Gas transport and Exchange Flashcards
What is Dalton’s law?
law of partial pressures
Pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum (Σ) of the partial pressures (P) of gases in that mixture
What is Fick’s law?
Law of diffusion
Rate of diffusion proptional to conc. Gradient, SA, diffusion capaicty
Inversely proportion to thickness
What is Henry’s law?
Law of solubility
At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas that dissolves in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid
What is Boyle’s law?
Law of pressure
At a constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure of that gas
What is Charles’ law?
Law of temperature
At a constant pressure, the volume of a gas is proportional to the temperature of that gas
What are the percentages of inspiratory gases?
N2: 78.2 O2: 20.9 Ar: 0.9 C02: 0.04 neon, xenon, helium and hydrogen: 0.04
How is partial pressure calculated?
Fraction x pressure
What happens to air as it passes thorugh the airways?
- Warmed
- Humidified (increased atrial pressure of water vaour) in conducting airways
- Slowed
- Mixed
- Significant decrease in oxygen concentration and increase in CO2 concentrations in respiratory airways
What happens on the onset of tidal inspiration?
- Fresh air enters lungs
- Mixed with functional residual capacity
- Causes O2 to decrease and CO2 to increase in air reaching alveoli
What is the VO2 of oxygen consumed?
min. 250
Can’t be met by dissolved oxygen
What is the structure of haemoglobin?
- ferrous iron ion (Fe2+; haem- ) at the centre of a tetrapyyrole porphyrin ring
- connected to a protein chain (-globin)
- covalently bonded at the proximal histamine residue
- Haemoglobin tetramer has two alpha and two either (beta, delta, gamma)
What are the types of Hb?
HbA is main Hg
Isoform is A2
How does Hb bind?
Haemoglobin bad at bonding to O2 without O2 – cooperative binding
Binding site in midlle generated through binfing
What does allosteric mean?
Changes depending on what ligands are bound or unbound
- Conformation of Hb changes from tensed to relaxed state the more O2 binds to it
- Binding site for 2,3 DBG (disphosphoglycerate) is exposed in centre
○ Cofactor in red cell energy production - Binds to 2 beta subunits and pushes them into tense state
- Promotes oxygen unloading
What proportion of blood is methaemoglobin?
0.5 to 1%
How is haemoglobin converted into haemoglobin?
Methaemoglobin reductase
How do oxygen dissociation curves look?
see notes
Relationship is actually sigmoidal
- Remains almost fully saturated across physiological range of lung
- At level of respiring tissue steep relationship between PO2 and Hb saturation
- Very efficient at loading in lungs and unloading in respiring tissue
How are oxygen dissociation curves monitored?
P50: atrial pressure at 50% saturation
○ Used as index for oxygen affitnity