Gastro-oeospageal reflux disease Flashcards
What is GORD?
GORD is common and is said to exist when reflux of stomach contents (acid + bile) causes troublesome symptoms (>2 heartburn symptoms/wee) and/or complications.
If reflux is prolonged it may cause:
- Oesophagitis
- Benign oesophageal stricture
- Barrett’s oesophagus
What are the causes of GORD?
Lower Oesophageal sphincter hypotension Hiatus Hernia Loss of oesophageal peristaltic function Abdominal obesity Gastric acid hyper-secretion Slow gastric emptying Overeating Smoking Alcohol Pregnancy Surgery in achalasia Drugs (tricyclics, anti-cholinergics, nitrates) Systemic Sclerosis H. Pylori?
What are the symptoms of GORD?
Heart burn (burning, retrosternal discomfort after meals, lying, stopping or straining, relieved by antacids)
Acid brash (acid or bile regurgitations
Water brash (increased saliva)
Odynophagia (painful swallowing e.g. from oesophagitis or ulceration)
Extra-oesophageal: nocturnal asthma, chronic cough, laryngitis (throat clearing, hoarseness), sinusitis
How can GORD become complicated?
Oesophagitis Ulceration Benign stricture Iron deficiency Metaplasia --> dysplasia --> neoplasia Barrett's oesophagus
How is GORD investigated?
Endoscopy if:
- Symptoms for >4 weeks
- Persistent vomiting
- GI bleeding/iron deficiency
- Palpable mass
- Age >55
- Dysphagia
- Symptoms despite treatment
- Relapsing symptoms
- Weight loss
Barium swallow to show hiatus hernia
24 hr oesophageal pH monitoring monometry
Treatment for GORD?
- Weight loss
- Smoking cessation
- Small regular meals
- Avoid certain foods (hot drinks, alcohol, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, fizzy drinks, spicy foods, coffee, tea, chocolate)
- Avoid eating <3 hours before bed.
- Avoid nitrates, anticholinergics, Calcium channel blockers (relax lower oeosophageal sphincter)
- Avoid NSAIDs, potassium salts, bisphosphonates (damage mucosa)
Antacids e.g. gaviscon, magnesium trisilicate mixture
PPI e.g. lansoprazole
- increase resting lower oeosophageal sphincter pressure
How is GORD classified?
Los Angeles classification of GORD
1. >1 mucosal break(s), <5 mm long not extending beyond 2 mucosal fold tops
- Mucosal break >5 mm long, limited to the space between 2 mucosal fold tops
- Mucosal break continuous between the top of 2 or more mucosal folds but which involves less than 75% of the oeosophageal circumference
- Mucosal break involving >75% of the oesophageal circumference