Gastroenterology Flashcards
Which anatomical structures are evaluated by the following radiologic studies?
- Barium swallow
- Gastric emptying study
- Small bowel follow through
- Barium enema
- Barium swallow
- esophagus, LES, stomach
- Gastric emptying study
- Stomach, pyloric valve, duodenum
- Small bowel follow through
- Stomach to terminal ileum
- Barium enema
- Rectum to appendix.
- Impaired peristalsis and decreased LES relaxation because of intramural neuron dysfunction.
- Pt
- progressive dysphagia of solid + liquids.
- regurgitaiton, weight loss, aspiration, heartburn.
- Dx
- manometry has increased LES pressure w/ incomplete relaxation and poor peristalsis.
- Tx
- dilation + myotomy = high risk for perforation
- botulinum toxin = pt who is poor surgical candidate.
- nitrates/ dihydropyridine CCB
**must perform EGD w/ Bx to rule out malignancy**
Red Flag signs for GERD
- Red Flag signs/symptoms
- bleeding, weight loss, dysphagia, odynophagia, protracted vomiting.
- In these cases consider performing endoscopy
Esophageal Cancer
- Types
- squamous cell carcinoma (alcohol and smoking. Typically upper 1/3)
- adenocarcinoma (obesity, Barrett’s. Typically lower 1/3)
- Pt
- progressive dysphagia, weight loss, GI bleed, vomiting, weakness, cough, hoarseness.
- Dx
- barium swallow (esopahgealnarrowing and mass)
- EGD is test of choice. ALlows for Bx of tissue.
- Tx
- esophagectomy for early disease
- radiation +/- chemotherapy if later stage.
- Causes
- H.pylori, chronic NSAID, alcohol, msoking, autoimmune disease.
- Pt
- epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, early satiety, weight loss
- Dx
- EGD w/ Bx.
- H.pylori (urea breath test) antral biopsy, serum antibodies.
- Tx
- stop offending medication
- H.pylori (-): PPI, H2 blocker.
- H.pylori (+): PPI, amoxicillin, clarithromycin. Metronidazole if PCN allergy.
Common causes of Upper GI bleeds
- Peptic ulcer
- Esophagitis
- Esophageal varices.
- Mallory weiss tears
- gastritis
- gastric/duodenal cancer.
Common causes of Lower GI Bleeds
- Arteriovenous malformation
- Mesenteric ischemia
- Meckel’s diverticulum
- Diverticulosis/-itis
- Hemorrhoids
- Ulcerative colitis
Management of Upper GI bleed
- ABC’s
- admit to ICU- npo
- type and screen 2 units PRBC.
- transfuse if Hgb < 7.0
- Labs
- CBC, PT, INR, BUN, Cr.
- NG lavage or EGD if uncertain of GI bleed location
- Meds
- IV PPI (omeprazole)
- variceal: octreotide
Once stabilized can perform EGD.
What are steps in managing lower GI bleed?
- Verify hemodynamic stability
- type and screen 2 units PRBC.
- Labs
- CBC, PT, PTT, BUN, Cr.
- EGD as needed
- Colonoscopy (if hemodynamically stable and not actively bleeding)
- if unable:
- angiography
- radionuclide scan (tagged RBC scan)
- capsule endoscopy
- if unable:
** the last 1-3 would only be used if there is still slow active bleed**
Whipple Disease
- Malabsorption d/t Tropheryma whipplei.
- Pt
- abd pain, diarrhea, weight loss, joint pain, neurological changes.
- Dx
- intestinal biopsy w/ blunting villi
- PAS (+).
- Tx
- IV ceftriaxone, 9-12mon Bactrim.
PAS(+), intestinal villi blunting. these alone should differentiate from celiac. Celiac does not contain PAS(+), nor does it include neurological deficits.
Tropical Sprue
- Tropica environment
- Pt
- steatorrhea, diarrhea, megaloblastic anemia, abd distention, pedal edema.
- Dx
- blunting villi.
- Inflammatory cells in lamina propria.
- Tx
- tetracycline
- folic acid.
Tropics, steatorrhea, MCV > 100 = tropical sprue.
Celiac disease
- Gluten (gliaden) sensitivity
- Pt
- Northern European ancestry
- Bulky, foul smelling diarrhea. Steatorrhea.
- weight loss.
- Iron deficient anemia, Osteopenia. dermatitis herpetiformis
- anti-IgA-transflutaminase antibodies. anti-endomysial ab (+)
- Bx: blunting villi w/ hypertrophic crypts.
- Tx
- gluten free diet.
- dermatitis treat w/ Dapsone.
Stool osmotic gap
Gap = 290 - 2 (Na + K) (50-100 Normal)
- Gap >125 = osmotic
- lactulose.
- celiac, whipple disease
- pancreatic insufficiency.
- Gap < 50 = secretory
- Carcinoid syndrome.
- VIPoma, gastrinoma.
- Cholera
Most likely diagnosis for each of the following:
- Chronic diarrhea + itchy grouped vesicles on elbows and knees
- Recent immigrant from Dominican Republic w/ foul-smelling chronic diarrhea + macrocytic anemia.
- Caucasian w/ foul chronic diarrhea + iron deficiency anemia
- Chronic diarrhea + arhtralgias + ataxia
- Chronic diarrhea + itchy grouped vesicles on elbows and knees
- Celiac disease
- Recent immigrant from Dominican Republic w/ foul-smelling chronic diarrhea + macrocytic anemia.
- Tropical sprue
- Caucasian w/ foul chronic diarrhea + iron deficiency anemia
- Celiac disease
- Chronic diarrhea + arhtralgias + ataxia
- Whipple disease
Bacillus Cereus
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- refried Rice
- Pt
- self limited diarrhea.
- Tx
- Hydration
Campylobacter jejuni
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- poultry
- Pt
- mostly watery diarrhea. +/- blood.
- second most common foodborne bacterial GI infection.
- Tx
- Hydration, fluoroquinolone or azithromycin
**Risk of guillain-barre syndrome and reactive arthritis (can’t see, can’t pee, can’t climb tree) conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthritis**
Clostridium botulinum
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- Honey (infants < 12mo) organism enters and locates into GI tract.
- Home-canned goods - ingestion of preformed toxin
- Pt
- NVD, bilateral symmetric descending weakness starting at head.
- Tx
- monitor. Intubate if needed.
- Botulinum antitoxin w/ Penicillin G
Clostridium difficile
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- Superinfection s/p antibiotics; clindamycin
- Pt
- watery or bloody diarrhea.
- Pseudomembranous colitis formation (grey mucous formation)
- Tx
- Metronidazole (unless alcoholic Hx/abuse)
- PO vancomycin (1st line in clinic. unsure for test)
Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC)
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- contaminated food/water
- Pt
- self-limited watery diarrhea
- Tx
- hydration.
Enterohemorrhagic E.coli(EHEC)
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- undercooked ground beef
- E.coliO157:H7
- Pt
- bloody diarrhea, vomiting, abd pain.
- Tx
- hydration, support. (no antibiotics as this will increase toxin release and worse disease)
Association: HUS (children) - thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, acute renal failure.
Staphylococcus aureus
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- poultry, egg, dairy at room temperature.
- Pt
- rapid onset of GI upset, diarrhea.
- onset within 2-6 hours of ingestion
- Tx
- hydration. self limited
Salmonella spp
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- raw meat, poultry, fresh produce.
- most common foodborne GI infection
- Pt
- bloody diarrhea, fever, vomiting
- Tx
- hydration
- fluoroquinolones
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- food and water ingestion
- Pt
- fever, nausea, vomiting, severe bloody diarrhea, abd pain, HUS (hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute renal failure)
- Tx
- hydration
- fluoroquinolone
- bactrim(TMP-SMX)
Vibrio cholerae
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- seafood ingestion
- Pt
- rice-water diarrhea
- electrolyte imbalance, death
- Tx
- aggressive hydration. Tetracycline, doxycycline.
Yersinia enterocolitica
Bacterial Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- pork, puppy feces.
- Pt
- diarrhea, pharyngitis, pseudoappendicitis
- Tx
- hydration replacement.
Giardia lamblia
Parasitic/Protozoal Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- Mountain water
- Pt
- greasy, foul smelling diarrhea.
- Malaise.
- Tx
- Metronidazole.
Dx: cysts + trophozoites in the stool.
Entamoeba histolytica
Parasitic/Protozoal Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- streams
- Pt
- bloody diarrhea. Abd pain.
- Tx
- Metronidazole (1st)
- Paramomycin (2nd)
Severe cases risk progression into liver abscess ( RUQ pain, liver abscess, diarrhea)
Cryptosporidium parvum
Parasitic/Protozoal Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- food or water
- Pt
- Immunocompromised.
- watery diarrhea, abd pain, malaise.
- Tx
- Nitazoxanide
Dx: Acid fast stain (+) for parasite.
Trichinella spiralis
Parasitic/Protozoal Gastroenteritis
- Source:
- undercooked pork
- Pt
- fever, myalgias, periorbital edema, eosinophilia, CNS changes, cardiac symptoms
- Tx
- albendazole, mebendazole.