Gastic Pharmacology Flashcards
Peptic ulceration signs and symptoms
Epigastic pain-> variable in relation to food Hunger pain which is relieved by eating Night pain which is relived by food Water brash Nausea Haematemesis
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Leads too oesophagitis Risk increased by: Obesity Pregnancy Drugs Burning pain that gets worse on bending down Causes: Weak sphincter Relaxation of sphincter by drugs Increased intra abdo pressure
Peptic ulceration causes
Caused by helicobacter pylori infection in 70% of cases
Remainder mostly NSAID induced
May lead to chronic inflammation and gastric damage
Test for H pylori
Urea breath test
Drink C13
C13 urea is broken down by urease (H.pylori) to produce NH3 and CO2
Biopsy for urease activity
H pylori antigens/antibodies in the blood
Warning signs for poetic ulceration
Aged 55 and over Weight loss Anaemia Dysphagia Haematemesis Melaena Upper abdominal masses Persistant symptoms Onset of new symptoms
Control of acid secretion
Increased: Gastrin Histamine Acetylcholine Decreased: Prostaglandins Bicarbonate and mucous release
Goals of treatment
Symptomatic relief or cure Life style changes: Avoidance of causative drugs Avoidance of causative factors GORD propping up bed, removing belts Suppression of acid release Mucosal protection Cure may involve suppression of acid release to allow natural healing and irradiation of H pylori
raise pH
Sodium bicarbonate, magnesium hydroxide, aluminium-> buffer H
Aliginic acid combines with saliva to form a viscous foam which floats on the gastric contents-> protects oesophagus during reflux
H2 receptor antagonists
Antagonise histamine
Cimetidine, ranitidine (2 weeks OTC) famotidine
Low does short term OTC, referred if over 45
Decrease proton pump action-> decrease cAMP-> decrease acid production
Symptomatic relief-> haven’t removed cause
Reduce he need for surgery
Take at night
Inhibits cytochrome p450 and therefore the metabolism of other drugs-> important drug interactions
Oral anticoagulants
Tricyclics antidepressants
Proton pump inhibitors
Omeprazole (low does OTC),pentoprazole, lensoprazole
Irreversible inhibition of the proton pump-> H/K ATPase
Activated by acid
Inhibit H secretion by more than 90%-> achlorhydria
Increased risk of infection
Prokinetic drugs
Cause gastric emptying
Used for GORD
Domeperidine-> increased closer of oesophageal sphincter->opens lower sphincter
Metocloperamide-> locally increase gastric motility
Helicobacter pylori eradication
Most effective treatment for long term cure
2 antibiotics:
PPI or H2 antagonist
Sometimes bismuth chelate-> kills Hpylori,coats ulcer, absorbs pepsin, increases prostaglandin production, increases HCO3 secretion
Non H pylori dyspepsia
Stepping approach
1 Antacid or Aliginates+antacid
2 H2 antagonists
Ulcerogenic effects of NSAIDS
Inhibit the arachidonic acid pathway
Steroids-> lipocortin-> inhibit PLA2 so arachidonic acid can’t be produced
NSAIDS-> inhibit COX-> arachidonic acid can’t be converted to prostaglandins (protective)
Cyclooxygenesis-> COX
Exists as two isoforms
COX-1-> physiological->gastric protection
COX-2->pathological-> inflammation
Most NSAIDS inhibit both
COX-2 selective-> less GI side effects celecoxb
Minimising GI damage
Prophylaxis with PPI
H2 antagonists less or ineffective
Give in combination with misoprostol-> stable PGE analogue-> acts on prostanoid receptors to inhibit gastric H secretion
Take with food