension plan disability pensions and workers compensation benefits.
What is a taxable benefit to the plan member?
Under the functional approach to benefits plan design, one method for determining the length of service required for benefit eligibility considers whether the benefit is protection oriented or accumulation oriented. Under this method, which of the following types of benefits plans is likely to have the longest required waiting period?
Stock bonus
It was reported that 20 ppl under the age of 50 died. If the population of ppl under the age of 50 in the town is 10,000, what is the probability of a resident under the age of 50 dying?
What correctly describes the term “graduation” as it applied to mortality tables?
It is a mathematical process that removes anomalies that should not appear in the mortality data.
What describes the application of the CLHIA’s COB guidelines for OOC/OOP claims?
The first carrier is the insurer or plan administrator first contacted in the event of a claim.
What best describes correctly describes the negotiated placement method of marketing a group benefits plan?
Once potential insurers are identified, each company submits a brief report that highlights its general strategy, philosophy and proposed group benefits plan.
Which benefit is most likely to have a premium rate guarantee of more than one year?
If the probability that a pregnant woman will bear twins is .10, triplets is .05, quadruplets is .005 and quintuplets is 0, what is the probability that a pregnant woman will give birth to more than one child at the end of her pregnancy?
What correctly describes a disabled life reserve?
It is the estimate of the current value of all future periodic payments to an LTD claimant.
What correctly describes marketing a group benefits plan?
If a plan sponsor decides to cancel a plan, it typically must notify the insurer within 30 to 60 days before the effective date of cancellation.
What is the premium renewal rating process?
The objective of renewal rating is to set future premium rates at a level that supports projected claims charges and expenses.
For refund accounting plans, what is the possible initial source of funds for offsetting a deficit for a particular accounting period?
Claims fluctuation reserve (CFR)
What is the phase of a group plan marketing?
Plan features of both contributory and non-contributory benefit plans must be communicated to plan members during the enrolment process
What describes static tables and tables with projection?
In tables with projection, it is assumed that the mortality rate at a particular age will improve in the future by 1-2% per year.
What describes the difference between mortality tables and morbidity tables?
It’s more difficult to predict morbidity than mortality, since there are fewer sources of credible data.
What describes individual large amount pooling?
It protects the plan sponsor from claims payments with respect to any one insured individual in excess of the pooling limit or pool ceiling.
What best describes avoiding adverse selection?
The choice of benefits and amount of coverage must be restricted.
What best describes an MEP?
Employer contributions to a MEP are typically a specified amount per hour worked per employee.
How is the insurance marketplace regulated in Canada?
Federally incorporated insurers are subject to the financial soundness/solvency regime administered by the office of the superintendent of financial institutions (OFSI)
What is a group benefits plan?
Insurance is usually less expensive to obtain under a group plan than under an individual plan.
What is u/w?
It is used by insurers to evaluate the risk of a group benefits plan; it’s used by insurers to establish a premium rating basis.
According to CLHIA guidelines related to insurance product disclosure, the plan description provided to each individual insured under a plan should include?
Name of plan sponsor, insurer and group policy number; claims provision including a description on how to submit a claim and proof of loss time limits.
What type of ees would a single employer want to cover?
Active permanent ees and their dependants; surviving dependents of deceased ees; ees temporarily separated from the er service due to layoffs, leaves of absence, military duties or strikes.