Gas Exchange in the lungs Flashcards
How does oxygen get from the atmosphere to the cells?
- O2 inhaled from the atmosphere into the alveoli within the lungs
- O2 diffuses from alveoli into blood within pulmonary capillaries
- O2 transported in blood, predominantly bound to haemoglobin
- O2 diffuses into cells/tissues for use in aerobic respiration
- CO2 diffuses from respiring tissues to blood-exchanged at lungs
what does gas exchange involve?
involves diffusion of blood gases through multiple structures and mediums
there are a number of events that take place in order for o2 to get from alveolar air to binding to haemoglobin - what can get in the way of these steps?
if one of the structures gets thicker/wider/scarred, it can potentially impact on the rate of diffusion or gas exchange
when must oxygenation occur?
oxygenation of blood must occur during the brief time taken for RBCs to flow through pulmonary capillaries
does blood flow through the capillaries very quickly or very slowly?
very quickly
0.5 seconds
how does thickening of the blood gas barrier affect diffusion
there is reduced diffusion, as it makes the oxygenation process slower, so that by 0.75 seconds when the blood is leaving the capillary, the blood may only be partially oxygenated
what is the consequence of blood only being partially oxygenated?
person gets breathless (hypoxic) extremely quickly
what occurs during exercise?
blood flows through capillaries at a faster rate due to the increase in CO
what determines the rate of diffusion?
- alveolar surface area
- diffusion distance
- partial pressure gradient between alveolar air and capillary blood
explain how the factors have to be in order to get maximal diffusion:
↑ partial pressure gradient
↑ surface area
↓ distance (barrier thickness)
what does diffusion distance mean?
how thick are the structures that gases have to diffuse past to get from the alveolar air to the blood
eg. basement membranes, walls of alveoli, alveolar fluid layer
what does alveolar surface area mean?
it means: what is the total surface area over which gas exchange can occur?
how can the partial pressure gradient be negatively affected, reducing diffusion?
- partial pressure gradient can be impaired if you start to hypoventilate, because you don’t breathe at a sufficient rate to meet the demands of the body (breathing too slow)
- you’re not putting in enough o2 from the atmosphere to the lungs, and you’re not getting rid of enough co2 from the lungs to the atmosphere
- so, there is a reduced partial pressure gradient between the blood and the alveolar air and then reduced gas exchange.
how can surface area be negatively affected, reducing diffusion?
- you want a v. high SA, which alveoli naturally have because of their 3d structure
- in emphysema because of the inflammatory pathology that is associated with chronic cigarette smoke exposure, you get damage to the overall structure of the alveoli
- alveoli start fusing together, decreasing the overall SA to volume ratio
how are the pressure gradients between alveoli and blood maintained?
adequate ventilation
how is the air inside alveoli different to atmospheric air?
the air inside alveoli is slightly stale because of the residual volume
in what situation will the partial pressures of gases in alveolar air start to resemble atmospheric air?
as ventilation increases and the depth of each breath becomes greater
how does increasing ventilation affect the partial pressure of o2 within alveoli?
partial pressure of o2 within alveoli increases as ventilation increases
as hypoventilation increases what happens?
o2 will be taken out of the alveolar air at a rate that is not replaced by fresh air coming from the atmosphere
leads to decreased partial pressure of o2 within alveoli, causing causes hypoxaemia (decreased partial pressure of o2 within the arterioles)
how does increasing ventilation affect the partial pressure of co2 within alveoli?
the partial pressure of co2 within alveoli decreases as ventilation increases
what is the consequence of not breathing on co2 levels?
if you stop breathing co2 will just build up in the alveoli, until the partial pressure of co2 in the alveoli = the partial pressure of co2 in the capillaries
relationship between rate of breathing and and co2 levels in arterial blood?
the greater the rate of breathing, the lower the level of co2 within arterial blood
the more gas exchange takes place and the more co2 you can expel from your lungs
what is perfusion?
blood flow through pulmonary capillaries
what else do you require for maintaining pressure gradients for diffusion?
adequate perfusion
why does perfusion need to be matched to alveolar ventilation?
perfusion (Q) needs to be matched to alveolar ventilation (V) to enable efficient gas exchange, as there is a maximum amount of o2 each unit of blood can carry.
explain what the V/Q ratio is:
V/Q ratio describes the relationship between perfusion and ventilation
what should the V/Q ratio ideally be at?
1 (at rest, 0.8 - 1)
because 1L of blood can carry ≈200mLO2, and 1L dry air ≈ 200ml O2
what does it mean when the V/Q ratio starts to become substantially different to 1?
indicates that there is impaired gas exchange overall, potentially resulting in hypoxia
name a homeostatic mechanism that exists to reduce ventilation-perfusion mismatching:
hypoxic vasoconstriction of capillaries
- this is where blood flow is diverted from poor to well ventilated alveoli
- decreased partial pressure of o2 induces this vasoconstriction
- occurs when the V/Q ratio differs substantially between alveolar units
how does the body deal with an increase in the partial pressure of co2?
a reflex hyperventilation is induced that clears the excess co2
name some factors that cause an increase in the V/Q ratio (ventilation without perfusion)
- Heart failure (cardiac arrest)
- Blocked vessels (pulmonary embolism)
- Loss/damage to capillaries (emphysema)
- reduced perfusion of lung regions
- the affected alveoli becomes physiological dead space as no gas exchange occurs
explain what happens during a pulmonary embolism:
- clot forms within the vasculature, blocks one of the major blood vessels/ 1 of the pulmonary arteries serving one of the alveoli or a region of the lung, so blood cannot get to this part
- this alveoli is still being ventilated so V stays the same, but Q is decreased
- you have to increase ventilation to the alveolus that is receiving the blood to compensate and prevent hypoxaemia from occuring
name some factors that cause an decrease in the V/Q ratio (perfusion without ventilation)
- Pneumonia, acute lung injury, respiratory distress syndrome, atelectasis
- Blood moves from the right heart to the left, without taking part in gas exchange (shunt).
what happens in shunt to cause a decrease in the V/Q ratio?
- alveolar oedema occurs in one of the alveoli due to lung injury eg. the left one, leading to decreased gas exchange
- so, the blood is coming back at 60% saturated and leaving the alveoli at 60%, but in the right the blood is leaving at 100%
- the blood from these 2 sides mixes to go to systemic circulation, and instead of being at 100% the saturation is now 75% - decrease!
how is the problem in shunt overcome? what is the important thing to remember
- pump lots more o2 into the working alveoli, increasing gas exchange
- deoxygenated blood mixing with the blood that’s coming from the well-ventilated places means you’ll never be able to get back to healthy oxygen saturation unless you deal with the cause of the shunt in the first place
give 2 reasons a patient could be hypoxaemic?
1) not breathing at a sufficient rate/not ventilating their lungs properly
2) oxygen that’s getting into their alveoli can’t get into their blood efficiently
what is the RER
respiratory exchange ratio
ratio between the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced and oxygen (O2) used in metabolism
what is the ratio between the amount of o2 the body uses and the amount of co2 it produces determined by?
the type of metabolism that is taking place
-e.g. when you derive energy from carbs you have a certain ratio of o2 consumed to co2 produced, and using fats and lipids mean you use a slightly diff ratio
what 2 things can be used to investigate the causes of hypoxaemia, and how are they used?
- alveolar gas equation
- alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
- work out the partial pressure of oxygen within alveoli
- compare that to partial pressure of oxygen within the blood
- see if there is a big difference between the 2, i.e. is gas exchange being efficient
- can see if hypoventilation or blood oxygenation are contributing to hypoxaemia