GASB Flashcards
List the three categories of funds for state and local governmental entities.
Governmental Funds;
Proprietary Funds;
Fiduciary Funds.
What fund is used to account for business-type activities?
Proprietary Fund.
What is the measurement focus basis of accounting for proprietary fund types?
Accrual accounting: Flow of economic resources.
What are the revenue recognition criteria under modified accrual accounting?
Measurable; Available.
List the five types of governmental funds.
General Fund; Special Revenue Funds; Capital Project Funds; Debt Service Funds; Permanent Funds.
What is the measurement focus basis of accounting for governmental fund types?
Modified accrual: Flow of current expendable financial resources.
List the four types of fiduciary funds.
Pension Trust Funds;
Private-Purpose Trust Funds;
Investment Trust Funds;
Agency Funds.
List the two types of proprietary funds.
Enterprise Funds;
Internal Service Funds.
What is the basis of accounting in which budgetary accounting is used?
Modified Accrual Basis.
Is the normal balance of the encumbrances account a credit or a debit?
What budgetary account represents the estimated dollar value of outstanding purchase orders?
Encumbrances account.
What are encumbrances?
the estimated dollar value of outstanding purchase orders
What budgetary account represents the legally mandated spending limit?
Appropriations account.
What do appropriations represent?
the legally mandated spending limit
Is the normal balance of appropriations account a credit or a debit?