GB del Gougo Flashcards
What are the alternate minima for IFR flights? (weather)
1 aid required: more than SCT below HAA/HAT + 500’ and vis less than plate + 2000m
2 aid: more than SCT below HAA/HAT + 500’ for app procedure with 2nd lowest MDA/DH available to aircraft type and 2nd lowest vis available + 2000m
No inst app alt min: LSALT for final route segment + 500’ and 8km vis
How soon after receipt of a radar heading instruction must a pilot turn?
Immediately commence rate one turn (unless otherwise instructed)
When should you advise ATC of a change in departure time?
At least 30min before ETD to prevent delays
What are the emergency SSR codes?
EMER 7700
Comm fail 7600
Unlawful interference 7500
May captain of an aircraft use the circling areas of a higher category aircraft?
Yes, where limitations of higher cat are complied with and aerodrome in sight.
What minimum obstacle clearance is the missed approach designed to provide?
Min 100’, MAP path at gradient of 2.5% (152ft/nm)
Can a non-standard cruise level be approved in either CTA or OCTA?
Pilots may request non-conforming level if operational requirement. Phrase “due operational requirement”. Essential to safety of flight and occupants
When is pilot permitted to make a turn opposite to the direction of the circuit?
Well outside the circuit area and no conflict exists (usually 3NM)
A pilot may discontinue or need not commence inst approach when:
Day: within 30nm of aerodrome at alt not below route LSALT/MSA, DME/GPS steps or MDA, and a/c established;
- clear of cloud
- in sight ground/water
- vis not less than 5000m
- maintain first 3 at alt not less than 500ft above lower limit of CTA
Night: at alt not below route LSALT/MSA, DME/GPS steps or MDA, and a/c established;
-clear of cloud
- in sight ground/water
- vis not less than 5000m
-maintain first 3 and alt not less than 500ft above lower limit of CTA
and one of the following
-If prescribed approach, within circling area
-if no approach, within 3NM and aerodrome in sight
- within 5NM (7nm for rwy with ILS) of aerodrome, aligned and established on centreline and not below slope for T-VASI or PAPI
-within 10nm of aerodrome, est not below ILS gpath, with less than full scale deflection
How is the circling area calculated for cat c aircraft?
4.2nm arcs from each RWY threshold, joined by tangents.
If a forecast is required but cannot be obtained, can the flight continue?
Yes if pilot thinks weather at departure will allow safe return within 1hr of departure. Flight can also continue if forecast for destination obtained within 30 min of departure.
Also can depart if an alternate meets the requirements.
What is the rated coverage of NDB’s, VOR’s, and DME’s?
NDB: published in ERSA VOR/DME/TACAN: <5000’ 60NM 5000 - 10000’ 90NM 10000 - 15000’ 120NM 15000 - 20000’ 150NM >20000’ 180NM
LLZ at 2000agl within +- 10deg
of course line: 25NM
<5000’ 30 NM
>5000’ 50NM
Inter: frequent changes, conditions fluctuating constantly for periods < 30 and not expected to cover more than half the given period.
Tempo: change in prevailing conditions to last periods of 30 - 60 mins in each instance and not expected to cover more than half the given period.
FM: changes expected at the specified time
BECMG: changes expected to develop at regular and irregular rate during specified times period
What must a pilot study before flight?
- Weather for route and aerodromes
- Airways facilities and their condition
- Suitability of aerodromes being used
- ATC rules and procs for the flight
- head office NOTAMs and location NOTAMs
VFR flight on top of SCT (4/8ths) cloud is available provided that:
Visual position fixing every 30 min, or using IFR nav method
How is LSALT calculated in accordance with GPA?
Where highest obstacle >360’ above terrain, LSALT 1000’ above highest obstacle
Highest obstacle <360’, LSALT 1360’ above terrain
If elevation of highest terrain <500’amsl, LSALT not less than 1500’
LSALT rounded up to nearest 100’
When weather conditions deteriorate temporarily/intermittently, when is an alternate not required?
If appropriate holding fuel is carried. Carry for most limiting requirement, noting inter and tempo don’t stack up. Fuel must be carried if ETA is 30 min before start or after end of deteriorations, except for first 3 hours of TAF3?
When must a missed approach be executed?
- navaid our of tolerance on finals
- below MSA, navaid suspect/fails
- not visual by MAPt
- Lansing can’t be effected from RWY approach (unless circling can be done)
- lose visual reference while circling
What are the take off minima for PC21 ops?
300’ cloud ceiling
2000m vis
When must a VFR or IFR military aircraft submit a flight plan?
Planned to take place in or nearby CTA except those originating in military CTR and remaining in local flying training area.
Flights proceeding to another airfield, except where destination is also in same military CTR.
Flights conducted outside of local training area.
In CTA, how soon after receiving an ATC instruction must the pilot commence a level change?
ASAP, no later than 1min
Within what distance of a facility can an aircraft deviate from track being flown for the purpose of a instrument landing?
25NM or 10nm (use appropriate MSA) to deviate from track for purpose of entering an instrument approach.
What are the alternate nav aid requirements for military aircraft?
Alternate required unless:
Destination served by navaid with prescribed approach and aircraft has 2 independent nav systems capable of using that aid
OR destination served by 2 navaids with independent approaches that aircraft has seperate nav systems which can use those aids.
OR by day only, no navaid, no more than SCT cloud below final route segment LSALT + 500 and vis >8km, aircraft can be navigated with IFR nav rules
When is captain exempt from having to provide a suitable alternate aerodrome?
When operating VFR by day within 50NM from point of departure
When does outbound timing commence in a holding pattern?
Abeam fix or when outbound HDG attained, whichever comes later.
In VMC, pilot of IFR a/c may request a vis departure. What requirements must be met for pilot to request and ATC to offer?
Pilot: request only if cloud base will allow a/c to climb in VMC to MSA/LSALT for departure. If intended cruising level is lower than route LSALT, cloud base must permit VMC flight at that level.
ATC: will only issue when cloud base allows pilot to maintains flight in VMC below MVA or LSALT/MSA. When given alt/hdg instructions below MVA/MSA/LSALT, “visual” will be appended to departure.
How accurate must time reference be?
+/- 30 sec
Can a pilot of a VFR aircraft navigate by any other means than visual reference when below 2000’?
What are the landing minima for aerodromes without an approved instrument approach procedure? (IFR day and IFR night)
IFR day: visual approach requirements
IFR night: VMC from LSALT within 3NM
What are the speed limitations for holding?
FL200: 265kts
What are the VFR and IFR cruising levels in Australia
East odds, west evens
IFR every 1000’, VFR every 1000’ + 500’
000 - east - 179
180 - west - 359
When can aircraft be flown with altimeter error greater than required accuracy?
Error between 60’ - 75’, IFR flight to first point of landing, where accuracy rechecked. One altimeter has to be within 60’.
Are allowances for heading and/or timing permissible during a reversal procedure?
Allowance should be made in heading and timing to compensate for wind
When may VFR or IFR flights operate on reporting schedules?
Mercy flights Flood, famine, fire relief flights Search and rescue flights Over water flights Military flights
Heights measured from 1013.25 datum must be expressed as what?
“Flight level”
If a missed approach is carried out prior to the MAPt, what track should be flown?
Pilot to fly a/c to MAPt and then follow MAP procedure.
White cross, double cross and dumbbell ground sign meanings
White cross: aerodrome U/S
Double cross: gliding ops in progress
Dumbbell: hard surface movements only
State VMC criteria for class C, D, E and G airspace
C: above 10000’, 8km vis, 1500m horizontal and 1000’ vertical clear of cloud
Below 10000’, 5km vis, same cloud restrictions
D: 5km vis, 600m horizontal, 1000’ above and 500’ below cloud
E: same as class C
G: above 10000’, same as class C Below 10000’, same as class C At/below 3000amsl or 1000agl, whichever is higher, 5km vis, clear of cloud, in sight ground or water, require radio
Purpose of special VFR?
For entering or leaving CTR in conditions < VMC
A positive radio fix is one determined by the passage of the aircraft over:
NDB VOR/TACAN DME GNSS meeting req’s of OAA intersection of 2 or more position lines intersecting at angles >45deg, obtained from NDB/VOR/TACAN//DME in any combo within rated range.
An aircraft must not descend below the LSALT or MSA for the route segment being flown, until it has arrived over the IAF faculty, except when…
Except when complying with requirements of visual approach, when doing published DME/GPS arrives procedure, or when identified and assigned alt by ATC.
VFR altimeters should read within how many feet of nominated altitude?
100’ of site elevation with actual QNH, (110’ for test sites above 3300’)
What is the definition of night?
Period of time between end of evening civil twilight and beginning of morning civil twilight (centre of sun 6 deg below horizon)
What are the alternate minims for VFR flights?
VFR (day or night) alt min
Ceiling of 1500’ and 8km vis