Gastrointestinal Flashcards
Which drug can discolor teeth?
What is myxedema?
severe hypothyroidism
What organ is known to hypertrophy during Myxedema?
Which four vitamin deficiencies can cause glossitis?
iron deficiency
Vitamin C
What two infections can cause glossitis?
Scarlet fever
Erythroplakia and leukoplakia are indicative of what type of hyperplasia?
squamous cell hyperplasia
Does leukoplakia or erythroplakia have a higher liklihood to transform into Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
What is the most common cause of oral cavity tumors?
Where can oral cavity tumors metastisize?
jugular node
Where does Basal Cell Carcinoma occur in the oral cavity? What is the #1 risk factor for development of BCC?
Upper lip
UV light
What two glands in the head are affected by Sjogrens Syndrome?
salivary and lacrimal
What are the two components of pleomorphic Adenomas?
epithelial cells and stromal cartilage
What marks a Pleomorphic Adenoma transforming into a malignant tumor?
Involvement of facial nerve
What type of tissue makes up a Warthin tumor?
What is another name for a Warthin Tumor?
Papillary Cystadenoma Lymphomatosum
Is a Warthin tumor more found in males or females?
What two cells make up a Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma?
epithelial and stromal
What is the most common TEF?
proximal esophageal atresia
distal tracho-esophageal fistula
What could be noticed on physical exam if an infant in utero has a TEF?
What does the R of VACTERL stand for?
renal defects and absent radius
What causes Plummer-Vinson Syndrome?
iron deficiency
Are hiatal hernias more common in men or women?
What drug could be discontinued to improve a sliding hernia?
What part of the diaphragm is absent during a Bochdalek Hernia?
What is the test for LES abnormalitites?
What does the LES pressure have to be in order to diagnose GERD?
less than 10 mmHg
A pleural effusion with amylase would be indicative of what condition?
Boerhaave Syndrome
What type of age distribution does Achalasia have?
What three drugs can be used for achalasia?
long acting nitrates
What is the most common type of Esophageal tumor?
Would squamous or adeno be more common in developing countries?
Which specific part of the esophagus would SCC be most common?
middle third
Which type of esophageal cancer is known for release a paraneoplastic syndrome pepritde? Which peptide is it?
What is Hb converted into by stomach acid?
BAO:MAO is normally what ratio?
What enzyme is deficient during Pyloric Stenosis?
What is the cause of gastroparesis?
autonomic neuropathy
What is the treatment of gastroparesis?
Which worm can cause a stomach disorder? Which stomach disorder is it? How is this worm acquired?
Hemorrrhagic gastritis
eating raw fish
What are more common, duodenal or gastric ulcers?
Which blood group is associated with Duodenal Ulcers?
Group O
Which blood group is associated with Gastric Ulcers?
Group A
Which type of ulcer has an increased BAO:MAO?
Which family of tumors can Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome be associated with?
MEN Type I
A duodenal ulcer past the proximal duodenum could be suggestive of what disease?
ZE syndrome
What other two tumors could ZE Syndrome be associated with?
Parathyroid or pituitary
A gastrin level over what is indicative of ZE Syndrome?
1,000 pg/mL
What is used to localize a ZE Syndrome tumor?
radiolabeled octreotide
Where does gastric cancer commonly metastisize?
Virchow nodes
What parasite is known to cause an invasive diarrhea?
Entamoeba histolytica
Lactase deficiency clasically effects which two ethnic groups?
Asias and Native Americans
What is the most common cause of pancreatitis in adults?
What is the most common cause of pancreatitis in children?
cystic fibrosis
What is the most common viral enteritis in AIDS patients? What is the treatment for this virus?
What is the most common cause of viral enteritis in adults?
What is the most common virus on cruise ships?
What is the most common cause of viral enteritis in kids?
Why does rotavirus cause diarrhea?
rotavirus damages ion reuptake
Which gram positive rod can cause enteritis?
Bacillus cereus
Does B. cereus form a toxin or release a preformed toxin?
release preformed toxin