Gastroenterology Buzzwords Flashcards
Autoimmune hepatitis
Anti-smooth muscle antibody presence
Rice Water like stools
Vibrio cholera
Crypt abscess/cryptitis
IBS - Chron’s
Onion skinning fibrosis and beading of bile ducts
Primary schlerosing cholangitis
Bird-beak appearance in lower GI tract is a sign of…
Bowel obstruction
Vesicular rash + weightloss
Coeliac disease
Cobblestone mucosa
Deep fissuring ulceration of mucosa found in Chron’s disease
mallory’s hyaline bodies
Alcoholic liver disease (acute hepatitis) Chronic active hepatitis
“Signet ring” on biopsy
Linitis plastica - diffuse stomach cancer
pale stool, abdo pain, jaundice
biliary obstruction
severe abdo pain and diarrhoea after drinking raw milk
Campylobacter infection
Abdo distension, caput medusae and shifting dullness
portal hypertension and ascites.
Grey Turners and Cullen’s signs positive
Acute pancreatitis
Carbon-13 breath test is for…
bacterial overgrowth
Corkscrew oesophagus on barium swallow
Diffuse oesophageal spasm