Gastroenterology Flashcards
what are the organisms of gastroenteritis in the following?
- watery non bloody diarrhoea started a few hours after food
- watery non bloody diarrhoea after reheated rice
- canned foods/packed honey
- reheating meats - 24 hrs watery diarrhoea
- travellers diarrhoea - last 3-4 days
- fever, roth spots, constipation
- bloody diarrhoea, pain, fever
- farming or contact with animal faeces
- rice water stool/ shellfish
- bloddy diarrhoea lasting 20 days BBQ
- staph aureus
- bacilius cerues
- clostridium botulinum
- clostridium perfringes
- E coli
- salmonella typhi
- shigella
- yersinia
- vibrio cholera
- campylobacter jejuni
which antibiotics treat salmonella typhi?
ceftriaxone then switch to ciprofoxacin
which abx treat campylobacter jejuni?
clarithromycin or cipoifloxacin
which HLA are associated with coeliac?
HLA DQ2 and 8
what is seen on biopsy in coeliac?
villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia
(shorter microvilli and flat mucosa)
which dermatological condition is associated with coeliac?
dermatitis herpetiformis (on the elbows and knees)
what investigations should you do in someone who you suspect has coeliac?
in which pts should you test?
iron, folate, b12
blood smear - target cells, howell jolly bodies
IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase TTG
IgA anti-endomysial cell
OGD and duodenal biopsy
what is the investigation of choice for appendicitis?
CT abdomen
what are some signs of appendicitis?
rovsings - pain in RIF upon palpation of LIF
copes - pain on flexion and internal rotation of hip
psoas - pain on hip extension
what is the management for appendicitis?
prophylactic abx
lavage if perforation
how do you differentiate between biliary disease?
pain - biliary colic
pain and fever - cholecystitis
pain, fever, jaundice - cholangitis
what do LFTs in cholecystitis show?
normal billirubin, ALT/AST
raised amylase
raised ALP
what is reynolds pentad?
acute cholangitis
pain, fever, jaundice, hypotension, confusion
what is the 1st line investigation for cholangiocarcinoma?
CT abdomen
- abnormal LFT
- ca19-9 and CAE -not specific
what are some signs of primary billiary cirrhosis?
itching in middle ages woman
obstructive jaundice - pale stool dark urine
raised ALP/GGT
anti mitochondrial antibody
raised IgM