Gates Flashcards
Gate 58
Pressure to Perfect
Root to Spleen
You’re someone who is driven to make things better; you feel pressure for things to get better, for yourself to be better, for the world to be better. It doesn’t mean you’re a perfectionist per se, but you feel this pressure to improve. However, it’s not necessarily correct for you to try to improve everything yourself. Sometimes you can make people or projects better just by bringing your energy to the situation. The downside here is always thinking something’s wrong or that you’re not good enough if you can’t be the one to fix things.
Gate 38
Deflecting Struggle
Root to Spleen
You’re someone who handles stress well and doesn’t crack under pressure. When shit hits the fan, you know how to step in and handle it, going straight to the issue and addressing it. Where others would falter or get anxious, or overwhelmed, you can just go into the struggle and take care of it. You have to watch that you’re not creating struggle for no reason or getting into arguments to feel validated.
Gate 54
Pressure to Provide for Oneself
Root to Spleen
You have this underlying drive to stand on your own two feet and you enjoying being able to provide for yourself. You might be a natural entrepreneur or enjoy working independently. The negative side of this gate is feeling like, if someone else is doing better than you are, then you’re not good enough. And so, if you can’t be the best, you might as well not even do it. Like if you wanted to start a business but there are already 100 people doing it, then you would think, “Why bother?” and not try. It can also manifest as thinking it’s wrong to ask others for help or that you have to do it all on your own.
Gate 53
Pressure to Start
Root to Sacral
There’s a part of you that’s always feeling like you need to start. Your body literally wants to get moving and this pressure to move can cause anxiety, if you’re not using your energy during the day. But at the end of the day that’s just your body generating energy for you to pursue the things that light you up. So don’t allow your mind to create anxiety around not starting or moving fast enough. Sometimes that anxious GO energy isn’t even for you, it can inspire others around you to kick off a project, for example.
Gate 60
Intolerance to Roadblocks
Root to Sacral
You might resonate with the energy of, “I want to get going and I want to make sure nothing’s going to stand in my way!” because you have an intolerance for roadblocks or things that will stand in your path. Used in the negative aspect, this can cause you to think of all the possible roadblocks that will stand in your way, which brings you down before you even start. The correct way to use this energy is to understand that, yes, there will be roadblocks, but because you have an intolerance for that shit, you’re going to blow right past them.
Gate 52
Sitting Still and Resisting Restlessness
Root to Sacral
Sometimes the best way to start is by taking a minute, resisting that initial impulse, and gathering the insights to get it right before you start. Resisting the restlessness will create a powerful friction to get things moving when you are ready. Allow things to come to you, allow the energy to build.
Gate 19
Sensing Other’s Needs
Root to Solar Plexus
You can sense the core needs of others (like the need for food, shelter, or spirituality). You have a deep sensitivity to what people need and can feel the pressure to provide those things for them. Often you know what people need before they do. The downside is that this can fuel co-dependency where you think you have to tend to other’s needs before your own or to feel worthy.
Gate 39
Provoking with Consciousness
Root to Solar Plexus
You have the gift of being able to provoke people to a higher level of consciousness or change. Sometimes people need to be woken up by saying something uncomfortable, but you’re doing it with good consciousness. It’s about funneling that provocative energy by being a warrior of the light.
Gate 41
Artistic Creativity
Root to Solar Plexus
You have the gift of the artist inside you. There’s a certain pressure to create within. And to serve this gift, you really need to be singing, acting, dancing, cooking, et cetera (anything that’s an artistic form of creativity). It doesn’t have to be about your work, but you do need to bring this energy into your daily life.
Gate 30
Desire to Feel Deeply
Solar Plexus to Root
You might notice that you have a tendency to drive straight into the deep feels or that you love to experience the drama of life with all the ups and downs. When used correctly, you can feel deeply into certain moments and then let them go, without letting your mind interfere or try to hold onto anything. This is about using emotions to generate fuel for you. And it can also help you connect with others empathically, allowing space for them to feel deeply.
Gate 55
Feeling the Fullness of Life
Solar Plexus to Root
You may notice that sometimes, you can just FEEL how wonderful life is in the moment or that you can suddenly notice the beauty in everything. And you wish to always see life in this rose-colored way; remembering that even in the “shitty” moments, it’s all still perfect. This is your gift, to feel the fullness of life from a sense of awe. You hold this lesson for all of us. It’s about spiritual abundance, feeling how full and amazing it all is. You may have a tendency to fear a lack of passion or feel like you don’t know what you’re passionate about. But trust that when the timing is right, you’ll find the passion and drive to manifest new experiences and ideas.
Gate 49
Solar Plexus to Root
You’re someone that’s naturally quite altruistic or who has altruistic desires. You believe in what’s right and you want to work to improve the social and spiritual health of the planet. This can sometimes feed co-dependency or bring about shame if you’re not 100% altruistic 24/7. Your gift includes the courage and clarity needed to start a revolution.
Gate 6
Attunement to Intimacy
Solar Plexus to Sacral
You have the gift of knowing how to create intimacy with others and you enjoy intimate connections. You also can create healthy boundaries. Used incorrectly, you can create boundaries that keep everyone at an arm’s length, out of a fear of intimacy or a fear of revealing your true self. And this can make you feel separate from everyone, like you have to do it all alone. Allow yourself to remain open to connection.
Gate 37
Love of Communion with Your Tribe
Solar Plexus to Ego
Something that really lights you up is being around around your people. You have a natural ability to be a great matchmaker or network connector or community creator. There are so many ways you use this gift. But the essence is to indulge in your love of communion and bring your tribe together in whatever way that looks like for you. You have the gift of creating peace and harmony through honest agreements. Note: with this energy, there can also be a fear of getting trapped in traditional life roles.
Gate 22
Grace and Charm
Solar Plexus to Throat
Even though you might not yet acknowledge this about yourself, you’re quite charming. You may have noticed that others have even called you charming or graceful at some point in your life. Even if you see yourself as doing things in a messy way, others don’t see it because you have a graceful way about you. And the idea with this gift, really, is just to see yourself as a charming and graceful person and own that. Note: this energy also can come out as a fear of having nothing worth listening to so wait for the correct timing before sharing.
Gate 36
Solving Emotional Issues
Solar Plexus to Throat
You feel things more deeply than others and you’re very attuned to things being traumatizing emotionally in yourself. This is for a reason. Once you learn to master and solve your own emotional issues, then you’re able to help others solve their issues because you’re good at transmuting emotional energy. And you don’t have to wait to help others until you’ve solved every single emotional issue. You can start where you are and grow from there. This energy really has the ability to delay gratification in order to gain mastery. You may be a therapist or perhaps have been told that you’d make a good therapist.
Gate 59
Sacral to Solar Plexus
You have the ability to facilitate bonds between people. You can break through boundaries and walls to enable connections —either between yourself and another or between two different people. You’d make a great matchmaker or network facilitator or friend-maker. Also others often find you very attractive.
Gate 9
Ability to Home in on the Details
Sacral to Root
You can easily home in on certain details to see what’s missing or what’s not right. You aren’t necessarily detail oriented with everything but in certain areas you’re able to zoom in and see the tiniest details that others wouldn’t spot. Focus on meaningful details and trusting in right timing.
Gate 3
Ability to Make Order Out of Confusion
Sacral to Root
You’re here to be a change-agent, to be unique and transformative. And one of the ways you’ll do that is by helping others through a theme that you know personally. You may have experienced some trauma in your childhood —it doesn’t mean it was a large trauma necessarily, but it was something that triggered you. And there’s a specific theme of that trauma that you’re meant to bring into helping other people. It’s like your soul made an agreement upon coming into this life that you’d have this sort of signpost in childhood saying, “this is something that will trigger you and piss you off” so that’s what you need to focus on to help others.
Gate 42
Need to Analyze Before Moving On
Sacral to Root
You have the gift of being able to help people pause and take stock before diving in, to understand the “why” behind the action, to clarify the intention before diving in. You can be very good at bringing a bit of structure or understanding to what’s actually going on.
Gate 27
Natural Ability to Nurture and Care
Sacral to Spleen
You know how to take care of people and have this natural ability to nurture others. However, you always need to check-in and make sure you’re not depleting yourself. Remember to nurture yourself, too. And also, nurturing doesn’t always mean doing something for someone else. Sometimes you can nurture by guiding others to better care for themselves.
Gate 34
Magnetic Charisma
You have magnetic charisma whether you see it or not. So let your mantra be, “I do what I love to do and, in doing so, I become very magnetic.” Because it’s that magnetism that comes from doing what you love that just draws people and opportunities to you. But you really need to see yourself as charismatic and to allow yourself to be that lit up, without putting a damper on it. Check your perception of yourself and your actions here to truly make the most of this gift. This is the unconditional power to be YOU, to empower you toward individuation, displaying and celebrating your uniqueness.
Gate 5
Natural Sense of Rhythm & Ritual
Sacral to G
You have very specific rhythm in your life and in the way you prefer to live your 24 hour cycle and you should listen to that because it’s realigning you with divine timing. And you may have specific rituals that you prefer to follow, like the precise way you make your coffee every morning, for example. It could be on a daily, weekly, or seasonal basis. Just trust that you have a natural sense of what’s a good ritual or rhythm for you. And as much as you can, go by your internal calendar, your own schedule and flow.
Gate 14
Amplifying What’s Good in Others
Sacral to G
You have the ability to amplify what’s good in others. And probably every friend or co-worker has become more successful as a result of regularly being in your energy. There’s nothing you need to do about it, just recognize it. And just know that, by amplifying the good for others, you’ll inherently bring good to yourself as well. It’s really effortless. So let go of the mental pressure to make yourself a success and allow success to happen.
Gate 29
Love of Getting Involved with Others
Sacral to G
You love to collaborate, to be in partnership, to get involved in a team project. You love the creative energy that comes from collaboration.
Gate 18
Fear of Authority
Spleen to Root
You have an instinct for how to fix, perfect, and make things better. However, if this is turned inward, you might find yourself waiting for others to recognize this natural authority you have. And it can also come out as a fear of authority figures in general, seeing yourself as powerless, or putting other people on pedestals. Release self-judgement.
Gate 28
Fear of Running Out of Time
Spleen to Root
You’re someone who is often in a hurry, running late, and has difficulty relaxing due to a primal (perhaps unaware) fear of running out of time (maybe even a fear of death or of dying before fulfilling your purpose). However, because you have a nose for right timing, it means you can also trust your instinct on when it is the appropriate time to take risks. And, because the opposite of death is immortality, you also have the potential to embody this energy.
Gate 32
Fear of Failure
Spleen to Root
You have an innate instinct for success; you can use this gift to predict what projects or things will be successful. You know which ideas are worthy of energy and which ones you can release. However, the flip side is that you also have a tendency to fear failure. Have trust that your bright idea will be recognized by the right people.
Gate 50
Fear of Responsibility
Spleen to Sacral
When you’re really honest with yourself, you might admit you have a fear of being your highest, most powerful self and the responsibility that comes with that. Responsibility, not in the sense of literally shouldering burdens, rather, in owning that you are responsible for the outcome of your life. Try and write down everything that could happen if you became your highest, most powerful self. Whatever irrational stuff comes up and then you can look at it and let it go. One thing you can’t do is try to “fake it til you make it”, that’s not the correct energy here. Rather, take the tiniest baby step, even though you’re afraid, toward your highest, most powerful —start the business, put on your running shoes, rent the studio space, whatever it is. Take the first step and invite the universe to meet you there. It’s our job to bring in the highest version of self because that’s how the whole world gets better. The gift allows you to see the potential in people and projects. There’s a potential for burnout here when you’re putting yourself last so watch that you’re nurturing yourself first.
Gate 44
Fear of the Past Repeating Itself
Spleen to Ego
You have an instinct for the past repeating itself (ie. you’re able to spot trends or patterns). The negative aspect or fear that can come up, is that it’s always been this way and it’ll never change. So remind yourself that your life can pivot in 2 seconds or change randomly in an instant. Embrace the past as a great teacher. But don’t let your past struggles or “failures” let you think that the future will just be more of the same. If you flipped a coin 10 times and 10 times it came up tails, the chance of it landing on heads the next time would still be 50%.
Gate 57
Fear of the Future
You are someone who’s prone to “future tripping” or worrying about the future and this can bring up control issues. You want to know what’s coming next to feel the most secure. However, the gift of this is that you have an instinct for what’s emerging, what’s new and now. And you can really help the rest of us navigate the future. Don’t pay attention to knowing “how” you see it, just recognize that you have this gift that comes to give you wisdom. And remember to stay grounded in the present. Trust yourself and your intuition.
Gate 48
Fear of Inadequacy
Spleen to Throat
You’re very prone to imposter syndrome and comparison and have a tendency to fear being inadequate. Not quite in the “I’m not good enough” way, which is universal, it’s more like “I don’t have what it takes”. You think, “Maybe I shouldn’t start ___, because I don’t have the qualifications yet?” or “Maybe I don’t have the same ___ that someone else who’s successful has”. But as the instinct for inadequacy, you can spot what’s missing in a project to make it better. Use this as a gift in your work, for other people, but not against yourself.
Gate 40
Giving to the Tribe
Ego to Solar Plexus
You’re the kind of person that wants to be at the center of the tribe, you have something of value to give, and you have a drive to give to your tribe. The energy to watch out for with this gift is: “the more I give, the more I validate myself”. You’re not meant to deplete your resources in service of the tribe, rather you’re meant to give whatever is easy for you, or whatever abundant resources you have.
Gate 26
Knowing the Right Way to Say Things
Ego to Spleen
You know how to phrase things so that it lands appropriately for the right people. You can have a sense that someone needs something and then you can help them become aware of the need for themselves. This makes you naturally able to sell or write words that sell. (However, because there is the potential to manipulate with this gift, you want to think: helping, not selling.)
Gate 51
The Need to Impact Others
Ego to G
It’s energetically correct for you to do things that allow you to make an impact on the world, by leaning into your gifts. You also want to loook at your thoughts to see how you might be blocking your impact with limiting beliefs. It’s about making friends with your desire to make an impact instead of putting it into shadow.
Gate 21
Instinct for How to Manage Resources
Ego to Throat
You have a natural instinct for how to manage resources, which could include money, materials, human resources, or anything on the physical plane. You know how to achieve an objective with the given resources. You don’t need to be the one controlling the resources per se but you know how to manage them.
Gate 25
Embrace Life with a Childlike Innocence
G to Ego
You have the gift of being able to embrace life with a childlike innocence. You have this innate ability to move through the world like everything is new, embracing the Buddhist “beginner’s mind”. You have a youthful, playful energy that other’s notice.
Gate 46
Love of the Physical Self and It’s Power
G to Sacral
One of your gifts in this life has to do with learning how to love and embrace your physical self and what it can do. By putting it in motion and really feeling the power of your physical body, you can make peace with your physical form, and integrate your mind with your body. Then you can help others do the same.
Gate 2
Vision for Turning Ideas into Reality
G to Sacral
You’re someone who can take ideas and see how to turn them into reality. You have a vision for how ideas can come together in a practical sense. The downside is a tendency to cling to the concrete aspects of life instead of honoring the equal importance of the abstract and you could be frustrated by strictly “ideas people”.
Gate 15
Acceptance of our Different Ways and Extremes
G to Sacral
You’re someone who has experienced extremes or been put in unusual circumstances by life. This is because you are a kind of envoy for humanity, exploring the edges of life and bringing back lessons as wisdom for the tribe.
Gate 10
Love of Life
You can help other people fall in love with life by being SO happy with your own life or with a certain aspect of life. However, beware of thinking your life isn’t good enough, or that you’re still waiting for your life to happen because you expect to be 24/7 in love with life. Sometimes, you just need to sit back and relish in the everyday joys of life. You need to master the love of life because you’re the light holder for others in this way. It starts with self love and acceptance.
Gate 7
Army Leader
G to Throat
You know how to organize people and who is right for each job. You’re really good at understanding other people’s capabilities and limitations. This makes you a great team leader, manager, or CEO, because you can help others use their strengths more easily and effectively. A potential negative is to think in terms of traditional hierarchy, where you have “subordinates” under you that you manage. Rethink traditional hierarchy and how you can share this skill.
Gate 1
The Ability to Create Newness for the Sake of Self-Expression
G to Throat
You’re someone who loves to try new things for the sake of self-expression. You are creative and can feel inspired to try this, and this, (and this!). But without the vision of how to execute your ideas on a practical level, you can have trouble grounding into reality. You need to keep things new because you think it says something about who you are. And you’re someone who can spot the potential for newness. But you need to understand creativity is a wave, so don’t make that mean anything about you when you’re in a creative dry spell.
Gate 13
Listening and Collecting Stories
G to Throat
People will want to open up to you and tell you their stories. You are a natural story keeper. So make an effort to listen, to find the nuggets of universal wisdom that you can then share with the collective. Make sure you give yourself time to process what you’ve collected with proper downtime to allow those stories to land in you. You can recount the stories as personal essays or fictional tales or however you want to create an empowering narrative.
Gate 33
Processing the Information that we’ve Learned
Throat to G
You’re someone who’s very good at processing what you’ve learned and also collective knowledge. This requires plenty of alone time to journal or take notes or think on it. Although, keep in mind, you don’t always have to “earn” what you know in this deep processing fashion.
Gate 8
The Tastemaker
Throat to G
You find cool things and then naturally want to share them. This is the perfect gift for a curator or art dealer. You can spot what’s hot or what others will like. You’re a natural role model and promoter.
Gate 31
Influential Energy
Throat to G
Without even trying, you have this naturally influential energy. Whatever you’re doing, other people want to do too. This doesn’t just apply to personal influence, it can be anything you bring your energy to —a project or product can become influential.
Gate 20
Effervescent Truth-Teller
You’re someone who is in the moment and charismatic. You are able to call BS on something but do it in a genuine and lighthearted way. So others can see that you’re really cutting through the noise and calling out what’s happening but in a positive way. And you can change people just by saying something so true without negativity; you can also bring people together.
Gate 16
Natural Talent Shared with Enthusiasm
Throat to Spleen
You have a natural talent that needs to be shared. It’s correct for the world to see you as talented and for you to be in service of this natural talent, rather than to think, “oh who am I to…”, know it’s your duty to share it. You can just feel grateful that you’re the one that gets to channel this talent from the light through to other people.
Gate 62
Spotting and Explaining the Facts
Throat to Ajna
You have the ability to spot the facts behind an argument and explain easily them because they seem so obvious to you. So you can cut through all the noise and just state the facts.
Gate 23
Ability to Explain in a Simple Cool-Headed Way
Throat to Ajna
You have the ability to explain things in a simple, cool-headed way. You can communicate concepts in a cool, calm, and collected way that makes it clear for other people.
Gate 56
Sharing your Take on the Facts of Life
Throat to Ajna
It’s energetically correct for you to share your take on the facts of life, not the objective facts. Because, even though you might not have evidence or peer-reviewed papers to back you up, there’s wisdom or a lesson or takeaway in these subjective or esoteric truths that may not be so easily measurable.
Gate 35
Love of Speaking about Experiences
Throat to Solar Plexus
You love to speak about your own experiences or other people’s. And this is important because it helps us realize where we’re going when we’re in a struggle, for example, because we can hear how someone else figured it out. The key thing is to make sure that what you are going to share is valuable and not just oversharing or telling a story with no point. If you see value in it it, someone else will, too.
Gate 12
An Amplifying and Dramatic Voice
Throat to Solar Plexus
You have an amplifying and dramatic voice —which doesn’t have to be your speaking voice. This gift is not something you really have to try to use, it’s just the way you phrase things that are a bit idiosyncratic or have some dramatic or unusual flair. This helps you get things across in a way that’s going to land well with people. You can be transformative and expressive. So you could be a great speaker or performer.
Gate 45
Directing People
Throat to Ego
You have a tone of voice that can get other people to take action (my mom calls this her “mom voice”). This is a great gift for any kind of director role where you need to manage a lot of different people toward a common goal. But it could also be used to just tell someone what to do, so be wary of misusing this energy.
Gate 11
Receiving Ideas
Ajna to Throat
Infinite ideas will come to you and that doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily meant for you or that you have to be the one to enact them all. You are a conduit for ideas for yourself and others. It’s about being able to sift through those ideas and know which ideas are for you, which are for others, and which are just kind of fun musings that don’t require any action. Whatever category, always write down your ideas.
Gate 43
Unique Opinions and Insights
Ajna to Throat
You have a very specific way of seeing things and this is just your natural lens, it’s not something you have to try to do, you’re able to easily see things in a certain way that’s just so obvious to you.
Gate 17
Substantiating Opinions
Ajna to Throat
You’re able to take interesting arguments and ideas and then create or find evidence to support them. This could be a useful gift for research, law, or so many areas of life. You inspire possibilities.
Gate 47
The Need to Have Revelations
Ajna to Head
It’s natural for you to want to have big revelations or “ah-ha moments” or divine inspiration. And you often do have these revelations. The key is not to force them, but allow them to come. You don’t need to know why, rather accept these knowings you receive.
Gate 24
Pondering to Get to the Truth
Ajna to Head
Rather than just knowing, you do well having time to contemplate to get to the truth. Your process is really to noodle on something on-and-off for a couple of days or a week and then all the sudden you’ll get the “ah-ha” you were looking for.
Gate 4
Love of Logic, Fear of Chaos
Ajna to Head
You have an intolerance for when things start to feel chaotic and so you may retreat away and just write a project off as too disorganized. But if you can realize that you’re here to help others find the logic and structure to avoid the chaos, then you’re using this energy correctly. Don’t run from the chaos, understand that when chaos starts to creep in, that’s your cue to step in and create order. You’re here to sort through unnecessary chaos and create systems and order. You’re a natural problem-solver and can create possibilities to experiment with.
Gate 63
Having Doubts and Needing an Answer
Head to Ajna
You’re someone that questions and wants answers. This is a good thing because it pushes you to get an answer for all of us. You can also sense when other people are having doubts, which means you sometimes feel pressure to get answers for them. But make sure you separate your own doubts from other people’s. Also, you can really sense when someone is faking it but internally having doubts.
Gate 61
Inner Knowing
Head to Ajna
You have the gift of inner knowing. This is just a pure, divine-given knowing. Things just come to you. You can channel in a truth. Resist the need to explain what you know or back it up with evidence. Others don’t have to agree or accept it but you need to accept that this is how you get to truth for yourself.
Gate 64
Breaking through Confusion to get to Clarity
Head to Ajna
You’re someone who wants to break through confusion and get clarity. Of course we all want clarity over confusion. But with you, there’s a deeper, “What’s this all for?” kind of energy. There’s a need to find the lesson. But not everything needs to have a lesson, some things just are. So make sure you don’t get stuck trying to analyze everything to find meaning. Instead, just accept that one day things will come to clarity for you. This is about trust and faith.