Gastroenterology Flashcards
What is intussusception?
Invagination of bowel into itself
Narrowed lumen, thickened overall bowel size
Occurs in infants 6 months - 2 years
More common in boys
What are the conditions commonly associated with intussusception?
Concurrent viral illness
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Cystic fibrosis
Meckel’s diverticulum
Intestinal polyps
What is the presentation of intussusception?
Sev, colickly abdo pain
Pale, lethargic unwell child
Redcurrant jelly stools
RUQ mass (sausage shaped)
Intestinal obstruction (abdo distention, absolute constipation, vomiting)
Recent URTI
What is the management of intussusception?
Diagnosis = USS / contrast enema
Reduce intussusception with therapeutic enemas (contrast, air, water)
Surgical reduction (if enema failed)
Surgical resection in case of gangrenous / perf bowel
What are the potential complications of intussusception?
Gangrenous bowel
Intestinal obstruction
What is the management of Omphalocoele / Exomphalos?
Staged closure starting immediately with completion at 6-12 months (gradual repair prevents respiratory complications)
? C section indication to prevent sac rupture
What is the management of gastroschisis?
Newborns to theatre as soon as possible after delivery (within 4 hours)
Vaginal delivery may be attempted