Gastro Flashcards
MC congenital anomaly of the esophagus?
Esophageal atresia
MC form of EA wherein the upper esophagus ends in a blind pouch and the TEF is connected to the distal esophagus?
What type of intestinal atresia will produce an apple peel appearance?
MC symptom of malrotation in the 1st mo of life
Infants often presents in the 1st WOL with bilious emesis and acute bowel obstruction.
Older infants presents with episodes of recurrent abdominal pain that can mimic colic and suggest intermittent volvulus.
In older children, can manifest with recurrent episodes of vomiting and/or abdominal pain.
Patients usually present with malabsorption or protein-losing eneteropathy assoc with bacterial overgrowth
Long standing condition of this disease predisposes to metaplastic transformation of the normal esophageal squamous epithelium into intestinal columnar epithelium , termed Barrett esophagus, a precursor of esophageal adenoCA
Upper airway presentations have been linked with GERD in case reports and epidemiologic studies
Apnea and Stridor
Laxative abuse is an example of what type of diarrhea?
Constipation in the neonatal period is most likely sec to?
Hirschsprung disease
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, hypothyroidism
Method of choice to establish the diagnosis of peptic ulcer deisease
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy/ EGD
Ulcers in children can be classified as?
Primary peptic ulcers, which are chronic and more often duodenal
MC ingested foreign body in children
Hallmark of duodenal obstruction
bilious vomiting without abdominal distention
A day old male who had abdominal distention and bilious vomiting should be initially treated with?
Defined as voluntary or involuntary passage of feces into inappropriate places at least once a month for 3 consecutive months once a chronologic or developmental age of 4 yr has been reached
Drug that can be used to do rapid rectal disimpaction
Glycerin suppository
During gestation, hallmark of lack of normal swallowing or of esophageal or upper GI tract obstruction
MC esophageal disorder in children and of all ages
Most serious complication of oropharyngeal dysphagia
life-threatening aspiration
Foundation of GERD therapy which can be effectively implemented through education and reassurance for parents
Conservative therapy and lifestyle modification
Provide the most potent anti-reflux by blocking the hydrogen-potassium adenosine triphosphate channels of the final common pathway in gastric acid secretion
MC congenital anomaly of the GI tract
Meckel diverticulum
MC cause of acute pseudo-obstruction
Ogilvie syndrome
Plain radiography in the evaluation of the respiratory distress might reveal a coiled feeding tube in the esophageal pouch and/or an air-distended stomach, indication presence of?
Tracheoesophageal Fistula
Congenital anomaly of the esophagus might come to medical attention later in life with chronic respiratory problems, including refractory bronchospasm and recurrent pneumonias
TEF in the absence of EA
Gold standard for diagnosing Hirschprung disease
Rectal suction biopsy
Signifies a failure of complete relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter (UES)
Cricophrayngeal achalasia
This manifest with regurgitation and dysphagia for solids and liquids and may be accompanied by undernutrition and chronic cough
Currarino triad includes
Anorectal malformations
sacral bone anomalies
presacral anomaly
Usually diagnosed in the neonatal period sec to a distended abdomen, failure to pass meconium and/or bilious emesis or aspirates with feeding intolerance
Hirschsprung disease
Is required for the absorption of vitamin B12
Intrinsic Factor
Bile acids and vitamin B12 are selectively absorbed in the?
Surgical closure of a cleft lip is usually performed by?
3 mos of age
Closure of the palate in healthy child is performed by?
12 mos of age
Most effective preventive measures against dental caries is?
Water fluoridation
The 1st permanent molar erupt at about what age?
6 yrs old
Antibiotic that is associated with Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis when used in neonates?
Initial symptom of pyloric stenosis?
Nonbilious vomiting
MC cause of GI bleeding
Erosive damage to the mucosa of the GI tract
Most valuable procedure in the evaluation of neonatal hepatobiliary disease and provides the most relieable discriminatory evidence
Percutaneous liver biopsy
Clinically apparent jaundice in children and adults occurs when the serum concentration of bilirubin reaches
Portal hypertension is defined as portal pressure greater than
In infants (younger than 1 yr old) with inguinal hernia, repair should proceed within
2-3 wks
Smallest known animal virus, is considered defective because it cannot produce infection without concurrent HBV infection
Compatible to a hepatitis which is transmitted through fecal-oral route
Most prevalent hepatotropic virus
HAV infection
Period of communicability of HAV infection?
2 wk before and approximately 7 days after the onset of jaundice
Most important risk factor for acquisition of HBV
Perinatal transmission
Preterm infants weighing <2kg at birth should have their initial dose of Hepa B vaccine at what age?
1 month
Is an alternative or concomitant response to injury caused by extrahepatic or intrahepatic obstruction to the bile flow
In normal liver edge can be felt up to how many cm below thr right costal margin
2 cms
MC acute surgical condition in children and a major cause of childhood morbidity
Single most reliable finding in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis
Localized abdominal tenderness
AR disorder that can be assoc with degenerative changes in the brain, liver disease and Kayser-Fleisher rings in the cornea
Wilson Disease