Gastroenterology Flashcards
What are the most common causes of an upper gi bleed?
Peptic ulcers and oesphageal varcies.
Other causes inc gastritis/ erosions, erosive duodenitis, portal hypertensive gastropathy, malignancy, mallory- weiss tear, vascular malformation
Give 3 risk factors for peptic ulcers
alcohol abuse, renal failure, NSAID use, older age, anticoagulants, steroids
Give 3 risk factors for oesphageal varices
advanced liver disease, continued alcohol intake, anticoagulants
How do upper GI bleeds present?
- Epigastric pain
- haematemesis (active bleeding)
- coffee ground vomit (bleeding has stopped or is mild)
- malaena
- haematochezia (profuse UGIB or colonic bleeding)
- features of blood loss (shock, syncope, faint, dizziness, pale, cold, thready pulse, confusion, dehydration, oligourea, prolonged caprefill)
- features of underlying disease (dyspepsia, weight loss, jaundice, ascites, spider naevi, hepatic flap)
Describe the management of someone with an upper GI bleed who is haemodyanamicaly unstable
- stop +/- reverse anticoagulants
- activate major haemorrhage protocol (get O- blood, cross match)
- 2x large bore cannula
- secure airway and use suction
- run 500ml saline over 10 mins in one and blood in other
- platelets, FFP, vit K, prothombin complex may be needed
- arrange urgent endoscopy
- call 2222/ senior if severe or not improving
- consider catheter
- 15 mins obs until stable then hrly
- FBC U&E, LFT, clotting, cross match
What drug can be used if oesophageal varcies cause the UGIB?
Terlipressin IV 1-2mg/ 6hr - also give IV abx
When a pt with an UGIB is haemodynamically stable, what intervention do they need?
They also need 2x large bore cannula, cross matched blood if hb<7, terlipressin, fluids etc
What can be done if endoscopy fails to stop an UGIB?
Surgery or emergency mesenteric angiography/ embolisation
Sengstaken- blakemore tube can be used for oesphgeal varcies
What scoring system can be used to assess need for an endoscopy? What is accounted for in it? (8)
Blatchford score
Urea level, Hb, systolic BP, HR, malaena, syncope, liverfailure, cardiac failure
What scoring system is used after and before endoscopy for assessing risk of rebleeding and death? What is involved in it?
Rockall score
Age, comorbity (heart failure, IHD, renal and liver failure), shock, source of bleed, stigmata of bleeding
What interventions can be done during endoscopy to stop a bleed? (4)
- Clips
- Adenaline injections (not alone)
- Fibrin or thombin injections
- band ligation or transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts for oesphageal varices
- cauterisation
How is H. pylori identified and treated?
Identified with ureas breath test
Cured with 7 day course of PPI plus amoxicillin 1g and either clarithromycin 500mg or metronidazole 400mg all TDS
Describe differences in presentation between UC and crohns
- C younger pts more commonly, non blood diarhoea, smoking increase risk, perianal disease (skin tags, abcesses, fistula), mouth ulcers
- UC strong genetic link also, bloody diarrhoea, smoking protects,
Describe similarities in UC and crohns presentations
peak at 15-25 and 55-60, chronic diarrhoea with flares, colicky abdopain, urgency, tenesmus, systemic symptoms (malaise, anorexia, fever), abdo tenderness
Give 4 extraintestinal manifestations of IBD
- clubbing
- erythema nodosum
- pyoderma gangrenosum
- conjunctivitis
- iritis
- uvieitis (more in UC)
- episcleritis (more in CD)
- large joint arthritis
- anklyosing spondylitis
- fatty liver
- granulomata of skin
- kidney stones
- primary sclerosing cholangitis (more in UC)
How should IBD be investigated
- bloods: FBC, LFT, U&E, LFT, ESR, CRP, haematinics, iron studies
- stool culture and microscopy
- faecal calprotectin
- c diff toxin
- colonoscopy and biospies (2 from 5 sites in distal ileum and rectum for UC)
- AXR if toxic megacolon suspected (tender, distended abdomen)
- pelvic MRI if perianal disease which isnt simple fistula
- TMPT levels for azathioprine treatment
Describe the NICE guidelines for severity of IBD
Mild: <4 stools p/day, small blood in stools, no anaemia, HR<90, no fever, normal ESR and CRP
Mod: 4-6 stools, some blood, no anaemia, fever, HR<90, normal ESR and CRP
Severe: >6 stools, visible blood, systemic upset fever, high HR, anaemia, ESR or CRP up)