Gastroenterology Flashcards
UC pt with toxic megacolon - 1 week of bloody diarrhea refractory to medical therapy
immediate surgery if hemodynamically unstable (tachy, fever, hypotension) - if stable consider IV steroids
Hepatitis B
a/w polyarteritis nodosa
How to treat achalasia
surgical/lap myotomy in good candidates - only botulism inj or pneumatic balloon dilation if poor candidate for surgery
Dermatitis herpetiformis
a/w celiac dz - IgA dep in skin bx - tx with gluten free diet and dapsone (does not tx intestinal manifestation) - itchy papulovesicles - no relation to HSV - non infectious, dx with TTG/IgA titers
IBD-D - pt with painless watery diarrhea
ROME III criteria needs diarrhea AND abd pain - if no pain then need colonoscopy with biopsies to r/o microscopic colitis
H. Pylori serology
only test NOT affected by recent GIB or PPI use
Short bowel syndrome post op
need PPI - pt with acid hypersecretion in post op period - acid inactivates pancreatic lipase - causes diarrhea - don’t give cholestyramine - will bind little remaining bile salts and worsen diarrhea
Autoimmune Pancreatitis
Painless jaundice, diffusely enlarged pancreas, r/o’d for mass lesion, narrowed pancreatic duct, normal CA 19-9 and +IgG4 - trial of corticosteroids then immunomodulators (azathroprine) - if not then ERCP with stent
Acute uncomplicated diverticulitis
+WBC, abd pain, inflammation in colon on CT - if tolerating oral - oral flagyl and cipro ok - avoid colonoscopy in this setting (r/o perf)
Acute complicated divierticulitis
a/w abscess, fistula, obstruction, perforation, stricuture - needs surgery