Gastroenterology 1 Flashcards
What parts of the GI tract are derived from endoderm?
GI tract epithelium, glands, and many organs that bud off: liver, pancreas, trachea
What 4 parts of the GI tract are derived from mesoderm?
Connective tissue/strome, muscles, peritoneum, spleen
The foregut forms which parts of the GI tract?
Celiac trunk, Mouth to Ampulla of Vater (including liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas)
The midgut forms which parts of the GI tract?
SMA, Ampulla of Vater to transverse colon
The hindgut forms which parts of the GI tract?
IMA, Transverse colon to rectum
What is mesentery?
Double layer of peritoneum that suspends abdominal organs from cavity walls
What is the mesentery derived from which germ layer?
Dorsal/Ventral mesentery covers…
Dorsal: Most abdominal structures; Ventral: Exists at the bottom esophagus, stomach, and upper duodenum
The ventral mesentery is derived from?
Septum transversum (mesenchyme tissue)
The Greater omentum hangs from the _______ and is formed from the ________
Greater curvature of the stomach; Mesogastrium
Where is the lesser omentum and what is it formed from?
Between the liver and stomach; Formed from ventral mesentery
The ‘lung bud’ comes off from what structure? What structure divides it from the esophagus?
Foregut; Tracheoesophageal septum divides diverticulum
Esophageal atresia develops due to…
Abnormal tracheoesophageal septum development; septum deviates posteriorly
What are 3 clinical features of esophageal atresia?
Polyhydramnios (baby cannot swallow fluid), Drooling, choking, vomiting (accumulation secretion), Cannot pass NG tube into stomach
Forms of Esophageal atresia
EA with tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF): most common, Pure EA, H-Type: esophagus and trachea connected by a fistula
What are 2 clinical findings in a patient with tracheoesophageal fistula?
Gastric distension (air in stomach on CXR), Reflux → aspiration pneumonia → respiratory distress
What is the treatment/prognosis for esophageal atresia?
Treatment: Surgical repair; Prognosis: sometimes residual dysmotility, GERD
The midgut begins development during which week of gestation?
Describe the development of the midgut.
Abdomen is too small so intestines herniate through umbilical cord (‘physiologic herniation’ visible on ultrasound!) → midgut rotates around SMA, continues to rotate after return to abdomen by 12th week → results in cecum in right lower quadrant
What is an omphalocele? What are 2 key features?
Persistence of normal midgut herniation through the umbilicus during development (Normally does not contain liver); Key features: Covered by peritoneum, Through umbilical cord
Liver-containing omphalocele occurs when…
Lateral embryonic folds fail
What is the clinical presentation of Omphalocele?
Normal GI function BUT associated with other conditions i.e. congenital heart defects (50%), neural tube defects
What 3 genetic defects are associated with Omphalocele?
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), Trisomy 13
What is Gastroschisis? What is a key characteristic?
Extrusion of bowel through abdominal wall due to paraumbilical abdominal wall defect (usually on right side); NOT covered by peritoneum
What is the clinical presentation of Gastroschisis?
Poor GI function, often associated with atresia, stenosis; Few associated defects → good prognosis if GI function is restored
What is the treatment for Gastroschisis?
Surgical reduction/closure
What are 3 possible outcomes of midgut malrotation during development?
Obstruction: Cecum can end up in mid-upper abdomen → stretches peritoneum forming Ladd bands → duodenal obstruction; Volvulus: small bowel twists around SMA → Vascular compromise → ischemia → obstruction; Left sided colon: anatomic variant
What are the symptoms and treatment for Volvulus?
Symptoms: Vomiting, sepsis, Abdominal distension; Treatment: urgent surgery
What is the most common congenital GI abnormality?
Meckel’s Diverticulum
By week 5, the yolk sac begins to ____ and becomes the ____
Narrow; ‘Yolk stalk,’ ‘vitelline duct,’ ‘omphalomesenteric duct’
Vitelline duct normally disappears by which week of gestation? Persistence can lead to what?
9th week; Persistence can lead to: Meckel’s diverticulum (most common), Cysts/polyps, Sinus: cavity behind umbilicus, Intestinal discharge from umbilicus
What is a Meckel’s Diverticulum?
Persistent remnant of vitelline duct, diverticulum of the ileum; Involves all layers of the small bowel (mucosa, submucosa, muscular) → ‘true diverticulum’
Meckel’s Diverticulum often contains what tissue?
‘Ectopic gastric tissue’, sometimes pancreatic tissue also
What are the symptoms of Meckel’s Diverticulum? What are 3 possible complications?
Usually no symptoms; Complications: Gastric tissue can secrete acid → ulceration, bleeding; Obstruction; Diverticulitis
What is the Meckel’s Diverticulum ‘Rule of 2s’?
2 percent of population; Male-to-female ratio 2:1; Within 2 feet from ileocecal valve; Usually 2 inches in size
What are 2 ways to diagnose Meckel’s diverticulum?
Technetium scan: Tracer taken up by gastric cells in diverticulum; Capsule endoscopy
When do Meckel’s diverticulum commonly present?
In childhood
What is the treatment for Meckel’s diverticulum?
Where is the most common and least common site of atresia/stenosis in the GI tract?
Most common: duodenum; Least common: colon
What are 2 common symptoms seen in GI atresia and stenosis at birth?
Polyhydramnios, Bilious vomiting
Duodenal Atresia occurs probably due to failure of…
Duodenal Atresia is associated with what condition?
Down syndrome
What sign on imaging is seen with Duodenal Atresia?
Double bubble sign (Distention of duodenum stump and stomach with tight pylorus in middle)
What is the mechanism of Jejunal-Ileal-Colonic Atresia?
Vascular disruption → ischemic necrosis of intestine → necrotic tissue is reabsorbed and leaves blind ends of bowel
In Jejunal-Ileal-Colonic Atresia, the bowel distal to the blind end may be…
Curled → ‘Apple tree atresia’
Newborns with Pyloric stenosis will present with [2]
‘Projectile,’ non-bilious vomiting; Palpable mass (Feels like ‘olive’)
Pyloric stenosis is more common in [M/F]. 30% are [1st/2nd] born children
Males; 1st
Spleen arises from [tissue]
Dorsal mesodermal tissue of the stomach
What is the arterial supply for the spleen?
Celiac trunk
Gastrosplenic (gastrolienal) ligament carries which 2 vessels?
Short gastric arteries, left gastroepiploic vessels
What structures are retroperitoneal?
SAD PUCKER: Suprarenal (adrenal glands), Aorta + IVC, Duodenum (2nd and 3rd segments), Pancreas (except tail), Ureters, Colon (ascending and descending), Kidneys, Esophagus, Rectum (partly)
What structures are intraperitoneal?
Stomach, appendix, liver, spleen, 1st part duodenum, jejunum, ileum, Colon (Transverse, sigmoid), Part of rectum, Tail of pancreas
Retroperitoneal bleeding often occurs as a complication of…
Surgical procedure (but many causes)
What are the borders of the greater sac?
Entire width of abdomen; Diaphragm to pelvic floor
Where is the lesser sac located?
Behind liver, stomach, lesser omentrum
Lesser sac is an [open/closed] space
What is the Epiploic foramen?
Opening between greater/lesser sac
What are 2 other names for the Epiploic foramen?
Omental foramen, Foramen of Winslow’s
Pectinate line (or Dentate line) is part of the…
Anal canal
What is the tissue above the pectinate line derived from? Tissue below?
Tissue above: hindgut; Tissue below: proctodeum (ectoderm)
The tissue above the pectinate line is composed of what type of epithelium? Tissue below?
Above: columnar (similar to digestive tract); Below: stratified squamous epithelium (similar to skin)
What artery supplies the tissue above the pectinate line?
Superior rectal artery (branch of IMA)
What is the venous drainage for the tissue above the pectinate line?
Superior rectal vein → inferior mesenteric → portal system
What is the lymphatic drainage for the tissue above the pectinate line?
Internal iliac nodes
Veins above the pectinate line can form [internal/external] hemorrhoids?
Tissue above the Pectinate line receives [somatic/visceral] innervation
Visceral (no pain)
Tissue above the Pectinate line is associated with what type of cancer?
Adenocarcinoma (rare form of anal cancer)
What artery supplies the tissue below the pectinate line?
Inferior rectal artery (Branch of internal pudendal artery, off iliac)
What is the venous drainage for the tissue below the pectinate line?
Inferior rectal → internal pudendal → internal iliac → IVC
What is the lymphatic drainage for the tissue below the pectinate line?
Superficial inguinal nodes