Gastro - Online MedEd - misc gastric Flashcards
Gastroparesis - what is it?
Gastric paralysis
Stomach fails to empty
Causes of gastroparesis
Presentation of gastroparesis
Delayed gastric emptying: chronic N/V, abdominal pain especially with eating
-Diabetic - peripheral neuropathy, but diabetic gastroparesis is peripheral neuropathy of vagus nerve!
Diabetic neuropathy
Nerves to feet are longer than nerves to stomach
So in order for diabetic gastroparesis to occur –> must have damage to feet already
Diagnosis of gastroparesis
Rule out PUD, cancers, gastric outlet obstruction
Scope negative –> go to next step, scope cannot make definitive diagnosis of gastroparesis, but might still see food in someone who has fasted
Definitive diagnosis: emptying study
What is emptying study
Radiotracer with scrambled eggs
Picture at 0, 2, 4 hours
>60% at 2 hours, >10% at 4 hours = this is positive test
-Must be off opiates, off anticholinergics and have good blood glucose control
Treatment of gastroparesis
Avoid opiates, avoid anticholinergics, maintain good blood glucose control
- Best agent: pro kinetic agents - metachlopramide (for stable disease, PO), arithromycin (acute flare, IV), domperidone (cardiac side effects)
- Low fiber and small volume meals
Diabetic gastroparesis - brittle diabetics - what is there picture?
Really high sugars preprandially and really low post prandially
Challenging to control blood sugars
Cyclic vomiting syndrome - what is it?
Linked to THC
This is not a withdrawal/dependent thing
Presentation of cyclic vomiting
Habitual MJ
MJ multiple times/day
Cyclical vomiting x weeks - when get symptoms, MJ makes them feel better
Diagnosis of cyclic vomiting
Clinical dx
Likely do EGD and biopsy to rule out other causes
Might even get emptying study
Treatment of cyclic vomiting
Stop MJ
Control N/V - ondansetron
Gastric carcinoma - what is it?
Increased incidence in east Asia
Linked to nitrites - preservatives, diet related
Gastric carcinoma - presentation
Early satiety - taking up space
Unintentional weight loss
Gastric outlet obstruction
*Usually late
Gastric carcinoma - dx
EGD and biopsy (sigma ring cells)
PET scan/Pan scan CT for staging (90% are already spread)