Gastroenterology Flashcards
how much is overfeeding?
> 200ml/kg/day
how to mgx regurgitation
most likely overfeeding
- normal in babies (reassure)
- divide to more feeds
- food thickeners
- lie in lateral position
if aspiration or bleeding: do 24h pH probe, barium swallow +
domperidone or omeprazole
if fails, oesophagoscopy
Investigations for GERD
clinical diagnosis if severe, consider: - barium swallow - 24 esophageal ph monitoring - endoscopy
how to mgx GERD
depends on simple or severe:
- thicken feeds
- nurse in upright position
- wind baby well after feeds
- domperidone or ompeprazole
- if recurrent aspiration, surgical fundoplication
usually resolve when weaned to more solid diet
what investigation must be done in neonates with bilous vomitting
contrast upper GI study.
barium swallow through to rule out intestinal malrotation (DJ junction or IC junction)
What is the mgx for intestinal malrotation
malrotation with volvulus is a surgical emergency - esp if there is systemic decompensation, impending perforation, bleeding (NG aspirate or PR) - resus and rush to theatre
else, elective sx
SX: Ladd Procedure
Causes of intestinal obstruction in infants
- anal atresia
- imperforate anus
- hirshsprung (colonic aganglionosis), intussusception, meconium ileus (cystic fibrosis)
Broad approach to vomitting
determine if bilous, bloody, nature (pulsatile? post tussive?), postural, and relation to feeding
- GI: infection GE, intestinal obstruction, GERD, intra abdominal inflammation (e.g. appendicitis, cholecystitits)
- neuro: migraine, raised ICP, meningitis
- metabolic: DKA, uremia, hypogly, adrenal insuff
- ENT: labyrinthitis, vestibular neuronitis, BPPV
- psych: buliemia
- others: toxins, pregnancy
Causes of acute diarrhoea
Osmotic o Food intolerance Secretory o Toxins Inflammatory o Bacterial o Viral o Fungal Altered motility o Thyrotoxicosis o Pseudo-obstruction
Causes of chronic diarrhoea
- Malabsorption syndromes
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Cholestasis
- Cystic fibrosis
- Intestinal
o Short gut syndrome
o Celiac sprue
How to prescribe ORS
< 5%: 10ml/kg/motion
5% - 10%: 50ml/kg/motion
10%: 100ml/kg/motion
for first 4 hours, then convert to 10ml/kg/motion
Causes of painful defecation
- Toilet training
- Changes in routine or diet
- Stressful events
- Intercurrent illness
- Unavailability of toilets
- Child’s postponing defecation
Constipation mimics
- Short segment Hirschsprung’s disease
- Hypothyroidism
- Anal stenosis
- Intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome
Special investigations in constipation
- stool test for occult blood (if constipation + ab pain, failure to thrive, diarrhoea, family hx of colon cancer or polyp)
- rectal biopsy with histopathologic exam and rectal manometry (hirschsprung)
- measurement of transit time with radio-opaque markers
Mgx for LT constipation
daily low dose PEG solution ( Polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution)