Gatsby quotes Flashcards
“Tom’s got some woman in New York”
Jordan reveals Tom’s affair
“low thrilling voice”
“bright passionate mouth”
“full of money”
Descriptions of Daisy’s voice
“I hope she’ll be a fool - that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool”
Daisy about her daughter Pammy
Zelda F said this in real life
“flutter of a dress and the crunch of leather boots”
Daisy and Tom return to table - gender
“bantering inconsequence”
description of Daisy and Jordan talking to eachother
“a body capable of enormous leverage - a cruel body”
Description of Tom
West Egg is “the least fashionable of the two”
Nick describing West vs East egg
“Everything for which I have unaffected scorn”
What Gatsbsy represents to Nick
“Making a short, deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose”
Tom hits Myrtle
“Myrtle raised her eyebrows in despair at the shiftlessness of the lower orders”
Myrtle’s despair over lower classes
Myrtle reads “Town Tattle”
A real scandal magazine
“an immediately perceptibly vitality”
“continually smouldering”
“carried her flesh sensuously”
Description of Myrtle
“The eyes of Dr T J Eckleburg are blue and gigantic”
Nick describes the advert
“ashes grow like wheat”
Valley of Ashes description
Owl Eyes had been drunk “about a week”
When Nick and Jordan find him in the library
NYC is “racy” and “adventurous”
Nick describes NYC
“I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy”
Jordan Baker on parties
Rumours about Gatsby
killed a man, german spy during war, american soldier, oxford man, “cousin of Kaiser Wilhem’s”, “second cousin to the devil”
“in the ditch rested a new coupe”
Owl Eyes crashes the car
“hair bobbed in strange new ways”
Women’s hair at Gatsby’s party
“So that Daisy would be just across the bay”
Why Gatsby bought his house
“A limousine driven by a white chauffeur with 3 black people in the back”
Cars that pass on the way to NYC
“a string of pearls valued at $350 000”
Tom’s gift to Daisy on their wedding night
“all built with a wish out of nonolfactory money”
description of NYC
made from hard work